
A Certain Pokemon Shop(Re-Write)

What would you do if you ever woke up in a familiar yet unfamiliar world, without any of your past life memories except for the anime,Manga,Novels,Movies,And Games you have watched, read, or played before? Follow Zeke! In his adventure in a not so normal earth, that he woke up into! Oh! and he has a system too! ______________________________ Warning! Letting u guys know that i took inspiration on some of the fan-fic i have read before. so don't be surprised if there some familiar things. _____________________________ Disclaimer: [The Image the cover used isn't owned by me] [Ctto for the one who made the cover] [The rights to the characters shown belong to their respective owner and only my Oc's belong to me!] _____________________________ Permanent Discord Code: yPePuE3PVu

LazyWriterZ · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Update on me..

Sorry I haven't been updating.. Or even writing...My finals have cometh, and I need to do a lot of things.. If not, the money I spent on subjects will be for naught..

I'll try writing more this summer...

Since I'm also finding some inspirations..

And on that note, I have finally found an inspiration for my rewrite of Kamen Rider fic!

Hopefully some of the readers enjoy my re-write of the book..

That's all for me!

May god bless you!

And may lady luck grace you!