
No home in this world

I saw a clip of a father carrrying the pieces of his children in plastic bags saying "my children". This thing is not normal. It doesn't happen in any other corner of the world. But why are these things normalised just because it's Palestine?

Some military officers keep the Palestinians imprisoned. They torture them, sexually abuse them, don't provide them with food and water. This is so inhumane yet people are afraid to speak up. Palestinian people get killed, raped, tortured by those Israeli officers yet no one talks about this.

A person from Israel ran their vehicle over a Palestinian a lot of times until that person lost their life.

A child is usually seen playing, laughing, having fun with their friends and a child cries when they accidentally get hurt which is normal. But Palestinian children cry when they lose their family members, their parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins and even friends.

A Palestinian girl's eyes were completely damaged due to the bombs dropped by those Zionists. She dreamt of being a journalist and these cruel people broke her dreams.

A Palestinian child was once asked about what he wants to be in the future. He replied saying that children in Gaza don't grow up.

For how long will they keep suffering like this? This didn't start on October 7th of 2023. Children of Gaza think that airstrikes are normal because of how frequent they experience it.

For 76 years they have been suffering like this. Many have been living in tents, been murdered or displaced. These people love their motherland, the place they were born in. And now they are forced to leave this very place for their own safety. They welcomed the Jews with open hands and a smile on their faces thinking that nothing will go wrong yet this was their biggest mistake.

Children in northern Gaza are dying due to starvation. Their bones can be seen directly because of continuous starvation and due to not eating anything for months.

Muslims all around the world started to fast on the first day of Ramadan. And the Palestinians have been fasting for months and years without any iftari. Still they are always grateful to their Lord.

Their Iman and belief in Allah is so strong that many people converted seeing their state even in this hard situation. As a Muslim, during Ramadan all of us go to shopping for our new eid clothes. The clothes for eid must be new since eid is a huge celebration for us.

On the other hand we have Palestinian people who have been wearing the same clothes for a long time. Palestinian women have been wearing a hijab that we specifically wear for praying. Normally this hijab isn't worn for any other cause other than praying yet these people have been wearing the same scarf for a long time. Children get so happy seeing new clothes and Palestinian children can't experience that happiness.

Imagine sleeping with your hijab on because you don't want any men to see your beauty. That's how high the Iman of Palestinian people are.

Now imagine that you went outside for work or any other purpose. Bringing some gifts for your loved one you walk to where your home is. You are beyond shocked to see that your house has been ruined, your family has been murdered, your children are lying on the floor lifeless and your significant other is lying dead on the floor. How would you feel in this kind of situation? Well the Palestinians are used to facing these kind of situations.

A man wanted to marry the love of his life. The excitement and happiness took over the both of them. And suddenly he came to know that she was murdered because of the bombs thrown by the Israelis. He felt devastated hearing that news yet he kept a smile on his face knowing that she will receive one of the highest ranks in Jannat or paradise.

Home is where a person lives with their family, loved ones. This place is considered as the best and safest place for a human being. In their point of view no one can harm them in their home and they can be themselves there.

However in a place named Gaza no place is home for the people. Even if they might have a shelter they are homeless. They might have a roof to cover their heads with but they know very well that this very roof will get destroyed within seconds by the bombs sent by the Israelis. Children, women, men, elderly and disabled people none of them feel safe in their own homes knowing that they will lose their own lives or their loved ones lives. They have no security.

Normally United Nations or UN helps the countries suffering from war or genocide. But UN has been suspiciously quiet since the genocide started. What's the purpose of UN when they can't help the helpless people? Everything is fair in this world until it comes to the judgement about the Palestinian people.

Despite seeing and knowing what's going on in Gaza many people don't care. What will you do when it's your own children suffering like this? How will you feel having to eat grass like animals after fasting for complete 14 hours? How would you feel seeing your family and friends suffering just because of some selfish people?

People of northern Gaza aren't given any food. And most people of gaza are living in tests, hospitals. They are even praying at the broken mosques which have broken pieces of bricks. Their Iman is so strong. Even if they went through so much they never questioned their Ilah "Ya Allah why me? Why are we the ones suffering? "

Instead what they say is "Only Allah is sufficient for me. Allah can see what we are going through and He is the all seer. He will punish all these people will watched us and did nothing on the day of judgement".

Well they aren't wrong. In this duniya (world) they can't even stay in this country without worrying about their loved ones. The people of Palestine aren't living a normal life like us ever since the genocide started on 1948.

I hope everyone raises awarenesss about this issue going on in Palestine.