
play pretend your ok (slam)

When did everyone disregard the word safe?

When did glitter and ponies leap from life's cliff and be replaced by skulls and the thought of suicide? The idea the world has been put down like a dog in a kennel has changed the idea that safety is no longer a word in our vocabulary That parents are abusive and we live to the age of 16.

We don't have to pretend that the hurt isn't painful, that the sting of the heart doesn't cause tears

This generation has a thing for pain, for selfishness and gain that only benefits them....somehow

Cutting, bruising, burning and harm do nothing absolutely nothing, today suicide is a threat to what we want, to the people who 'won't listen'

They listen, you don't

Don't pretend that you haunt your Bain like a nonchalant, that's not how depression works forcing people to recognise, why do you push away from your allies?

Your eyes and cries won't affect the unwise choices you made to fake.

Be content with the fact your fine, your okay that you don't need pills and a prescription just to make you feel important

Your not

You made the world a worse place

Good job younger generation for the medal you so desperately needed, did you need it? Or did you deliberately break others just to break yourself, call me a bull, call me insensitive but think the reasons why we can be happy and live that way instead of coming up with demons.

You are. Ok

My guidance counsellor had said a thing that I can't forget and will forever hurt me i just hope whoever's hurting finds someone who isn't as mean as she was