
A Challenged Man's Ascension

What if one day, you wake up and find yourself with a power that defies common sense, a power only seen in fictional stories and wielded by stupidly powerful individuals? Would you decide to uphold justice? To bring chaos and destruction? Or something else entirely? For Blake, well, he wants to do many things, but certainly not these two boring tasks. Hey, I'm a new writer. English is not my native language, so feel free to give me your opinion about the story so that I may hopefully improve my writing.

SleepyChaos · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Death and Rebirth

Two skulls were perforated.

Just like that, a man and a demon dog perished at the hands of a flying sword.


A siege vacant of its owner, two guards bemusedly looking at a giant werewolf's back, and a lost weapon in the horizon.

From an elevated chamber, the wolf scrutinized the battlefield as if looking for something, and eying from time to time the now dead Blake. He was contemplating, his eyes squinted.

"Ch-chief why did you kill him?" The dazed skinny Valk hesitantly asked.

Exiting his thoughts, the demon wolf stated.

"He's a great warrior, his incoming death was not worthy of his feats."

Bor looked respectfully at Syg, a knowing look in his eyes.

'I get it but why did you have to use my sword. It cost me a lot of money to make, and now it's going to be stolen by some random passersby, damnit!'

The skinny demon sadly looked at his beloved sword currently being fought over by two goblin like devils.

Resigned, he looked away, a small tear ran across his reddish face.

"However, something bothers me."

Bor questioningly looked at the demon chief, then at the body actually being protected and brought over by the guards of the arena. He then widened his eyes, enlightened.

"I don't see his soul. Assuming that he really was a human, it should have stayed in the arena. And if he was a disguised demon, I would have been able to feel Zek'nir's protection mark on him, but nothing."

Quickly arriving and gently deposing the corpse, the guards saluted.

"Chief Syg! As you requested, we brought the intruder's body." One guard with better equipments than the others proclaimed.

"Good." Syg gazed at the mutilated man's corpse, a few minutes passed and the demon deeply sighed.

'There is nothing exceptional with his physique, which is strange with what I've witnessed these past few days.'

'He was able to survive against my men for six days and nights and even managed to kill a small portion of them.'

A pierced skull was reflected in the demon's beastly pupils, unknown thoughts crossing his mind.

"Just who the hell is this guy."


In an unknown beach location, strange feathery birds happily wandered a reddish starry sky. Giant megaliths like constructs slowly revolved above a mystical island, And below, shimmering amethyst liquid ruled the boundless sea. A breathtaking sight where crimson and purple colors merged at the faraway horizon welcomed the only living being on the obscure seashore.

A comfortably sitting figure was gazing at the bright stars, admiring it's infinite immensity.

Lost in contemplation, her vision roamed the black void, as if able to pierce through its unexplained mysteries.

Then all of a sudden, her gaze quickly diverted towards the direction of a certain Klyntar, her sight intensified and she watched. Watched as a blade pierced an unwilling man, watched as he fell, and watched as 'he' rose again and vanished.

Unfathomable light shone in her eyes, and the figure talked.

"So It begins."

A slight smile surfaced, and the figure returned to her staring session against the vast cosmos.


Tinkering stars weakly shone upon a vibrant city; a myriad of buildings faced the sky and artificial light shrouded the ever present mankind.

Vehicles incessantly roamed the streets as chaotic symphony of honking and cursing animated the lively roads.

In an alley however, a man was solely enlivening the whole place with his antics alone. He was blankly looking at empty air, his void like eyes intensely stared at something as if his wife was in the process of giving birth.


<Main Quest: Birth of a Legend> (Completed)

- Strong people are made but with an untapped potential, a monster is born. Reach the apex of your species and surpass your limits. A special quest will be triggered at the end of the main quest in order to test your qualifications.

Quest duration: 100 years

[Congratulations to the host for completing the majority of the quests given by the System, as a reward for those remarkable feats, the host received]

[- Immortal Rebirth

- 1,000,000 SP (System points)

- +40 to all stats

- Removed Limiters

- Title [Unholy Berserker]

<Surpass> evolves into <Persistent>

<Observe> evolves into <Gaze>

<Actor> evolves into <Shape-shifter>]

[Absorbed essence converted]

[- +5 to all stats]

- +10 to dexterity]

- Link with the Zek'nir realm]


"I-it's beautiful." With rough breathing, the man exclaimed.

[Host should use the recovery potion before undergoing the physical changes of the added stats]

With reticence, he looked away and asked, "where is it?"

Concluding his sentence, a potion suddenly manifested into existence; transparent exterior with glistening azure liquid inside of it. It floated beside the unhealthy man as the latter observed the potion with interest.

"Can I sell it instead? This kind of potion would go for a sh*t ton of money in this world." Blake greedily asked.


[However, Host's s situation will keep worsening]

[And die within weeks due to his current anomalies]

The system mercilessly rebutted the homeless man.

"Pity." Blake, valorizing his new gained life more important than monetary value opened the potion and with a gulp, consumed the whole blue liquid.

"Tastes like water." A disappointed Man voiced.

[Everytime Host buys a potion from the System]

[He would be able to choose whether to add flavor or buy a potion with the default taste]

"Nice, and how much is it."

[Flavor customization is free]

Blake looked at the air with a slight smile towards a disembodied voice.

"I'd hug you right now if you had a body, then I'd steal your money and invite you to eat something." An old man rambled incomprehensible sentences as he creepily looked at nothing. His only spectator, forced to listen to the old man's frantic words

