
A Chance To Become An Adonis

Laying in his own pool of blood, Lu Chen watches his wife being embraced by another man. He couldn’t believe it. If there is any way possible, Lu Chen wanted to tear them apart from each other, yet nothing. Lu Chen couldn’t do anything as he slowly dies. And the final words he will ever hear was, “You will always be nothing but second place.” Then a bullet went through his chest. Before Lu Chen had lost all consciousness, endless regret begins to flow through him. The people that cared for him he ignored, people that trusted him he betrayed. The only thing he had on his mind was; a second chance. However, it is as if somebody had heard him plead. Lu Chen was sent back to his 18-year-old body. He didn't want to believe it, yet he had to. Lu Chen couldn't waste this opportunity. What will the young man do to change his future? Hello guys. I will be posting 2 chapters every 2 days somewhere between 9:00-10:00 pm. Also, Penname will be Cai Xi Peng. Illustrator of my cover: Famahima (This novel is all rights reserved) Discord link: https://discord.gg/Ge8JfDk33C Patreon: patreon.com/placeintime Please note that I will be posting on RoyalRoad and Webnovel as well.

Teaisnice · 都市
740 Chs

Chapter 682: The CEO

Chapter 682: The CEO

"I'm here." Kong Qingzhu stared at the front building of ARCS. This was going to be the new place she would be working at.

Kong Qingzhu's heart couldn't stop beating. If someone told her she would be working at ARCS, Kong Qingzhu wouldn't believe it. But now she was.

But as she stared, she also noticed there were many girls there.

"Brother Zhang Jian!"

"Chu Jingyi, please come out!"

From the screaming, they were avid fans of Chu Jingyi and Zhang Jian. She shook her head and took a deep breath. She walked up to the entrances.

When she got close to the door, the security guard blocked her way, "I'm sorry, but please leave. No one can enter the building without a meeting." With how many fans came to the door, the security was tightened to protect the employees.

"Umm, I'm here because I became a trainee here." Kong Qingzhu explained with a fidgeting expression. The security guard frowned and talked into his walkie-talkie. It only took a few seconds before the security guard answered,

"Are you Kong Qingzhu?"

"Mmhmm." Kong Qingzhu nodded and took his idea out to show them.

"Ahh, please go inside. The CEO is expecting you. You only need to wait in the lounge. Someone would come to bring you."

"Thank you." Kong Qingzhu bowed and quickly entered the building. But a thought hit her. Wait, the CEO? As Kong Qingzhu waited in the longue, a person came to her.

"You must be Kong Qingzhu." Duan Huiling smiled as he stared at Kong Qingzhu. I see why the CEO is so interested in her. Looking at her right now, she could see the potential she had.

"Hello!" Kong Qingzhu bowed her head. Kong Qingzhu smiled and greeted,

"My name is Duan Huiling. I'm the director of ARCS."

"The director?" Kong Qingzhu's eyes widened. She didn't think such an influential figure would meet her.

Duan Huiling smiled, "Mmhmm. I will bring you to the CEO."

"Understood." Kong Qingzhu followed Duan Huiling. Her steps were heavy as she followed Duan Huiling. She was so afraid. She was meeting with the CEO of ARCS!

"CEO. Kong Qingzhu has arrived." Duan Huiling knocked on the door,

"Come in." Duan Huiling opened the door. When Kong Qingzhu looked up to see who was in the chair.

"Hello, Kong Qingzhu?" Lu Chen had a smile on his face as he greeted Kong Qingzhu. But Kong QIngzhu didn't respond to him but shouted,

"You're the CEO?!"

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