
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · ファンタジー
34 Chs

The Massacrer

(72 hours later)

Cheers, clamors and screams engulfed a bloody battlefield. Excitation every rising as human and demons fought for their survival. In the spectators' area, some of the flying devils previously selling products were now managing betting shops. Wagerers were excitedly betting on anything happening in the arena.

"I bet 20 low tier souls that the massacrer will die in less than an hour!" A small imp with bloodshot eyes hysterically exclaimed towards the current most interesting bet.

Devils were actively gambling on Blake's survival capability. Bets were lost and won as the man kept escaping death, and instead sent his assaillants towards the grim reaper. eventually, they gave the madman a fitting name for his feats.

"It's already your seventh lost bet, I don't think you should continue." The imp's friend advised his obsessed acquaintance.

"No! I'm sure this time, he won't last more than an hour. Look at him, he looks like he'll collapse the next moment!"

"Come on, at least don't waste that many souls, I thought you were saving them to grow stronger."

"I do, It's called investment. Once I win the bet, I can get more than 5 times this amount." Said the shameless imp.

"..." Faced against his friend's genius, the acquaintance turned silent.

Another conversation took place not far away from the duo, near another betting stand.

"That's weird, why aren't the beginner chiefs, and intermediary ones trying their luck?" A demon questioningly looked at a few seated devils.

"You haven't heard about the news? When Chief Syg arrived, he forbid them to enter the arena."

"But why?" An even more confused demon asked.

"You forgot about 'Judgement' didn't you? It's about to start and the chief wants every single one of his important assets to be ready. What do you think would happen if they were thrown in the arena with The Massacrer?" The fiend fearfully looked at the man who mercilessly slaughtered thousands of his people.

*Gulp* "No wonder."


In the battleground, The Massacrer in his morning routine, washed his bruised body with his walking liquid suppliers, while occasionally dodging fireballs and other mundane attacks.

His greatly reduced speed gave hope to the nearby devils, which was again crushed by his bleeding fists.

Rough panting ensued, and strikes successfully landed on his resilient body. Retaliation of fists followed, and bloodshed spread. Blake's physique was reaching his limits, yet his eyes remained unwavering before the army of fiends. A quick look at his right side, and a smile blossomed.

[Demons killed: 9985]


[Host is advised to be careful and not to lose focus at the moment], the androgynous system quickly voiced.

'I know'

The next moment, Blake dodged another attack and punished the failed attempt at his life with a deadly right hook. In a distance, a scantily dressed female demon intensely looked at Blake, eyes glistening with a purple light. The next moment, she clutched her head and shrieked in pain, blood flowing from her every orifice. Using her remaining will, she pulled out a dagger and viciously pierced her skull, taking her own life.

Blake sensing something poking at his mind perplexingly looked at the now dead devil and sighed.

'Why are they still trying?'

During the perpetual conflit between Blake and the demonic army, noticing that physical attacks were almost ineffective against The Massacrer, some tried to use mental strikes against the ruthless contender. As a result, Blake's passive skill <Chaotic Serenity> was triggered, turning the assailants into self-destructive maniacs.

The lucky ones such as the female demon quickly ended their own lives. However, most of them were rapidly overwhelmed by the passive skill, therefore undergoing a slow, agonizing death.

[Host shouldn-]

But before the system could warn, a fist launched towards the distracted man's cheek. But as the fist didn't contain much power, Blake stood motionless.

The attacker incredulously looked at Blake and Blake also looked at him.

Both awkwardly looked at each other.

The Massacrer then broke the silence by removing the demon's fist and by quickly twisting the latter's neck.

However, this ample distraction was enough for the large group to encircle the exhausted Blake. Blows after blows were sent in both camps. Carnage ensued as the more the cornered, and tired massacrer received injuries, the more ruthless he turned into.

And finally, seeing an opportunity in the chaotic mayhem, an armed fiend snuck up behind his back.

Blake, overwhelmed by both fatigue and the fiends surrounding him, noticed the sneaky devil a little too late.


A reddish sword penetrated the man's back, half embedding itself into Blake. With a painful expression, he quickly turned around and mercilessly crushed the demon's neck with a grip.

However, blood did not stop pouring, the man grit his teeth and thought,

'It reminds me of the good times you know, I remember when you tried to convince me not to put my life in danger at that time.'

An incoming enemy horizontally swung a giant trunk like weapon at

Blake, which he dodged by lowering his head, and then counter attacked with a headbutt.

'I told you that nothing wrong will happen because I trained enough.'

He quickly rose up and timely dodged a sword about to bisect him.

'But when we arrived everything went wrong.'

A smile appeared and another got punched.

'Illegal means illegal after all, there was no guarantee that the organizers wouldn't try to fu*k us up.'

Heavily panting, the demon slayer was tackled, punches after punches resounded.

'We had to run away, but before that, I managed to steal that stupid Gonzo who was proudly displaying his briefcase.'

As he was being punched and retaliated with his deadly fists, the man reminisced.

[Host had to stay hidden for an entire month]

[And missed 2 days of training]

The system spoke, and Blake, who knew the disembodied voice for years, grew a wide smile.

'And a free briefcase worth millions.'

Pushing passed his limits, he made blood rain in the infertile desert.

'You didn't seem to complain when we got our own gym thanks to that money.'


Hands shaking, legs quivering, he madly smiled towards death.

Noticing the exhausted Massacrer, waves upon waves of blood red demons flooded the Battlefield, hoping to be the one ending the slaughterer's existence.

"Mine, mine, mine!" Entire groups dismantled and madly rushed towards Blake's position.

And finally, The man himself, Blake, collapsed. Exhausted, blood incessantly pouring out and sharp weapons embedded into flesh, the man difficulty breathing weakly proclaimed.



The lightly chuckling Blake looked at the bright blue sky one last time and closed his eyes, waiting for his inevitable demise.

"Barf! Barf!"


Blake suddenly heard a strange noise, curious, he opened his eyes and saw a red dog dementedly dashing towards him. A footprint mark on his head and drool constantly leaking from his huge maw, the bizarre dog eyed Blake as if he saw the most attractive of bones.

Before Blake could process the new information, the demonic canine neared him, his eyes fixed on a particular piece of Blake's anatomy.

"Huh? System, don't tell me it wants to..."


[The process will be painful, therefore]

[The system advices Host to kill himself]


"That's rough buddy."


Incapable of moving any of his useful muscles, Blake could only looked helplessly at the incoming ravenous demon dog.

"Nope, I refuse, I'll fight till the end. Dying by getting my little guy chopped off is a big no no."

Blake looked at everything around him and found or rather felt a dagger plunged into his left shoulder.

Forcefully removing it with his jaw, he successfully held the weapon between his teeth.

"Come at me." Intensely gazing at the incoming enemy, Blake faced the ravenous dog.

The low level demon, unbothered by Blake's determined gaze accelerated even further...

A canine arrived and The Massacrer, using every muscle strength of his neck powerfully threw a bloodied dagger towards the frenzied fiend.

It leaped and the dagger hit. Penetrating the dog's eyeball.

However, it kept its momentum, advancing, victoriously barking, and his huge maw opened.

"Not the d*ck! not the dic-!" Before the man could finish his rightful protest, a sharp looking sword cut the air with terrifying speed, ominously whistling, it rapidly approached and...

Two skulls were perforated.

Just like that, a man and a demon dog perished at the hands of a flying sword.
