
A CEO'S Love Story

Anisa is a wealthy lady and a mom, she meets Mr. Arrogant at a party through a misunderstanding and it ends with a nightstand. Mateo proposes a contract marriage to Anisa to retain his inheritance. Anisa has to marry Mateo for her reasons too. chemistry builds up between these 2, and come to think of it, Anisa's thought-to-be-long-dead husband is Mateo's younger brother. She finds herself in between two brothers, loved by both. She finds it difficult to deal with the situation. What secret could he be hiding? Shattered by all the happenings, she ends things with Mateo. Which of the brothers would she end up with? Would she find her way back to Mateo? Would these short-term enemies now lovers get back together as a family? What happens when she births Mateo's child? Would her ex come back for the family he abandoned?

Renee_Writes · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter 5

The environment intensified as they stared at each other in shock. Seeing his brother stare at his woman made him feel somehow. He cleared his throat. "You two know each other?" He asked.

"No, it's just a minor coincidence, mistook her for someone," Martinez said.

Mateo eyed him before wrapping his arms around her waist and walking her in. Once in, they get settled on the bed but she's still so restless. Mateo had fought the urge to probe into the issue but fighting it got harder with each second that passed by. He was so curious and needed to satisfy his curiosity.

"What happened there?" He asked, raking his fingers through his hair.

"Nothing, he just looked like someone I know." She said still pondering on the issue. "Was that your brother?"

"Yes. Martinez is my elder brother."

"I see...I need a glass of water." She walked toward the door in an attempt to get through it and fetch herself some water to drink but he pulled her back. She was close now and leaned against his chest.

"I don't want you looking at Martinez that way again." He stated firmly, his hazel orbs depicted a mixture of ownership and fear. But what would make the arrogant man in front of her scared?

"I need a glass of water." She stated and pulled away from him.

He watched her walk away before sitting on the bed, raking his fingers through his hair once more.

She returned shortly after.

"Babe, there's something I would like to discuss with you." She said.

"And what could it be?"

"I want my maid over...I mean, I trust yours but my daughter has her house help, I would love her over, for the sake of my little girl."

He released a sigh, gently tapping his foot on the floor before fixing his gaze on her, studying her facial features and expressions.

"Fine." With that, he left the room.

She took up her phone and rang Andaline to come immediately.

Silence slowly crept into the room as she lay on the other side of the bed thinking, she was so engulfed in her thoughts, she didn't know when Mateo walked in. He lay next to her at the far end of the bed.

"Ah, yes...I'm sort of busy with my fiancee." He stated raising a brow as he looked at her from the corners of his eyes.

Her ears pitched up at the sound of that, was he falling for her? She thought. She straightened herself on the bed as she sat up, his call had come to an unusually abrupt end.

He glanced at her before rolling the duvet up his neck. She stole multiple glances at him, hoping he'd give her an explanation, more still stare back but no, Mateo was a very hard man and wouldn't dare do any of the things she expected. She rolled over to her side and sat for a moment. Andaline had just arrived and was given a section in Sofia's room to stay in, although her pretty didn't like the idea, not that she hated Andaline but she loved the privacy, weird coming at this very tender age, but she had no choice. She couldn't let her sleep in the room for the helps, giving it a second chance, she thought it right to have Andaline pick an empty room for herself. Andaline had already chosen one. Anisa returned to her room shortly, she stepped out of her dress. Unknown to her, Mateo was in the room, but he was in the bathroom. She wrapped her towel around her tiny body before taking her bath items with her to the bathroom. She pushed open the shower door, it was a very transparent one. She got in and took off her dress to have her bath. Mateo stared at her from where he lay in the bathtub. He had to admit, she had a really beautiful body and a nice voice. It took her a rough estimate of approximately one hour to finish up, Mateo had already left the bathroom.

She stepped out of the bathroom.

"Nice voice." He startled her.

"T...thanks." She stuttered.

She walked past him to the room, she had already stepped out of the towel she had on and was applying lotion when Martinez walked in, he stared at her in shock as she hurriedly took her towel and covered up herself.

"I'm sorry," He apologized without attempting to step back. She froze in her spot at the similarities, she was still looking at him in shock when Mateo walked in.

"What the hell Martin!" He yelled.

"Come on Mat, I only came over to speak to her, I didn't know she was naked." He said, his voice didn't depict any sort of empathy, it was laced with laughter which probed her skin like a thorn, it drove Mateo mad as well.

"Get out Martin!" He ordered.

"Peace out bro, I only came to say hi to our fiancee." He said slowly backing out.

"Our fiancee?! She's mine!" His voice thundered, chasing the silence away. She felt goosebumps at the sound of that. Why was he being so interested and protective? Was he starting to like her? Mateo is a hot dude every lady would want to have and she isn't an exception, she was very much lucky to have him, but then she couldn't quite roll with his kinda person....he's mean and arrogant.

She looked at him from the corners of her eyes as she dried her hair. She stepped into her pyjamas and curled herself up on the bed, with Mateo beside her at the far end of the bed, he didn't even bat her an eye.

She slowly drifted off to sleep, in her thoughts.


