My name is Zan, the gamer. With my fist cast ablaze, I'll scorch my way to omnipotence. - Feel free to support me on Patreon.
You know, when I died I expected it to go one of three ways. Number one, the most hopeful option, being a heavenly afterlife that would hopefully allow me bask in comfort and joy and all that other crap for eternity. Number two, was ending up somewhere quite hot, with a red skinned, horned cunt trying to stab me in the ass with a giant pitchfork. Number three and the final option, was just the entire ceasing of all consciousness and the end of my puny, useless existence as everything went dark.
Ending up in a void of total darkness was pretty close to number three I admit, but the blindingly bright letters illuminating a screen floating within the darkness in front of me kind of changed that up a bit.
Congratulations, you died! Would you like to start a New Game?
I just kind of stared at it for a bit. I thought for a second I was maybe hallucinating and on some acid trip or something despite never indulging in crap like that, but I can still vividly remember that heavy, sinking feeling as a knife plunged into my stomach and was ripped upwards. What a day to forget my own lock back.
"You know what mate? Fuck it," I snorted, long since passed the point of panicking, and crossed my arms as I floated there in that void, "Aye, a new game will do."
Sensational! Now, before anything else can be finalized, you must choose your new world.
One Piece
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
High School DxD
High School Of The Dead
Rosario Vampire
Solo Levelling
Attack on Titan
Resident Evil
Serei Tsukai No Blade Dance
A Tale Of Demons And Gods
(Worlds drawn from the users subconscious. More will become available as the user progresses and grows)
I raised an eyebrow at my choices. 'Maybe I did actually go to heaven?' I wondered with a grin. Because as far as a rewarding afterlife goes, this has to be pretty top tier, I'm not gonna lie.
Honestly, they were all really good picks. Except for Boruto, that place was a piece of shit and the only reason I would ever want to go there is to fuck that little blonde brat up and pound his babe of an aunt into a stupor.
In reality though, as much as I'd love to go to Bleach and get hollows powers so I can fire some badass Cero's, I think starting off in a smaller setting is probably the best bet, and if the little bit at the end of the list was anything to go by, I'll be able to go to these other worlds later.
One without massive escalation is my best bet for now. So on that front, all the shonen worlds are out for now. I'll also give Highschool Of The Dead, Resident Evil and Attack on Titan a by for now. They just don't have much room for growth. The titty anime is very tempting, but the escalation for it is crazy and who knows what will happen if I choose it? Like, will I end up just thrown into that world with the clothes on my back? Being reborn as a pure human with no Sacred Gear would just be suicide for the most part if I wanted to go involved in shit, and defeat the purpose. Rosario Vampire could be a good pick, if I ended up a human at Yokai Academy, all I'd need to do is keep my head down for a bit. Moka would kick the shit out of Gin and the group would defeat Kuyou if I left them alone. It would be a bit risky, but I could get my hands on their blood and inject it to become a hybrid.
My eyes went to the Avatar options. Depending on where I ended up, it would be possible to be gifted bending if I wasn't given any upon going there. And it in general is a pretty low tier setting with quite a lot to profit from. I could play the long haul, until Aang met the Lion Turtle and he learned Energy Bending, and he could probably gift me chi and shit the way the Lion Turtle's first gave bending to others during Avatar Wan's time.
Before I could talk my self out of it, I pressed my finger on it, selecting it, "Avatar it is." I decided.
You have selected Avatar: The Last Airbender. You will be entering this world around the time Avatar Aang escapes his icy prison.
Previous game has been analysed. You earned: 1000 Points during your last game!
The screen shifted into multiple screens. One showed a blanked out character avatar image idly rotating. Another was blanked out entirely. The final and third of them all, in the middle and facing me was different though.
Choose your alignment.
