
Chapter 20: Grand Opening and First Customer

A/N:Volume 2 rel!

Edit:Shout out to my first patron:Jason Cameron!

I apologize u had to waste 5USD when I haven't been posting on patreon.. I legit thought that nobody would bother.

So as an apology...I'll go and put your OC in

my fic if you create one... U can choose any Pokemon, except for legends, I'll allow mythic, as long as it's not OP like Celibi that can travel through time... 💀

For now, if any of u guys are planning on becoming a patron, I suggest don't do it now..let me stockpile sum chaps on patron first..

That's all for now, thank you again!


*BEEP!* *BEEP!* *BEEP!* *Click!*

"Unnnnnn....Haah..." Zeke, awoken by the sound of his alarm, sat up, yawning before he looked towards the sleeping Ditto besides him and smiled, before he got out of the bed, gently as to not wake Ditto up before he walked out in his living room and into the bathroom.

Once there, Zeke proceeded to brush his teeth before he took a hot shower, and after he changed into new clothes, he went to the kitchen so he can start making breakfast.

["Good Morning"] Suddenly, a system window opened up, greeting him, so he greeted back.

"Morning Siesta, how was your sleep?"

["Never been better! The beds here are on par with my bed before so I enjoyed it"] Siesta replied.

"I see, thats good then! Do you want to eat pancakes for breakfast?? because I'll be making more if you do."

["Sure! I would love to taste your mix! although I'll have to let you know, I have eaten a lot of different version of pancakes"]

Hearing her confirmation and her words after, Zeke laughed before saying"

"alrighty then! prepare to be amazed! by my cooking skills, that even Raiha approves!"

Afterwards, Zekke got busy making pancakes, as well as blending in some berries to make a very nutritious drink.

And at some point as he was cooking, Zeke saw Ditto walking towards the kitchen so he greeted.

"Morning sleepy head!" 

"Ditto~.." *yawn* Ditto replied, yawning as he went and climbed towards the Dining table.

Zeke chuckled, seeing Ditto's still sleepy face and said, "Breakfast is near ready, well be eating inside the farm since Siesta wanted to eat as well."

Ditto just nodded at Zeke's words before he got back to dozing again on the table

Not long after, Zeke finally finished cooking the last pancake, so he stored the three stacks of pancakes as well as the syrup and the Drink he blended before carrying the sleeping Ditto and entering the house inside the farm.

There, he saw Siesta who looked like she just got out of bath as well as she was drying her hair with a towel, and greeted.

"Morning~, just follow us in the kitchen once your done drying, I'll also do the finishing touch for the pancakes"

"un.. Morning Zeke, I'll follow soon.."

Siesta replied.

Zeke nodded at her answer before he walked towards the kitchen, carrying Ditto still, and after reaching there, he put Down ditto in one of the chair before he proceeded to go to the sink, washing his hands before he retrieved multiple rawst,nanab, and leppa berries from his inventory.

afterwards he Retrieved a knife, before he skillfully cut each fruits into bite sized, befor topping it into the pancake he retrieved not long after and putting in some of that maple syrup.

Afterwards he carried the three plates into the table, right on time as Siesta entered the kitchen.

Ditto, who was sleeping just now woke up because of the smell of the pancake, and one look towards the three plates woke him up completely.

After Zeke and Siesta sat down, the three started eating the pancakes happily, and of course, Siesta praised Zeke after eating for the delicious pancake..

After they were done eating Breakfast, Zeke rested for a while before he started to do his daily exercise quest,

netting him another 100points,which made his points total to 6,300k points, and while doing them, he noticed bees flying about collecting polens from flowers, so he checked uon them, but thats a story for another time.

After Zeke finished his daily routin, he along with Ditto took a shower, and afterwards the two, along with Siesta got down towards the first floor, planning on restocking the items in the Poke-Mart for the grand opening.

Zeke even put up his harvested berries for sale as well, segregating it by each name.

and after he was done restocking potions, Zeke lost a few more points but since he decided to only stock up on low tier potions, he only lost about 700SP, still, Zeke did not mind as he still has 5K points more.

After finishing on the Poke-mart, the next thing he stocked up is the Healing solution for the Poke-Center Machine, Zeke decided to stock the only tank there, but it still cost him 500S.P but Zeke is fine with it, as the solution wont be expiring for a long time, and that single refill will last him at least a month of continued use.

After the poke-center is done, Zeke got back to the Lobby, where he saw siesta playing with Ditto, who's now transformed into a Shiba Inu.

Zeke looked at the World Tree who's now as tall as him, and smiled.

"You're growing well, aren't you?" Zeke said, before he touched one of the multi colored leaves, the tree seemed to understand what Zeke is saying is its leaves swayed, even if just a tiny bit.

Zeke laughed and said, "hopefully you'll grow soon, I cant wait to meet you when you transform into your Avatar, and from now on, I'll be watering you myself, as I just got this hefty Item, so see you soon!"

Afterwards, Zeke walked towards Siesta and Ditto, not seeing the tree's leaves glowing for a bit before it subsided once more.

"Im done with refilling, all thats left is the eggs, and we're ready to open!"Zeke stated, getting the attention of both Ditto and Siesta.

"Oh?, then should we open the store now?, You mentioned beforr that for the test we should at least sell 3 eggs before calling your family over, but you never told me the reason, so can you tell me now?"Siesta asked while scratching Ditto the dog's belly.

"Oh! if you're asking for the reason, then its simple! I also want other people to have the same starting point as my family, a pretty stupid reason at first, but I know that I would need multiple people to act as a pillar for the Pokemon and Shop's future, not just my family, so- I thought to leave it all to fate, and this world's will who will get that opportunity!" Zeke explained.

