
Secret Conversation

"What is this?" Hajime perplexedly asked.

"It's the list of our group." Shinji, the indifferent one, responded as he continued looking at the magazine he was reading up til now. He didn't even look up when he spoke to Hajime since he was too engrossed with whatever it was he was reading.

"Just so you know we didn't pick you out. Akamine-sensei personally assigned group leaders, four of them, and she assigned the teams for us. As much as we hate being with you, we're going to have to stick together during the school trip." Kichiro voiced out. There was a certain crestfallen tone in his voice that screamed how disappointed he was about the entire situation.

"Don't lump me in with this guy," Shinji responded calmly even though the attack wasn't directed at him. "While I also don't particularly like grouping with any of you, I'm not as undisciplined as this guy right here who childishly voices out his likes and dislikes."
