
Chapter 33: Guess what

I get out of bed, the excitement evident on my face, 'finally, I'm finally here' kept ringing through my head, the air around me became slightly frosted, the heat of my breath showing in the air. I packed up my stuff hurriedly, making sure to place my weapons on my hip, and emptied out my boots. Putting them back on I start my ascent up the hill. I walked with a bounce in my steps and was watching the way the shadows cascaded off of the hills.

As I inched closer and closer to town, I was in love with sights around me. I saw a big gate roughly 6-7 meters tall, I saw the guards tense up as I walked closer, they numbered roughly 7, two on the walls to either side of the gate door, 3 in front and 2 walking towards me.

"State your business!" They shouted towards me when I took a few more steps, "HALT! State your business."

I pulled out my letter from Purah and shout to make sure I am heard, "I have a letter and seal explaining the meaning of my visitation!"

They looked at each other and then looked back to their leading officer, he nodded. They walked towards me one on either side, I held up my hands in response, they spoke clearly and calmly. "Hand over the letter and we'll hand it to our superior officer he'll do what has to be done."

I handed the letter to them, they started to walk back so I started to follow them, they responded with, "Stay here while we verify its authenticity." I stopped in response and moved to the side of the path sitting against the wall, I pulled out a card game and started to mess around while I waited.

After around 10 minutes they, 3 guards, walked over to me and handed back my letter. "We have verified the letter and you will be allowed entrance." He said and motioned for me to follow him to the gate, I did. We quickly made our way to the gate they walked over to the gate and knocked a rhythmic tune and the gate slowly opened.

"Go through." They said as they returned to their normal spots. I walked through the gate and start down the path. I walked past a few little waterfalls that flow of the walls of valley. I finally, after a 5-minute walk, got to the actual village.

There were several flowing rivers that went through the middle of the land, that came down from the different waterfalls into the valley. Seeing a sea of buildings all the same color, a few different here and there, the awesome roofs, the cherry blossom trees. I walked for a while longer before it dawned on me, I don't know where Impa's house is.

I asked a few of the guards that were patrolling through the streets where Impa lives, they stared at me funny before asking why. I show them the seal and they happily complied, I was soon told the general area, after being told about the different sectors. At that moment I was in the farmland sector, there is also a business area, residential area, and the area where the council lives.

The council area is where Impa lives, after offering my thanks, I started to walk through the town following the directions that were given to me. I passed by a general store and purchased a few arrows, being in unknown territory I didn't just shove them into my inventory, I put them in the quiver I had gotten out earlier.

I slowly made my way towards the general area; I will explain more about the sector scheme now. Basically, they divide the town into roughly 4 sectors, the farmland occupying the outer rim, with several garrisons for guards here and there, the farmland sector still has stores, they are just not as fancy as stuff bought from the business area. The Sheikahn people still live throughout the other sectors. The commercial sector has most of the big businesses, one such business being a start-up tech lab, it has unfortunately been shut down temporarily because of Yiga clan sabotage.

The councilman sector holds the higher ups, the officials, there is a strict system in place to make sure that people don't become rowdy, such as there being normal citizens living throughout the sector as well. Impa is an old official that has been around since the Age of Burning Fields started and is well respected. One of her primary campaigns is to keep the knowledge of old, respected and cared for.

Then there is the general area, the place where a lot of the areas the game showed are. It contains a lot of statues and the like. The general area is situated in the very center of the town, it holds the people that are older, it doesn't hold as many important people as the Council sector. Mostly due to it being the place which the village was founded in. Most of the old soldiers lived here, reminiscing about times of old and reveling in their many triumphs.

I finally made my way to the very center of the town, being able to see the area from the game, Goddess statue and all. The other statues lining the wall in front of Impa's house. I walked alongside them and looked at them in more detail, they each showed a date and name, it dawned on me, they were a sign memorial to the dead.

"Halt!" 2 guards said loudly as I walked towards the house. "State your business!"

I sigh slightly, before taking out the seal yet again, and flashing it towards the guards. "Is that enough certification?"

I walked up the stairway before spotting a familiar figure, it was Paya. To say it simply, I tripped, she was that gorgeous. I'm not going to go into Chinese novel level of detail, but let me say it, my magnesis rune was going off a lot, the arrows in my quiver starting to levitate. I grabbed them out of the air before I made too big of a scene.

I get stared at by the guards at the bottom of the stairs, with looks filled with bewilderment and confusion, and a similar look from Paya. I felt my ears heat up as I walked through the front door, closing them behind me, I calmed down rapidly.

I felt eyes on my back, I turned on the spot and before me was a huge chamber, plenty of cushions laying in lines upon lines, two staircases on the far end of the room behind what seems to a platform. The wall that the stairs were positioned on were littered in ancient technology and what seemed like random trinkets and heirlooms. There was 1 big painting on the far left side of the wall, littered amongst several other items. They seemed to be a young adult's size; Link, I presume.

I focused on the main reason I was here, Impa, you could feel wisdom and confidence rolling off of her. She watched as I slowly sat on one of the cushions closest to her, and sat still and watched her.

After what seemed like hours, she finally opened her mouth, "You seem closed off." This confused me somewhat, there were so many things she could've said to me, 'who are you? Why are you here?' But no, she said that explicitly. "So what's the word from my sister?" She asked, the confusion from her previous question make me sluggish.

I clumsily pulled out the letter with the seal on it and got up and passed it into her hand. She smiled and started to open the letter.

She hummed to herself, and looked up every once in a while, before finally, "Hmmmm… Ah, okay. May I see your ears?" She asked.

I pushed back my hair off of my ears and turned my head, she motioned to come closer, I do so. And she looks awfully satisfied.

"Good to hear from my sister." She started, "though I wish we met more in person *sigh*, well okay. I give you permission to travel around in the area where you believe the Fairy Fountain is."

Guess what? I plan on rewriting this fanfiction. I think it has so much potential, and I don't want to see it wasted on my poor planning skills. I, am going to rewrite it with more, just more. It's going to take a while. But I want to make everything better than it was in this version. It might take a while, so all I'm hoping is for you, my readers, is to at least try to read the rewrite when it comes out.

Which means I am hoping for some ways that I can make it better, and i want your opinion.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts