

How should the society be? Philosophers, politicians, and many others have thought about this question for so long, throughout our history. People have fantasies about our society. Our imaginations reflect the ideologies of people. Literature, as the expression of imagination, contains the author's thoughts on society within their ideology.

A Biography of Cyber Heroes has well reflected the author's ideology about how society should and should not be. He creatively combined the concept of WǔXiá and cyberpunk creating a whimsical world. In this story, you'll see many magical scientific technologies and flamboyant fighting; you will see the self-destruction of humans — although they are not humans anymore, more importantly, you will also see the spark of resistance, the justice of resisting oppression, and visions of the future of mankind.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading this book.

Translator, Rolling Globe

February 14th, 2024