Air Bender
Water Bender
Earth Bender
Fire Bender
Non Bender
"Shit I can just choose one, that's badass!" I grinned, clenching a fist excitedly. "Fire Bender all the way!" fire was the element of power, and I'm all about that power baby. Who cares about any of that basic bitch shit and being super skilled when you can punch out mother fucking fire.
The screen in the middle shifted then once again, after I made my choice.
Choose your starting point!
Imperial Firebender: You are one of the elite guards of Fire Lord Ozai.
The Princess' Guard: You are a guard on the ship ferrying Princess Azula in order for her to capture her brother and uncle.
Prince's Sparring Partner: You are a frequent sparring partner of Prince Zuko on his quest to capture the Avatar.
Student Of The Warlord: You are a young fire bender who showed such promise that Zhao has taken you on as an apprentice.
"What? C'mon, where's the student of Iroh option!" I complained after reading my options over. Not a single one of them was good! There would be little I could do if I chose the Zuko option, he wouldn't listen to Iroh never mind me. And being the student of Zhao? No way mate, mutton chops could go piss off and die. The guard of Ozai was tempting, it looked like the outright strongest option to begin with..but then that had me stuck at the Fire Nation capital guarding the cunt.
..So that only left the Azula option. Which meant starting in Book 2. Being chosen as one of the benders for Azula's retinue also meant there was probably at least some competency expected at least. And Azula was so hyper focus, she probably wouldn't notice me slipping away at some point. Especially when she ditches all her guards.
"I'll take the princess' guard option." I mused, selecting it. And just as I did, the screen went dark, and the screen on the right lit up entirely, wile the character image screen on the left lit up as well.
The character staring back at me, was a plain faced skinny boy, looking to be around his mid teens. To the side of the image, there was a few lines of text.
Name: -
Age: 15
Gender: Male
There was an arrow to change the gender, so I could be female if I wanted I guess. I don't though, so fuck that. But there isn't an arrow beside the age. So, I'm locked in to being fifteen years old I guess? 'Well, being young again just means living longer.' I shrugged, no skin off my nose.
At the very least, I could change his looks thankfully, except the eyes. They were a bright molten gold colour and couldn't be edited at all. Well whatever. I was always a short, stocky kind of guy so I went with a similar build, only dialed up to eleven. I gave myself quite a lot of bulk, powerful, thick muscles, rippling biceps and chiselled abs. Honestly, I took them up to nearly as high as they could go, none of that lean swimmer build bullshit, and only didn't go further because the aesthetic of the muscles looked best at that point. Swoll as fuck, but not bulging muscles that got so big they looked oddly shaped. Then I increased my height just a couple inches from the same height I am because...well, sometimes it helps to be able to reach the top shelf without having to tip toe. And I finished up with some simple black and shaggily spikey medium length hair..because apparently the only options were various states of long hair or bald. And I don't wanna be bald.
When I was done, a complete Adonis with beautifully crafted muscles stared back at me.
That done, I turned to look at the last screen.
Please purchase your perks. Points Remaining: 1000
Herculean Strength(200): Strength is increase by 10%
Endurance Beast (200): Endurance is increased by 10%
Swiftly Agile(200): Dexterity is increased by 10%
Dragon Blooded(300): Gain 50% resistance to all elemental attacks. Chi gains are doubled. Fire Bending gains multiplied by 1.5x.
Minor Regeneration(200): You have a minor healing factor.
Avatar Spirit(3000): You have a piece of Raava and can learn all elements.
Super Immune(100): You are immune to all diseases and poisons.
Expert Swordsman(100): You learned under the sword master Piando.
Prodigious(100): You learn and pick up things at an accelerated rate, from theoretical to combat skills.
Fast Growth(300): Experience gains increase by 5%
Huh, ten perks in total. And only a thousand points to spend on them. And shit man, I can't even afford that piece of Raava with all my points just buying it alone.
Now, what did I want to do here? Will first things first. Dragon Blooded, Herculean Strength and Endurance Beast. Seven hundred points down the drain. Always be the dragon is a meme for a reason. And I'm all about those physical boosts. I'd love to get the dexterity enhancing one as well, but there's a lot of martial arts and techniques that goes into bending, so I need prodigious. Minor Regeneration is very tempting, but Super Immune is helpful in a world that's not very advanced medically.
That left me with only one hundred points left. And well, there was only one other option worth one hundred. So, Expert Swordsman it is.
The only thing left to do, was pick a name. "Zan..I guess?" I shrugged, inputting it. I remember seeing it once on a fire nation name generator. Just as I did, and hit confirm, the screens blipped out of existence except the one in the middle that lit up again.
It seems you are finished. Are you satisfied with your choices, user?
"Aye, that'll do I suppose." I nodded,
Perfect! Stand by while the system calibrates and syncs with your chosen world!
Suddenly, a rushing sensation shot through me, and I wasn't within that void any longer. Instead, I was sitting on a bed within the barracks of a Fire Nation ship, dressed in red fire nation armour, a blade of red curved metal resting on my lap.
And just as suddenly, I could remember an entire new life. A full set of fifteen years worth of memories, were just there within my mind as if they'd always been there. A life of a street rat boy, with some talent for fire bending. Recruited by a soldier and in the Sozin Style of Fire Bending to become a soldier himself. He even gained a few lessons from the vaunted Master Piando after protecting the village the sword master was from when it was invaded by a small group of bandits. His talent was noted, and as such he was chosen to be one of the soldiers brought along as Princess Azula's retinue.
You'd think suddenly having an extra fifteen years of memories would be disorienting, or cause a headache at least. But no, it feels natural, as if I lived that life. Honestly, it's becoming hard to tell at this point if I did or not.
I opened my mouth as an instinctual thought came to me. "Status." I said. And a screen, just like the one in the void formed into existence in front of my face.
Name: Zan
Race: Human
Level: 1
HP: 1000/1000 (50 Regen per minute)
CP: 220/220 (10 Regen per minute)
Strength: 10 (11)
Endurance: 10 (11)
Dexterity: 10
Luck: 1
Stat Points: 5
Gacha points: 5
Herculean Strength: Strength is increase by 10%
Endurance Beast: Endurance is increased by 10%
Dragon Blooded: Gain 50% resistance to all elemental attacks. Chi gains are doubled. Fire Bending gains multiplied by 1.5x.
Prodigious: You learn and pick up things at an accelerated rate, from theoretical to combat skills.
Super Immune: You are immune to all diseases and poisons.
Expert Swordsman: You learned under the sword master Piando.
Sozen Style Fire Bending(Adept- 0%): Save 5% Chi Points when using fire bending techniques. 10% Chi increase. 20% resistance to the fire element.
Swordsman(Expert - 0%): Dexterity increased by 10% when wielding a blade.
Flame Punch: Firing blasts of fire from a punch. Standard Cost: 10CP
Flame Kick: Launching blasts and arcs of fire with a kick. Standard Cost: 10CP
Flame Dagger: Creates a vibrating, red hot blade of flame from the fist. Standard Cost: 25CP
Flame Redirection: The ability to redirect flames with physical contact. Standard Cost: 1+CP
Fire Stream: Fires a compressed stream of fire. Standard Cost: 50CP
Fire Block: the ability to block and extinguish fire. Standard Cost: Varies
"Well, for just starting off it isn't looking bad at all." I grinned. Five stat points to begin with already? And from the looks of it, my health points are one hundred times my Endurance stat I think. And my CP short for Chi Points would usually go up by one hundred each level I went up. Except, it seemed to be doubled thanks to the Dragon Blooded perk I had.
Well, I may as well spend those points right now I suppose. An even build would be best for now I guess. So, with but a thought, I put two into the Luck stat, and then one into the other three. Bringing my luck to three and the other three to eleven.
Name: Zan
Race: Human
Level: 1
HP: 1100/1100 (55 Regen per minute)
CP: 220/220 (10 Regen per minute)
Strength: 11 (12.1)
Endurance: 11 (12.1)
Dexterity: 11
Luck: 3
Stat Points: 0
Gacha points: 5
"Looking good," I nodded, before eyeing the other points total at the bottom, "What are these Gacha points for?" I wondered.
Gacha Points can be used to roll the Gacha. It is random chance, and you could obtain almost any item within the world you currently find yourself in. From 'Space Rock' to currency, to even bending scrolls. Once rolled, these items will be deposited into your inventory.
Would you like to roll the Gacha?
"Seems simple enough," I noted, though interesting as it was, there wasn't really that many items in the Avatar world that would be that helpful. "And yeah, go ahead and roll it." at least it did confirm I had an inventory. That was beastly in of itself.
A moment later, a series of notifications popped up in front of me.
Gained: Iron Dao Blade(Common)
Gained: Ruined Cabbage(Common)
Gained: Earth Kingdom Coins x 200(Common)
Gained: Chi Crystal(Rare)
Gained: Iron Dao Blade(Common)
Yeah, as expected, pretty much nothing that great. Though those coins would be hella useful since I'd be in Earth Kingdom soon, and it might be in my best interest to just run off on my own and get the hell out of dodge.
"What's a Chi Crystal?" I wondered though. "Inventory." I said, and an inventory screen popped up in front of me.
Within it were all the items I got from the Gacha just a moment ago. Alongside a few others.
Fire Nation Greaves(Common): +1 Endurance.
Fire Nation Vambraces(Common): +1 Endurance
Fire Nation Helmet(Common): +1 Endurance
Fire Nation Chest Armour(Common) +2 Endurance
Red Iron Dao Blade: +1 Strength
Interesting that I was wearing them, yet they weren't equipped to me. Very odd. But, it was easily to select them and equip them all. I'd equip one of the normal Iron Dao Blade's as well, except my memories of learning how to use a sword under Master Piando, was only training in a single blade.
Name: Zan
Race: Human
Level: 1
HP: 1100/1100 (55 Regen per minute)
CP: 220/220 (10 Regen per minute)
Strength: 11 (12.1) (13.1)
Endurance: 11 (12.1) (17.1)
Dexterity: 11 (12.1)
Luck: 3
Stat Points: 0
Gacha points: 0
After checking over my new stat buffs with the armour and weapon equipped, I looked at what drew me to the inventory in the first place.
Chi Crystal(Rare): Upon usage, the user gains a permanent 500 Chi.
My eyes widened. That was amazing! That was more than double the total amount of Chi I currently had! "Yoink!" I laughed, and quickly selected it and used it. As soon as I did, a rushing sensation flowed through my body, and I felt completely energized. More than that, I felt powerful.
Name: Zan
Race: Human
Level: 1
HP: 1100/1100 (55 Regen per minute)
CP: 720/720 (35 Regen per minute)
Strength: 11 (12.1) (13.1)
Endurance: 11 (12.1) (17.1)
Dexterity: 11 (12.1)
Luck: 3
Stat Points: 0
Gacha points: 0
I didn't get to bask in that feeling for long though. "Attention all combatant crew members. By the order of Princess Azula, you are to report to the deck!" a male voice echoed reverberated throughout the ship, "You have three minutes. Failure to appear on time will be met with consequences."
I sighed, "Guess I have to go see what the gremlin wants." I said to myself as I stood up, stretching out a bit before getting a move on. If nothing else, I'm really curious to see Azula up close and personal. Maybe I'll get to see some techniques from her that I can copy?
I'll need to make a personal effort to keep my mouth shut though. The crazy bitch will probably execute me if I do anything she doesn't take a liking to. Really, the girl does need a spanking that's for sure.
I actually have all the gamer parts bolded in the original drafts to make it easier to differenate. For some weird reason though, Webnovel doesn't let you use alternate fonts like bold, itallic, underlined and such.