
A Blue Swordsman

In the middle of mountains, a valley is located where Joseph and his mother lives. Joseph lives with his old mother in the land of vankry. It is the land of beautiful mountains, fairies and magics. Vankry land is the peaceful land because of its good people. One day, something happens to their princess. She became so powerful that it is impossible to defeat her. Then That peaceful land changes .

waseem_fit · ファンタジー
1 Chs

A Blue Swordsman

Chapter 1

copyright ©️2021 by M Waseem. All Rights reserved.

The peaceful cold wind is blowing making the birds chirp and find a place to migrate to. Joseph returns home after buying necessary goods from the market nearest to the place.

Joseph is 17 years old and he lives with his mother in a valley which is located in the middle of the mountains.

Joseph's mother is a widow. She is an old woman and is always sick. Joseph always takes care of his mother.

The first thing he noticed after returning home was finding his mother lying in her bed in a worse condition.

He went to her and sat down and said,  "Conditions in our living have deteriorated so much that we have nothing to eat. The situation outside has also gotten much worse since she became the Queen of our land. There is a lot of unrest in our peaceful land.

In these circumstances, it has become very difficult to earn. People are dying of hunger. Poverty surrounds us and And that Queen is living a life of luxury in her palace. No one can revolt against her. She has become so powerful. No one knows where she got so much power from. But don't worry, as long as I'm with you, nothing will happen to you Mother !! "

It is evening, Some people's screams come from outside. When joseph looks out the window and he sees some palace soldiers standing outside other people's houses and they are torturing them.

Then he sees some soldiers move towards his house. He gets very scared and begins to tremble with fear.

That soldiers come to his house and knock on his door.

He opens the door with great panic.

"We are here to collect taxes, Our new queen has ordered us to collect taxes from the people. People do not pay taxes themselves and they are living in our land," That soldier says.

"If you want to live here, you have to pay taxes And whoever does not pay us taxes, then we will take his family to jail with us." Other soldiers says.

Joseph is terrified at the moment and says in great panic "I don't have money and i don't have anything to eat."

Soldier says "you alone live in this house?!"

"Yes, I live here alone," joseph says nervously.

Seeing this...

soldier says, "I don't think you live here alone, Let me search inside."

Then the soldiers breaks into his house.

When they go inside, they see that his mother is lying on the bed.

The soldier looks at his mother and says that, " you were saying that I live here alone..."

The other soldier says that "one of you must go with us."

Joseph says nervously, "take me" but then his mother says "no!"

She says, "take me with you, I don't even know how many days I have left because of my illness."

Then soldier says to them, " ok fine !! She'll go with us. (He says to Joseph)we will not leave your mother until you start paying us taxes."

"Why is it that all of a sudden?! we have never been asked to pay taxes." Joseph asks him with a low voice.

"No more talking" soldier says.

Then his mother gets ready to go with them.

His mother looks at him and says "take care of your self, We'll meet again ."

Then they take his mother with them and Joseph becomes very sad.

He sees that "the soldiers of the palace are taking a lot of people as prisoners."