
A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation

Volume 1: From Anomalous to Bizarre New Beginnings A young man name Rodeo, gets a mysterious package, revealing to be a Killer Queen helmet inside of it. To his curiousity, he wears it, and then gets ended up transporting to the anomalous universe of the SCPs. Now having the power of Killer Queen on his side, what will he do? Will he be contained or will he be helping the Foundation in protecting their world from complete world annihilation? Let's just say... it's going to be an explosive ride. (No pun intended) . . . Volume 2: Anomalous & Bizarre Wars After Rodeo and his friends' successful defeat of the demons of hell at the city of Las Vegas and the SCP world was now free from danger, the story continues with Rodeo and the rest of his team facing new challenges in the anomalous world of Scps. While they had defeated a few of their enemies, new threats loom in the horizon for him and his friends as beings and figures powerful and beyond their knowledge... or at least to their knowledge loom in the scp world and beyond the multiverse in a bid to take or annihilate the universe as more problems has now increased. But Rodeo's team has been growing and continues to show their might however will that be enough to face the impending dangers it has to offer? Rodeo will be tested both physically and mentally with these challenges in this strange dark world. With his friends, can he overcome his mental health and lead this world filled with countless horrors into peace? While he made many friends and allies, he also made many enemies, some that he has yet to meet.

Artemis099 · SF
289 Chs

A Tradegy(1)


Green was running down a hallway wearing a black jacket and a light green shirt underneath it, he had dark blue pants and black shoes. 

Currently, there was visible fear on his face and was sweating a lot. He then stopped running and tried to catch his breath. 

Not until he heard a growl, he quickly started running down the hallway again and then made a left turn and then a right before he saw an elevator, so entered it without wasting any time and at the next moment, the elevator started going up. 

"Why is that thing here?" Green uttered, he then noticed the elevator had stopped, the doors opened and he exited the elevator. 

As he continued to run, he saw another hallway and started walking down and made a left turn.

But then, he saw a dog with pitch black fur, thankfully, it was not looking at Green. 

"Shit." Green was about to move away but escaped. However, he stepped on a screwdriver which was on the floor and fell on his back with a thud sound. 

The dog's ears perked up and before it turned around, Green immediately closed his eyes. The dog turned around to see Green lying on the floor with his eyes closed and felt the fear emanating from his body thanks to the dog's glowing orange eyes. 

This was SCP-023. 


023 approached Green and was now in front of his face, looking at him for a long time. Green didn't move nor did he open his eyes. 023 patiently waited and Green could feel his breath right in front of his face. Then suddenly it spoke.

[Why do you fear me? Just look into my eyes and you will be at peace.] The Dog suddenly spoke in a perfect human tongue.

Green didn't listen to 023 and kept his eyes closed tightly.

[You know, no matter how hard you try, in the end of the day death will come straight at your door, ready to take away everything you ever loved. Just like how I took away your son. All because you looked into my eyes. There is no peace in this world, there can only be death and suffering, Agent Thomas Green.] 

"Go to hell." Green cursed him while keeping his eyes closed.

[So you still want to think that you can start a new life and forget the past? No matter how many times you try, you cannot escape your past, because that is... your fate. Now look into my eyes.]  023 said in a demanding tone.

"Fuck you."

023 let out a disappointed sigh, [Then I'll make you look.]

023 then bit his arm, trying to force him to look at him, only letting Green yelled out in pain, but he still didn't open his eyes. 

023 let go of his arm and felt annoyed, [Why do you resist? Just one look and it will all be over.]


Suddenly, multiple long arms that were dark red in color emerged from the walls and the ceiling and grabbed Green, lifting him high up. 

Green tried to break away from their grip but it was no use. Two arms then came up to his face and tried to force his eyes open using their hands. 


Green was struggling to get himself free, while 023 just looked at his attempt and waited for the hands to open his eyes and look at him.

[You will look into my eyes...]

Then finally, the dark red hands were able to force Green's eyes open and he was now looking directly into 023's eyes.

[...And lose everything.] 023 completes his sentence.

After failing to avoid the inevitable, Green looked forward to seeing at the end of the hallway three people he knew all too well; Rodeo, Evan and Amelia Buck. Their eyes and mouths were on fire and were screaming in pain, agony and were crying for help.

