
A Chance in DxD

If I Died I wanted to be reborn! And what better way and where than to be reborn into DxD! I'm a simple man, I see boobs, I like That has been my motto and I will live by it! Note : Braindead FF, No Brain is needed, just monkey through it since this is wish fulfillment

OpSig · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


"So where's Rias?"

Sona asked me, right now the people in ORC was me, Kiba and Koneko, Akeno and Rias were missing.

"They were tired from completing contracts last night, they said they did it so they would be guilt free of not doing it for the upcoming days."

False, I banged them two days consecutively, I told Rias about Akeno, at first she wasn't surprised but she was jealous, so she told me to bang her until she passed out while Akeno had to watch.

Either way it was still a win-win situation for me, but I felt bad for Kuroka, when she arrived the two were passed out and she wanted to sleep with me, I told her to wait for another month and she nodded saying she was just here to check up on me.

"I see, I was gonna ask what they would think, well you're Her Fiancé so I guess you could substitute in for her and I guess you I should be really the one to tell you."

"Why is there something wrong?"

"It concerns about the future of my house as well as yours and the Gremory?"

"Is Kuoh being attacked? Or am I going to get authority over Kuoh?"

"No and no, its ah damn it, why did I have to tell my sister, I hate how honest I have to be but."

Sona coughed and looked at Kiba and Koneko, the two were confused and looked at me.

"Beats me, why don't you just tell them."

"Can you two go out for a second? I need to speak with Haru, alone."

The two nodded and quickly left, since Sona looked serious, but when they did Sona turned red form embarrassment, knowing that the atmosphere had turned somewhat tense, Haru coughed.

"What's your relationship with Seekvaira?"

"Rental Girlfriend."

"Really? The two of you looked really close?"

"Some things happened between us, that's all you need to know, and is that what you really wanted to know?"

"Yes, do you remember beating me in chess a while ago?"

"Right, the record right now is 49-10 in my favor right?"

Sona flinched, I usually let her win, or make her think she could win from time to time so her confidence wasn't shattered, since she was so insistent I had to also beat her down thoroughly.

As an advocate of gender equality I had to sometimes make her lose miserably and let her feel the horror of being outwitted and losing, making her feel like she was a six year old child playing against an 80 year old grandmaster in chess.

"Did Rias never told you anything?"

"That I would be your fiancé when I beat you in the first place? Yeah I knew it, I asked Uncle Diehauser and he asked your sister and they both confirmed it to me."

"You bastard!"

"I was just waiting for you to talk about it, and I'm not against it if that's what you want, I already talked to your sister and she readily agreed as well."

"Since when!?"

"During the party, she even asked if I would accept her, I said"

"No! Don't tell me!"

"Fine, was that really it?"

Sona nodded shyly as her whole face was blushing now, if she was a cartoon character I swear steam would probably come out of her head, or like a titan that just returned to its normal human self.

"You don't mind me do you?"

"I would love to be your fiancé, but you have to make me fall for you."

"Eh? Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"Nonsense! I also want to know how it feels to be chased by women!"

"You! What kind of logic is that!"

"The one who advocates for Gender Equality!"

Sona right now wanted to smack Haru, but she knew she couldn't she was true to her word.

"Fine, I'll pick you up at 8 next friday! I'll have to clear my schedule and finish papers by then."

"Really? I thought you'd throw a tantrum, It was just a joke but I also don't mind"

"Who do you think me for, Rias? I don't cry myself out of every situation you know at least I have the decency to do things my way and control my own destiny."

"That's to be expected and that's what I like about you."


I could see Sona really wanted to storm out as she felt her EQ dropping by the moment when she was talking to me, before she could get out I grabbed her wrist and kissed her cheeks.

"Damn you Haru!"

"See you soon!"

She immediately ran away with a flushed face, I chuckled at it, I then sensed the surroundings no one was here so I just sat down on the couch waiting for Rias or and Akeno to come and play with them here.

