A woman must choose between two being's one good and one evil. Her choice will change her eternal destiny forever. Delivering or Condemning her soul what will she choose?
Christiana awakened to find sunlight dappling the garden glade, where she lay in Jesus' loving arms. His embrace filled her with perfect peace, and the rapture of their bond renewed her hope. As he stirred, his smile banished the last shadows of night.
"My beloved bride, darkness has not quenched our light," Jesus said. He kissed her softly. "All who see our love shining through trials know that true joy is found in following me."
Hand in hand, they walked where blossoms spread purity's sweet scent on the dawn breeze. Creatures of the garden bowed to the light made manifest, and Christiana's soul sang within her at the witness of such perfect love.
Though corruption crept even here, threatening joy's fragile blooms, Christiana now knew darkness could not overcome the redeeming power of her bridegroom's sacrifice. In His strength, she would help nurture others along the path, bearing witness to salvation's beauty found complete in Christ alone. The breeze that had carried word of Christiana and Jesus' sacred bond now played through groves ringing with songs of praise. From fields and bowers, souls hastened joyfully to partake of love's victory feast.
Within Soulspring's verdant heart, a glade broadened into an abbey of leafy bowers. There, Christiana and Jesus now stood radiant as harmonies of strings and voices lifted in exultation. Each note dispelled some sinister whisper as light drowned out lingering darkness.
When hailed as the bride and groom, Christiana's cheeks flushed with gladness. Jesus smiled, gathering her hand in his. Though tested, she had proved love's power, and in this glad throng were souls drawn from misery to worship the source of all hope. Her sacrifice of self now bore abundant fruit as this family celebrated together, feasting at mercy's table. As the festal hymns faded, Christiana shared how, through doubt and fear, God remained her shield. His wounds yet spoke comfort, renewing trust where faith hung by a thread. By love's refining fire, her heart had been made ready to receive celestial joy that no darkness could devour.
Though the Tempter prowled still, greedily pursuing any soul straying from the Shepherd, Christiana told of battles won through meek surrender. Whoever clings to the author of life need not fear death's final sting, for where sin seeks dominion, grace evermore abounds.
Now warmed by heaven's glory, Christiana's lamp casts its beams far, guiding wanderers from desolation's paths. Many testified how her victory inspired perseverance through obscuring trials. One who had stumbled near ruin recounted finding a safe harbor in her saving light.
With these proofs of grace sufficient for all weakness, Christiana's blessed choice stood confirmed—a beacon through which myriad souls saw purity's prize far outshining the fleeting pleasures of the world below. Her Savior's love alone could satisfy the soul's deepest longing for redemption, peace, and hope eternal. As the celebration's final hymns faded into silence, Jesus took Christiana's hands in his. Through her, he had proved love's power to fully redeem the contrite heart. Now together, they would go to share this joyous news until none remained untouched by mercy's dawn.
My beloved bride, the fields are ripe for harvest, though the night is long, Jesus said softly. Dark days approach when many will stumble, their lamps drained of oil. You have filled your vessel at love's fountain; now share freely this light with all who thirst.
Christiana sighed, filled with glad purpose. Hand in hand, they passed among the assembly, imparting blessings that nourished faith to outlast trials. Spirits kindled like lanterns to drive back gloom, their glow lasting though storms descend.
Where fear or greed had choked tender hopes, Christiana sowed seeds of redemption. Jesus' wounds healed wounds of doubt; His scars are a reminder that love outlives death's sharp sting. Their call to follow the true shepherd made barren hearts fertile ground for everlasting life. Though shadows threatened the growing harvest, none could quench faith nourished at love's abundant source. Christiana embraced each soul, imprinting blessings that would nourish faith when darkness seemed victorious. Her sisters pledged to spread seeds of hope, and soon God's kingdom would blossom across all lands.
Her faithful bridegroom drew her aside then, into the sunset's private glow. "None can defeat grace's advance through love such as ours," he whispered, drying the last tear. "Darkness exists only where I am unknown; reveal me, and it flees."
He kissed her softly. "Go in peace, beloved, and be My light. Our bond is eternal; no shadow can sever what I have joined."
With that assurance, Christiana turned to her pure purpose, leaving the glade armored in joy. Wherever two or more gathered seeking the bridegroom, she and her sisters would impart love's conquering power over sin and death. Their lamp, fed by Christ's sacrifice, would ignite flames to light all nations from the shadows of despair.
Filled now with hope's mandate, Christiana went forth, embracing her high destiny as the Bride of Light. No earthly tyrant nor demonic foe could halt grace's advance through hearts made courageous in the name of love eternal.
“One of two things you must do; you must either receive Him or reject Him. You receive Him here and He will receive you there; you reject Him here and He will reject you there.”
~Dwight L. Moody