[This. Is. Your. Fate!!]

Green saw the three trying to reach him, he raised his arm and tried to reach them as well, but couldn't as they were moving further and further away from each other before the three's bodies started burning, slowly disappearing in Green's view as he could only look in horror and sadness with tears started streaming down his face.


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At the moment, Green immediately woke up from his sleep, he looked around while breathing heavily with some tears in his eyes. 

Green let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead.

"It was just a nightmare."


(Break room, Site-19, America - 7:00 AM)

(Rodeo's Pov)

Heyooo. It's me. So after the so called adorable incident that happened three days ago and Amelia Buck telling me that I was like a son to her..... Well, it was embarrassing that I turned into a kid and did some idiotic shenanigans, but I also felt happy that Amelia sees me that way and I'm actually happy that I see her as a mother as well, even though our first meeting in Site-17 was not the best start.

But in the messed up world of SCPs who can you see as family? Currently I was watching some TF2 sfm and gmod animation videos on YouTube while sitting on a chair in the break room for an unknown amount of time until the door opens, revealing to be Evan.

"My man, what is up?" Evan came to me and we both bro fisted each other before he sat on a chair.

"Everything's fine, my man. Just you know, checking YouTube as always."

"So how's your mom doing?"

"...Are you talking about Amelia?"


"Dude, she only sees me as a son."

"And you see her as a mother. Am I right or wrong?"

"No, you're right."

"You don't find it weird, do you?"

"No I don't find any of this weird, Evan. It's just that... well the foundation can be strict when it comes to showing emotions towards SCPs. I mean we are SCPs in the foundation's eyes. I just don't want to see her get in trouble."

"Look, Amelia is smart and I'm pretty sure she knows how to not get in trouble. So how was your first encounter with her the time you or we were transported here?"


(After Explaining the Events that Happened in Site-17 Later.)

"Wow, quite the rocky start."

"Yeah, but hey we now understand each other. So everything is fine."

Although, I will say that Amelia is still hiding something from us and no new Stand user has shown up yet to go after her. Talking about it, I wondered, are they planning something big or are they waiting for something to happen? 

"Uhhh, dude?"

I broke away from my thoughts and looked at Evan.


"So about your plan on meeting with SCP-343. Did your requests get accepted?"

"No, they've been denied."

"Well that's just great."

"Don't worry, let's just wait and see for now."

"Alright." Evan lay on his chair in dissapointed, but for a moment, he let out a smirk, "Sooo... you want to get adopted by Amelia?"

My mind: [GIF]

I looked at him deadpanly, ".....Are you being sarcastic or serious with me?"

"I'm just saying."

"Look, we see each other as mother and son. Nobody said anything about adoption."

"Come on, I'm just messing with you. Don't take it so seriously."

I just sighed, and then we heard the door open again, this time, it was Green. 

"Good morning, Green."

"Good morning to you as well." Green sighed and responded in a tired tone.

Me and Evan looked at each other before looking at his face and noticed that he hasn't gotten any sort of sleep. 

"Green, you alright?"

Green then looked at me and replied, "Kid, I'm fine."

"Green, your face is telling us a different story." Evan said.

"Look, I just had some nightmares and couldn't get some sleep last night, that's all."

" Ok, but still I think you should rest a bit."

Green pats me on the shoulder and speaks with a small smile, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just need to get some coffee. That's all."

As Green lets go and goes for the coffee vending machine. Evan then approached me.

"Are you sure it's not that sleep killer SCP that you talked about before that might be doing this?"

"Even if that was the case, the foundation would straight away find out and hunt and kill SCP-966. And also a few days back he was just fine and he didn't have any sort of sleep deprivation. So I don't think that's the case."

"I see, but still I think somethings up."


We both continued to look at him. After he took his coffee, he left the room.

"I'll go check on him." I said.

"Sure, I'll catch up with you later."

Running past Evan, I then left the room to catch up with Green.


(Amelia Buck's Office, Site-19 - 7:15 AM)

(Third Person Pov)

Meanwhile, Amelia was doing work as usual and was thinking about the adorable incident with Rodeo, especially about seeing him as a son. She found it a little bit weird but she was happy nonetheless and wanted to be there for him as a mother. 

