
Chapter 30

I walked slowly down the hill, with sun still high in the sky, it was around 9 o'clock in the morning still and I had just said goodbye to the old man and the shepherd child. After a quick conversation and few goodbyes, I continued off down the hill. I jumped in the shadows of couple trees to keep myself before continuing the walk with slightly higher speed.

I arrived after 20 minutes of walking, seeing the familiar sight of the path slowly turning into a trodden path before finally turning to a cobble path. As I walked further down the path the gate appeared into my view, while being patted down I talked with Dom.

"So how goes guarding?" I asked while he went through the documentation of citizenship that I had gotten created on one of my last trips here, it was pretty easy with the help of the Hateno tech lab. They are pretty well known, Purah has on many occasions used her huge telescope to alert the towns people of monster attacks.

"You know, pretty uneventful. The back gate doesn't get much action, the front gate usually gets much more attention. We get a few people coming from the ranch up the road but that's about it." Dom said while smiling slightly. "So why are you coming down from the tech lab this time?"

"I was sent to gather more materials." I said lying, knowing very well that the information I gave would be given to the guard captain, and in case the Yiga clan started to snoop around. While Purah and Symin are Sheikah, it isn't common knowledge to the general public, but this doesn't mean I shouldn't start practicing wariness against strangers.

"Neat, they really work you like a horse, don't they?" He asked. "Okay I'm done checking your registration. We have to do the formality, otherwise they might dock my pay." He said while noticing my look of boredom.

"I know, its not going to hamper my mood." I said responding to his statement. After being let through and saying goodbye I walked through the main road, noticing a few random shops that were in the game every now and then.

I bought a few mushroom skewers while walking in the storefront. Shortly afterwards I had arrived at the front gates, and after the screening I was let through. I walked down the road. I passed by some people that were walking to town and ignored them.

I soon reached the forest and came across 3 Bokoblins, they didn't notice me as I drew my crossbow and loaded an arrow through Magnesis and took aim. After scattering a few caltrops on the ground in front of me I fired my crossbow, piercing through the middle Bokoblins shoulder. The force sent it flying forward, alerting the 2 other Bokoblins to my attack, I put away my crossbow after loading it and pulled out my sword.

The 2 Bokoblins started sprinting towards me, one had a club and the other had a spiked club and a metal shield. I waited until they got closer before attempting to goad them to jump towards me, positioning the caltrops between me and them.

They fell for it and leapt towards me, I strafed left from the attack, causing them to land on the caltrops, while they were distracted by the pain I looked to see where the first Bokoblin was. Noticing that it was only now starting to get up I pulled out my crossbow and fired the loaded shot, piercing through the back of its skull. After reloading it and putting it away I turned back to the other Bokoblins and activated my essence absorption rune, descending into hunger.

I proceeded to aim for the third Bokoblin that was still on the ground, I stabbed through its throat and watched as the light left its eyes and its essence was gathered. Ignoring the dead Bokoblin, I turned to the Bokoblin that watched me kill its companion and saw that it was enraged, it started blindly slashing towards me.

I pulled up the dead Bokoblin's shield and used it to deflect the club, while taking it's stagger time, to end its life.

I spent the next minute staring at the blue flame feeling my hunger fading and calmness returning. After that I collected the two essence and took anything of value from the Bokoblins' corpses. I looked at the sky, it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

I took out my cooking equipment and roasted up a bit of meat and mushrooms. While waiting for it to cook I read a bit of the notes, they were informative, I guess. Mainly just do's and don'ts of how to act with the higher ups. And little tidbits, such as don't lean on or deface the statues or don't talk to strangers about important information, pretty much just logical things.

And don't touch the ancient heirloom, that was mentioned several times. After that I ate the food then started the walk to Fir River.

I walked with the sun gliding gently through the leaves, the sunlight beneath the canopy flickering in and out of sight. I came across two Chuchus, I attempted to freeze them, seeing as they are pretty much made of water. It worked but not very well, the top layer froze, so I shot them with my crossbow.

After collecting the frozen drops, I continued through the forested pathway before the woods slowly cleared out, eventually I reached the Fir River. By this time, it was getting late, so looked around for some cover in case it rains while I'm sleeping.

I pitch a tent and crawl inside, the campfire outside lit with the blue flame. Strangely enough the blue flame doesn't really let off smoke unless you consider the initial smoke of when you burn things. I went to sleep late that night, I hadn't slept out in a while so the noises of nature were really distracting but before long they melded together as I felt asleep.

Hello, sorry i was later than usual. But yeah, hope you enjoy. I forgot how quickly combat scenes pass by. See you next time.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts