

She was specially and carefully craved in the rightful places to befit me and me alone.

Sunny_star_999 · ファンタジー
20 Chs


"You can take her home she will wake up in the next couple of hours".the doctor told the butler.

"Okay thanks ".he replied the the doctor.


My heart skipped a bit when I heard my young madam's accusation.

"Does she know?. I thought to myself.

"No it's not possible, she can't know what is going on".

"She is probably speaking the way she is speaking because she is hysterical".

"Hopefully she will let go of her suspicions when she wakes up". I said in my mind and carried to the car and drive back home.


I turned and saw my sister giving me a question mark face. Indirectly asking me to spill the beans.

I first of all took in deep breath and exhaled while placing my hand on my chest.

The shock and fear my sister gave when I got back to my room was still fresh in my mind. She intentionally mimicked my mom's voice perfectly to scare the hell out on me because she knows that my mom is my number fear.

"Where did you go to?. She asked for a second time.

"I went out to the garden for some fresh air". I tried lying forgetting that the one person who knows me so well to the point the she can detect when am lying is my nosy sister.

"Oh really?. She decided to played dumb with her creepy Smile which was giving me a horror vibes.

"But am just coming from the garden and there was no sign of any living being there".she said.

"Where did you go to? Oh I forgot, let me go and tell mom you would probably answer if it were her right? She said while making for the door.

"Okay fine. I went out to the stream for some fresh air". Trying to remember the sin I committed in the past to make me have a cheesy sister whom unfortunately I love so much.

"What about the air in here? She asked incredulously when she reached the door knob.

"It's too suffocating". I replied her.

"How? She said while sniffing the air.

"Argggghh! I yelled in frustration while holding my head.i could already feel a headache brewing in my head

My sister is the type of person that can make you make you feel like jamming her head on the wall when she starts behaving like someone who had nuts.