But she was worried whether the foundation didn't see this as a problem due to the foundation's habit of being not emotionally attached to SCPs, something which all employees and scientists should follow. 

Then her worries were cut off when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Following her words, the door opens to reveal Evan. 

"Evan, what brings you here?"

"It's Green."

"Is something wrong with him?"

"Nothing's wrong, he just showed up in the break room looking tired. He said he was having some nightmares and that he couldn't get some sleep last night."

Amelia raised an eyebrow. Green was not the type to miss his sleep since MTF soldiers and SCP guards needed enough sleep to keep themselves active while on duty, and she also thought it might involve SCP-966, but the nightmares, she never heard this from Green, at least from all the years she knew him.

"So what do you think might be wrong with him?" Evan asked.

"I'm not sure, if it involves an SCP then we might need to get him checked by a doctor. Come on, let's go."

"And what about work?"

"It's nothing too much. I can handle it later."

Evan nods and then they both leave the office. While walking down the hallway Evan smirks and asks Amelia.

"So how's everything going between you two?"

"You mean me and Rodeo?"

"Yeah, I mean you did adopt him as your son."

Amelia's Mind: [GIF]

"No. No.....I...uh .....I just see him as a son. I didn't....uh....adopt him." Amelia said, blushing in embarrassment and waving her hands left and right trying to gesture to him that it was not the case.

Evan starts laughing, "Hahahahaha! The look on your face is priceless, hahahahahaha!"

"Evan!!" She yelled.

"Ok, I will stop."

Amelia sighs and just kept walking forward with Evan following close behind her. 


(Cafeteria, Site-19 - 7:20 AM) 

Green was drinking his coffee quietly while sitting on a chair. He then heard some of the D-class on his right talking about something. This is what he heard them talking.

"Look guys, I swear that thing took me to another dimension and showed me things that I could not comprehend. He sent me through space, made me get chased by creatures called Grimm and told me to test his weaponry which can destroy a country or possibly a planet and a buttload of other things. That thing calls himself a Supreme Being of some sort!"

The two D-class in front of him looked at him weirdly.

"I'm starting to see why they're calling you the crazy one."

"I'm not crazy!! That thing said he could destroy an entire universe if he wanted to!!"

"And he was the one who took you away three days ago without these guys noticing?"


"Did he say who he was?"

"And what did he look like?"

The one D-class that says crazy things sighs, "I don't know, he mentioned the word 'Arc' once and he talked about being a friend to some girl with silver eyes. I don't know. But the thing was wearing sci-fi armor, that's for sure."

Green, who was listening to the conversation from a distance murmuring to himself.

"Well... that might be the strangest conversation I ever heard." Green looked to his left to see Rodeo approaching him. 

Rodeo sits next to him and asks, "Green, can you tell me what's going on with you? If it's 966-"

Green cuts him off, "Rodeo, I'm not having sleep deprivation. I just didn't get any sleep last night."

"Because of the nightmares?"


"Want to tell me what you saw in your nightmare?"

".....Look Rodeo, I've been through many missions in my life and sometimes I relive them in my nightmares." He said, still trying to hide the truth.

"Ok, I understand. But still, try to get some rest if you can't go on duty today. Alright?"

"Alright, kid." Green then gets up and throws the coffee paper cup in the trash bin and leaves the cafeteria. 

Rodeo sighs, "Maybe he's right. I.... what is that?"

Rodeo spots something underneath the table. A photo. 


Rodeo picks up the photo and looks at it to see it was a photo of Green, who was kneeling down, smiling and was patting the head of a nine year old boy who was also smiling as Rodeo tries to look closely, the boy had some similarities to Green. 

'He has a kid?' He thought.

Now Rodeo wanted to know something. Were the nightmares of Green related to his missions or was it related to this child. Rodeo then keeps the photo in his hollow stomach compartment and leaves the cafeteria. 


(Down the Hallway)

Green was walking down the hallway to see an elevator and enter it. Before he pressed the button to go to the lower levels, he saw Rodeo approaching him and he entered the elevator and just a nick of time, the doors closed and this time Rodeo pressed the button which goes for the rooftop. 

"Green, we're going to the rooftop to discuss something."

"Is it important?"

"Yeah, It's important."