
I will fall

Am I not enough for you? Am I just a thing to you, a cleaning maid, a random person who lives with you,

Why do I feel the need to write this,

Why do I feel like every time I need a shoulder to lean on you're not one of them.

If I could magically wipe the walls of my mind halls, I would, but my flaws are mine and you can not just press pause on the fact I am me.

Maybe I could try a little harder,

Maybe I could run a little faster,

But how can I grow if you talk down to the rest of us like I can't hear you,

Like I can't see you.

Is that cause You can't see me, well that's what it feels like, but my feelings aren't anything important as the shores of everyone else wash away my importance, only to indulge into a substance that only numbs the pain that consistently hits my brain.

Stop blaming me,

Stop blaming me for the messes on the floor, that spread on and on. The ones you think make up everything, what for? A way to blame me? that wasn't called for.

I don't want to do this anymore

To think I am worthless

Am I worthless?

Am I worth less then the rest of what you think are blessed because if that's true I will fall apart, I don't have any spear parts to fix the damage you create just to restart,

you're supposed to be there to catch me when I fall, but I can't see you, just a pit of empty goals and broken glass threatening to eat me whole, I feel like a dumb-ass,

I'm going downhill

I will lose it

I don't want to

But I will