
Chapter 21: Summoning the Hokage (Part 1)

"Uh," Kushina's question was too spot-on, leaving Kenji speechless.

In fact, even before engaging in this task, Kenji didn't believe that he and Kushina could escape. The nature of this matter was quite serious; it was equivalent to stealing national secrets, and not just any secrets, but the most classified ones.

For example, just hypothetically speaking, even if they managed to transform and infiltrate this office without alarming anyone, and even if they managed to steal some jutsu from the Scroll of Seals, then left without a trace, sooner or later, the Hokage would uncover this event.

Rather than that, it was better to act openly like this, which was essentially a form of 'confession for leniency.'

Besides, that kind of infiltration was impossible.

That's why Kenji approached this operation with a 'better safe than sorry' mindset.

"Well, anyway, at this point, we can't just stop." Without needing to explain further, Kushina already seem to understand what I was thinking.

"This scroll is sealed, ordinary people can't just open it haphazardly, otherwise they'll be cursed." Kushina continued not to rush in opening the Scroll of Seals, but rather began studying the layer of seals outside of it.

"Well, anyway, I doubt it can stump me."


The concept of one is all, all is one, this was the legendary principle that underscores the interconnectedness of all things. fuinjutsu masters like Kushina were hardly baffled by fuinjutsu; this was a qualitative elevation in quantity. Ordinary individuals would find it challenging to reach such a level. People like Kenji, who had learned many fuinjutsu under Kushina, while he grasped a considerable number of fuinjutsu, were still far from reaching the level of practical application.

After undoing the seal, Kushina swiftly unfurled the entire scroll, then quickly said, "Hurry and read, remember as much as you can."

Kenji didn't need Kushina's reminder, his eyes gleamed as they fixed onto the Scroll of Seals.

As for which jutsu within interested him the most, naturally, it was the Space-Time Ninjutsu Flying Thunder God Technique, so he skipped over that one.

Of course, that was entirely right. Techniques like the Flying Thunder God, which were powerful, complicated in principle, and difficult to learn S-rank jutsu, Kenji had no hopes of instantly memorizing. No one knew when the Hokage would notice what was happening here. Kenji couldn't dedicate all his time to just one jutsu.

He had to commit these things to his memory; he couldn't leave behind evidence on paper.

In fact, his speculation was spot on.

While Kushina was unsealing the scroll, in the Third Hokage's residence, the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who had already gone to bed, suddenly sat up.

"Hiruzen, what happened?" His wife, who was beside him, was also roused by his actions.

"Someone has tampered with the seal on the Scroll of Seals."

As he spoke, Hiruzen hastily dressed, then quickly left the bedroom.


As soon as the Sandaime stepped out of the room, an ANBU ninja appeared before him.

"Immediately dispatch personnel to surround the Hokage's office."

"Understood, Sandaime. Has something happened?"

"Don't ask too many questions. Just follow my orders."

After giving his command, the Sandaime hurriedly headed toward the Hokage's office.

At this point, the Hokage realized the insufficiency of his ninjutsu. If he had timely surveillance jutsu, he would have known what had transpired in his office at this moment. Instead, he was left in the dark, knowing only that someone had opened the Scroll of Seals.

The only thing he could hope for now was that the scroll hadn't been stolen. This incident made the Hokage resolve to create a surveillance jutsu. Perhaps an art like a "Telescope Technique."

At critical moments, such a jutsu could play a crucial role. For example, now he could have known immediately what had occurred in his office. At ordinary times, it could be employed for surveillance, surveilling the security of Konoha.

Leading the way, the Sandaime donned battle attire and swiftly dashed through the streets of Konoha. Behind him and on either side, ANBU were following. In less than 5 minutes, this group had already surrounded the Hokage's office.

At this moment, within the Hokage's office, Kushina suddenly spoke up, "Kenji, we are surrounded."

Kenji replied, "Understood, Kushina-sensei."

He had sensed it too. Although his sensory abilities were not as keen as Kushina's, the sudden appearance of so many people indicated that the Hokage had arrived with backup. If he weren't an idiot, he would know that the Hokage had brought reinforcements.

The commotion outside naturally caught the attention of the guards stationed in the Hokage's office. A guard swiftly emerged. Upon realizing that the one leading this was the Sandaime, he relaxed.

"Sandaime-sama, has something happened?"

The Hokage gave him a silent glance. Shouldn't he be asking this question?

"Has anyone entered my office during this time?"

Given that there was no shortage of guards, the Hokage felt somewhat relieved. This meant that the sealed scroll most likely hadn't been taken.

"Just recently, Kushina-sama arrived here."

Although this ninja didn't understand the situation that had led to such a commotion, he quickly reported what he knew upon seeing the Sandaime's presence.

"Kushina..." Hearing this name, the Hokage's feeling was a mixture of unexpectedness and predictability. If it was Kushina, there was a chance she really could attempt to peek at the Scroll of Seals.

Of course, if one insisted on characterizing the Hokage's feelings at this moment, he felt somewhat reassured. After all, if the sealed scroll had been peeked at by Kushina, it was much better than if it had been peeked at by some unknown person or enemy.

However, feeling reassured was one thing. Kushina had committed quite an act this time.

"Has she left?"

The Hokage inquired again.

"No, Kushina arrived here less than 15 minutes ago and hasn't left yet."

Upon hearing this from the ninja, the Hokage didn't say anything further. He directly entered the office. However, since he knew that the perpetrator was Kushina, he didn't bring many people in with him.

Leading the way, the Third Hokage went in, flanked by two ANBU ninjas. After ascending to the third floor, he pushed open the door to the office without hesitation.

The first thing the Hokage saw were four ANBU ninjas lying on the ground. Then he saw Kenji still looking at the scroll, and finally his gaze landed on Kushina's face.

"Uh, Hokage," Kushina gave an awkward smile and said, "It's late, have you eaten?"