Rays of sunlight crept in from the crack at the window, it wasn't fully closed.

She rolled to the other side of the bed...the rays of light fell on his eyelids causing him to roll and their bodies meet in an intimate position, neither of them aware of it and ready to wake up. The alarm blared in their ears and she stretched and put it off, going back to sleep. They lay side to side facing each other,

There was a slight knock on the door causing him to wake up. He rubbed his eyes for a moment only to open them to a beauty in front of him. He studied her for a moment as a smirk played on his lips. The knock had stopped, his maids knew very well not to knock on his door after two failed attempts.

She looked really beautiful in her sleep, he tucked the strand of hair that dared obstruct his studying behind her ear. She shuddered a bit at the warmth of his finger behind her ear but she didn't dare pull open an eye as she was still sound asleep, giving him more than enough time for studying. Her lashes were long and she looked her best when asleep, she was like a *sleeping beauty* to him. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead, he quickly but gently lay down in a bid to pretend like he's been asleep, the moment he felt her shudder again before opening her eyes.

She leaned her head on her hand which rested on the pillow as she stared at him with a smile plastered on her face. Mateo was the most handsome she had ever come across and she felt really lucky to have such a handsome pretend married husband and only wished he could be nice and the marriage would be real. She watched the rise and fall of his chest, she was tempted to touch him but she resisted. He felt her staring at him as the pillow adjusted a bit, he was pleased inside and wanted to release a smirk but then she'd know he wasn't sleeping. His lips sold him away and twitched in his sleep. She observed him for a little while, *He even smirks in his sleep, eww.* She said in a low voice. She recalled they were meant to meet the immigration officers today and so, they had to take photographs and prepare for the long busy day ahead. She smoothened out his hair and rolled over, getting off the bed.

"Good morning, chica."

*Chica is a Spanish word meaning sweetie or cutie.*

She froze at the sound of that, she turned on her heels to see a smiling Mateo.

"Hola Guapo, Buenos Dias. Bet you had a nice sleep huh?"

*Guapo - Handsome, Guapa - Hottie. Buenos Dias - good morning, hello - hola.*

"Yes, and you?" He asked.

"I'm fine," Came her reply as he ended the video.

"Nice! That was hard to pull off, I'm sure it's enough to convince the immigration officers." She said.

"Not really, in as much as I hate this, we just have to do it. We're going to take beach pictures....kissing is involved." He said as he rolled his eyes.

"Is she coming?"

"It's a family picture, yes."

They got into the shower to get ready for the long day, Andaline was already getting Sophie dressed, she had packed a bikini in Sophie's little backpack.

Sofia sat on her bed, talking with Andaline as she waited for her mom and her supposed dad.

They step out of the room shortly in matching outfits, hands wrapped around each other's waist as they kissed a few times before heading downstairs with Sofia.

They get in the car and zoom, Sofia sat in the first back seat in front of them and they sat at the last, kissing and cuddling for their videos and pictures as evidence they've been in love.

They arrived at the studio at exactly 9:25 a.m. They stepped out of the car together, with Sofia in her hands as paparazzi took pictures and had a little interview with them based on their relationship status. It unnerved them, but they had to agree to do it as they were live and he was pretty sure his parents were seeing it right now. They were captured kissing in the scene before walking into the studio.

The photographer welcomed them warmly before taking the shots, they took 4 shots, 2 together, and 2 with Sofia before leaving with him for the beach. The photographer sat in front as they changed their dresses, it gave him a chance to see her body well.

Mateo gasped at the sight of her body....she was very much busy dressing and perhaps, didn't notice him staring. She got in her bikini while waiting for him to change too.

They arrived at the beach shortly after, they alight the car, they had already made the necessary arrangements for the beach the day before.

They got under an umbrella as she lay on his lap, touching his face with a smile on both their faces, they looked at each other as the cameraman took photos. Next, she sat on his lap, facing him as his hands encircled her bum.

"Wait up!" She said to the cameraman who at once put down the camera.

"Don't touch my bum!" She said.

"It's for the pictures!" Came his reply.

The cameraman took a shot of them kissing with her on his lap and his hand on her bum. Next, she sat next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder as Sofia sat on her lap, the fan he had set up was blowing her and Sofia's hair so that it came on their faces.

"That's enough now, we need to go to a restaurant," Anisa said and with that, they headed back to the car. Neither of them wanted to get wet so they didn't go to the sea.

They get changed shortly after, they arrive at Golden Palace, one of the most popular fine dining restaurants.

A waitress accompanied them inside and showed them to their seat before taking their order. They refused to have appetizers as they had a lot more to do than just take appetizers, so they ordered the main course meal. The waitress put the food down, and her label read *Khelanie*.

"Khelanie?" Sofia asked and the waitress nodded with a smile playing on her lips before leaving. The photographer took a picture of them feeding each other, and holding hands at the table. Then another of them kissing Sofia together on the cheek, Anisa took the left from where she sat and he took the right, Sofia's hands cupped both faces as a smile lit up her face, making her cuter. The waitress returned with the bills that he paid and also paid off the cameraman before leaving for the immigration office.