As I was waiting I could sense someone was teleporting, two of them, I could use my powers and guess who it was but I sealed it, It was like a gacha game, I closed my eyes and when the teleporting was done.


I could hear a scream as I grabbed the breasts of a woman, I fondled it but then when I heard the scream more clearly, It wasn't Akeno nor Rias.


Crap, I know who this voice belongs to, I opened my eyes and saw that Seekvaira was biting her lip as she squirmed under my touch as I continued fondling her breasts.


"I know you're a horny child and I'm proud that you were born into the Belial house, but release your hold on Seekvaira."

With one last squeeze I acted as if I was innocent then let her go, Seekvaira immediately covered her boobs.

"Ah I'm sorry! I thought it was Rias or Akeno based on the elasticity and the size!"

Diehauser shook his head not knowing what to say of the situation, while Seekvaira was still at a loss as this was a first time situation for her as well.

"Ehem, so what brings the two of you here Uncle?"

"Do you like the idea of a Harem?"

"Who wouldn't!"

Diehauser sighed as he looked at me.

"As you know that stunt you pulled in your party, well I got an earful from Lord Agares."

"What did he say?"

"It's better if you tell him girl."

Seekvaira who was still holding her breasts and covered it looked at Haru bashfully, she tried to regain her composure but couldn't as the feeling of being groped in front of someone was too shameful!

"Well Seek-chan?"

"Ugh! I hate you!"

"I'll buy you the next two latest Dumgams."


Like a child that was crying a minute ago, her attitude and demeanor changed when the talk about Gunpla's surfaced.


"Excuse me for the unsightly appearance but I'm here to say that I am your trial fiancée now."

"You're my what?"

"It is what she says Haru, according to her father you have to take responsibility for her but, its really better if you explain it I'm leaving."

Diehauser thought it was too troublesome as he was a lonely and single man, he quickly teleported away lest he be annoyed.

"Continuing from Diehauser-sama's words, since 'WE' were together at the banquet many people have begun spreading rumors about our relationship thus my father asked me my opinion."

"What did you say? That you were smitten by me?"

"Not exactly, but after talking with my father and you sullying my reputation we have decided on an agreement that is beneficial for you."

"That is you're my trial fiancé?"

"Yes, I will stay in Kuoh for two years, after that we will both decide if we want this relationship or not, of course you can say you don't want to right now and I'll leave and tell my father also."

"No! Stay! Well Ah damn it I thought harem's were supposed to be easy!"

"Then who are part of it?"

"Should just be Rias, Akeno and Sona for now."

"So that makes three Heirs."

I could see she blushed as she readjusted her eyeglasses.

"Since you're staying in Kuoh, where do you plan to live?"

"Isn't that obvious? Of course with you."

"Do you even know how to cook besides making Dumgams? I have to warn you there isn't any maid nor butler in my house aside every wednesday where they come to clean the house."

"I do, I'm not some spoiled princess like a certain someone."

"Why is Rias catching strays all of a sudden today?"

"Catching what?"

"Nothing, well where's your stuff?"

"It has been transported before I came here."

"So that means?"

"Rias and Akeno already know, I also just wanted to confirm who I will be with, surprisingly they were ecstatic and rushed to get their things and transfer there also, but I already occupied the room next to you."

"You know."

"I know, the looks gave it away."

"Somehow you're calm, most girls would run away or beat around the bush with this topics."

"I know a thing or two so I'm not worried, besides as the Heiress of the Agares Clan these things such as Harems and what would happen are included in our education and I'm prepared for the eventuality of it."

"Prepared to get screwed by me?"

"I am, but as long as you court me properly, I am a traditional woman when it comes to romance."

"Great just great."

"Now can you show me around Kuoh Academy?"

Seekvaira told me as she was looking at my arm, I knew what she meant so I offered it to her, news spread fast again to which I sort of liked I wonder what the others would think of this?