"I see, so, basically you're just too lazy to find those pillars yourself, and wants the world will to choose themselves?" Siesta flatlty said, staring at Zeke with a neutral face.

Zeke's body stiffened for a second, hearing Siesta's words, before he replied awkwardly.

"A-, you got me, haha....Well thats just one of the reason, what I said before was true as well, I dont want to choose my own, that would be boring no?"

Siesta just continued looking at him, before asking "What about your friends, Ren and Fuutarou? why not choose those guys?"

"I have plans for them, besides, I count them as my family, so of course I'll help them as well"

"I see...well then, would you like me to purchase the eggs now?" Siesta asked,

"Yes please! buy 4 rare, 5 Uncommon and then 10 common Mystery eggs" 

"That would all be 750 S.P, the eggs are sent in your Inventory, Thank you for your patronage"Siesta replied, before she got back to playing with Ditto happily.

A quick check in Zekes Inventory confirmed Siesta's words so he happily put the eggs one by one in the different wall shelves near the counter besides the daycare area.

"Perfect!"Zeke complimented his work, looking at the different white coloured eggs inside the shelves.

He then turned around before called out Siesta, announcing.

"Siesta I'm done here!"

Hearing Zeke's word, Siesta walked towards him and said "alright! we're all set, so do you want to open the shop now?"

"Mhm! Its time!"

Hearing Zekes confirmation, Siesta nodded and said "Undestood! Shop Opening in 3..2..1.. Now!"

And right after Siesta announced the opening, multiple system windows popped up in front of Zeke.


 Congratulations at your grand opening!


Due to you being a citizen of this world, the world's will has granted you full permission for the shop's semi-omnipresence.

The building that you assigned as the store front will now appear randomly at different places around the world!

Due note that, the store front that you have assigned will still be at the location, and only copies of the store front's exterior will randomly appear around the world.


Due to opening the shop, you have been granted acces for the "Gacha" function.


Shop's Main Quest have been recieved!


"Ah...well I guess its official now!" Zeke said, before looking at Siesta and Ditto and saying"Now, we just wait."

afterwards, Zeke sat in on of the sofas before he opened up each system window.

Siesta, after saying her congratulations, got back to playing with Ditto.


A while later, as Zeke was about to check the main quest that he got after checking the rest.

*Ding!* He suddenly heard a bell coming from the hallway, signifying that a potential customer has entered the establishment.


(??????'s P.O.V)[Third Person P.O.V]

A lone man with a very noticable gloomy aura could be seen walking along the sidewalk at Manila City, people who passed by avoided him, because of his looks, eyes with huge eyebags, very unkempt hair, and red eyes.

At first glance, he looked just like a person who is abusing substances, but In reality, its just a guy who has lost a very close family member of his, right in front of his very eyes.

Making him loose sleep, due to the nightmares he kept having, which in turn always makes him bawl his eyes out.

As a result? He got those heavy eyebags, red eyes as well as unkempt hair, due to neglect of shower.

The incident happened 2 days ago, and since then he hasn't been sleeping well, he had no family to speak of, as he is an orphan, the closest thing he had to a family was the dog that he got from a friend at one of the previous work he was in.

Sadly, that Dog was the one who passed away in front of his eyes,due to blood loss as it was shot by the thief who attempted to steal from him, because his dog tried to protect him.

The thief ran after firing the shot, because he knows that people would come, meanwhile, the man, Andre, ignored the thief and focused on his bleeding dog.

Of course, he tried to carry his dog towards the nearest veterenarian as fast as he could but, he suddenly felt it..

His dog has already passed, so he just sat there, his dog in his hand as he blacked out, realizing that his only family passed away.

once he woke up, he was at the hospital, laying down, and when his head cleared up, the first thing he asked was his dog's whereabouts, but the nurse told him that, his dog could not make it and was cremated.

And hearing that, Andre froze, realizing that it wasn't all just a dream, that his beloved dog has passed away.


He went back to his house, carrying an Urn, and over the course of two days his cycle of nightmares happened.

Still, due to him still needing to go to work, he decided to go out to clear his mind of what happened, but sadly, thoughts about that night kept popping up, so gloominess took over him as he walked..

Suddenly, he noticed a building a pet shop, named as "The Pokemon Pet Shop", a verry strange name and its even more strange as its supposed to be a Pet shop, but there are no windows displaying the pets. 

 Everyone around that saw it found it intriguing, but most ignored it, and while some, while curious about this strange looking shop, did not choose to enter.

Andre was just gonna ignore it like everyone else at first, but then he felt a tug, a call of some sort, and it's leading towards the strange building.

At first, he wanted to ignore it, but he felt like, if he did, then he would miss out on something, like he would loose something if he did.

so, Andre took a leap of faith, and entered at this strange shop.


As he entered the shop, the first thing that Andre got to notice are these series of painting that features this strange fantasy like creatures mounted on the wall, and then a single glass window.

Andre opted to check the window, ignoring the paintings as even though they looked good and pretty well made, they are ultimately just a painting and not real creatures.

So he walked, and peeked at the glass plane which showed a strange room, full of strange nests, kinda like a mini nature reserve, it is segregated into different parts, the biggest had 10 nest, while the rest only had 3.

The biggest has a somewhat light brown color, while the other three has a Volcanic, Forest, and Ocean theme respectively.

And, seeing theres not a single pet in sight, just an room full of nest, made Andre question his decision, but since he was inside,he might as well satisfy his curiousity, from both this intriguing shop and the tugging feeling he felt.

so, without much choice, he proceeded towards the single door, that has a strange ball like patern inside and opened it, there, he saw him, a guy with silver hair and blue eyes.

"Welcome, to the Pokemon pet store."


A/N: YOHOHOHO, I bet some of y'all know who this guy already~

Now throw in sum powerstones! Since it's Monday.

Comment too~