

At this point I'm sure that we all know about the violence that the Israeli soldiers are doing right now on the helpless Palestinians.

A Palestinian man named Hammam Jabour was spending his day normally going to work. He is a driver. On that day an Israeli soldier came to him with his rifle. He raised the rifle and struck Hammam in the eye with its barrel and tried to push it in his eye. Hammam's right eye was in a very bad condition. After going through surgery it was found out that his eye couldn't be recovered. He accepted it as his fate and most likely lost his job too.

This is complete racism. The world is choosing to turn a blind eye to this kind of violence. Normally we talk about harassment, violence on both men and women in our society. But when it comes to the people of Gaza, everyone turns silent. They are asking for our help. Even after we disappointed them several times they are still not willing to give up.

Women are being raped, children are being raped and brutally murdered, men have to lose their own lives or the lives of their loved ones. All of them are having to go through this inhumane like treatment.

People are leaving to Rafah and most of them are at Rafah. Yet the Israeli government chooses to not leave them alone. They are telling the people to evacuate Rafah. Once again they are trying to trick the people just to brutally murder them.

After losing their family members, children are begging to be killed not being able to put up with this much fear. Imagine waking up to the sound of bombs and knowing that u, your family, friends and relatives might be dead any moment from now.

'How long is this massacre and genocide going to continue? ' this might be the question of all of us right now. At this point the only answer is as long as we don't start to fully support Palestine, boycott the Israeli products, fight for their rights, question the world leaders this genocide is going to continue and the Palestinians are going to die unless we do all this.

Food and emergency services trucks are being sent to Gaza from various countries yet Israeli occupation is not letting them enter Gaza acting as an obstacle. We all won't be able to stop this until we are more than the number of the oppressors.

Posting on social media about their condition can easily help in raising awareness, making the people conscious about whatever is happening in Gaza. This shouldn't be normalized. The Palestinians aren't even free to walk around their own country, their own land and property.

A child was interviewed by a man asking why he went into the water. The child replied saying that he went there just to have something to eat and drink. After some time the man again asked him what he wanted. And the child replied saying that he wanted to die since they have nothing to survive on.

At this point they are tired, tired of continuously fighting for their lives, tired of us giving up on them, tired of raising their voice just to have people ignoring them. Children normally think that living for a long time is good for them and that they will be happier and independent once they grow up. That's not the case with the children of Gaza who just wants to give up on their lives.

A reporter once asked a boy in Gaza what he wanted to be once he grew up. The child replied saying that the children of Gaza don't grow up. Many children are dying out of starvation and malnutrition. There are many posts on social media containing the images of these people.

Let's hear the story of another Palestinian woman named Farah. On the 9th of Ramadan which is Tuesday she was with her family consisting of her five siblings, her daughter and mother. Later on the same day she found out that all of these people got martyred. She was the only one alive and her leg was seriously injured. Farah is still grateful to her Lord and thanked him for keeping her alive.

Little kids of northern Gaza are asking for help and begging the viewers not to skip the video as they know that their voice is ignored by many. They lost their everything. From educational institutions to food to shelter, everything has been stolen from them. How are they gonna survive if this torture keeps on going?

The wife of a doctor named Dr Adnan al Bursh talked about how her husband was besieged. The Israeli people shouted threatning him to come out or else they would blow up the hospital above him. Being a selfless person he was scared for his patient's lives and decided to come out. As soon as he came out they kidnapped him. This man used to contact his family and asked about whereabouts every time he had the chance to do it. He didn't take any money from his patients treating them for free even in this type of situation. The Israeli people transferred him to different prisons. They would put a blindfold or a blah bag over his head and continued to torture him until he finally took his last breath. His wife talked about this and it was visible how much she was hurt by this incident.

After reading about all these incidents I'm sure that no one would claim that Israel is innocent and that they aren't killing innocent people. Please continue to help these people as much as you can just to stop this violence and genocide.

Honestly I know that I'm not doing much by writing this but I hope this message reaches a huge number of people who are willing to help the Palestinians. I'm a teenager who sees the videos containing the violence implemented on the people of Gaza and I feel really bad knowing that I can't donate money to them. I'm leaving this as a message and I hope it reaches the right people who are willing to sacrifice their money, time, self interests for the right purposes.