
Chapter 3


Do you know my little problem about being unable to visit my parents? I solved it. This morning I booked a flight ticket for Ontario, Canada, where they are staying, and I'm going to visit them tomorrow, and they don't know I'm coming.

I can't wait to see their faces. We last met three years ago. That aside, today is the day of my final exams for the semester. I freshen up, put on the first sweater and pants I see while I tie my locs in a high ponytail, grab my phone and bag, and walk to class for the exam.

~time skip~

I'm finally free. Don't get me wrong, I love studying and school, but I love being free. I go straight to the mall and pick dresses, and by dresses, I mean skinny jeans, sweats, leather jackets, and winter jackets; I heard South Korea gets cold, so I also packed some gowns and skirts in case.

I've been researching South Korea and the company I will work for, and it's been interesting. It's situated in the heart of Korea, Seoul, and it's one the most popular and oldest food companies running till now, so it's been running for generations. That means if I have that company on my resume, it will boost my chances of having a good, stable job after college with great pay. So I have to focus.

I get back to my dorm and start packing, there's another party tonight, but I honestly don't care. I'm not even waiting for my results. They'll send it online. I'm finally going home; I smile and continue packing. After making sure I pack.... e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g because I'll be going to South Korea from home, I decided to do a last day at work. I already told my boss yesterday I'll be leaving tomorrow cause I've gotten an internship, and he's okay with it; sometimes I wonder how lucky I got with my job like he allows my schedule to be flexible and still pays me my entire salary, he's such a nice man.

I reach Starbucks and start work...at the back as usual. Brooke walks in. "Order for two, one Venti Cinnamon Dolce latte and one Grande Apple spice," she says, prancing around the place; that order sounded familiar.

"Okay. Aren't you supposed to be at the counter" I reply

"Ohh, Caleb's schedule has started," she replies, taking a sandwich, and I roll my eyes. "So, the boss told us you're leaving today," she says, eating the sandwich and glaring at me.

"Yeah, about that..." Shit, I forgot to tell her

"You didn't tell me. Why? I thought we were friends or at least close enough for me to know," she raps out, dramatically raising her hands.

"I'm sorry, I just found out yesterday, and I don't have your number!!" I say

"That's true; give me your phone."

"Why?" I say but still hand it to her; after some minutes, she returns it

"Saved my contact; now you don't have an excuse," she says, eating. I chuckle and see she saved her number as a 'co-worker.'

We continue talking after the order has been given and our shifts are over. I told her how I got the internship and wished to visit my family in Canada, and I honestly don't know why I told her everything; she makes me comfortable.

"Wow, I'm happy for you," she says as we get our stuff and head to the manager's office, aka 'boss.' I tell him I'm leaving tomorrow, and he congratulates me, gives me my monthly salary, and wishes me good luck. After that, Brooke and I grab dinner in a restaurant. We continue to discuss as she tells me more about herself, she is an only child, and she just recently got single; this is the first time we've sat down and talked, and it feels nice, but good things come to an end, I look at the time, and it's 8:30 pm wow I left the workplace by 4:00 pm so we spent four and a half hours talking.

She smiles at me as we get to my dorm.

"It was nice talking to you; we should do it another time when you come back from the other side of the world," she says, and I giggle.

"Yeah, we should; I'll surely come back. Even if you change your number, I'll get your information," I say seriously, and she laughs.

"See you when I see your best friend," she says, hugging me; I hug back.

"Best friend is a strong word, but I'll see you soon, co-worker," I say and wink; she laughs as we break the hug, and I walk in.

I get into my dorm, and it's so quiet, ahh, the party. Everyone is there. I remember shaking my head.

Today was excellent, I got a friend, but I'm leaving tomorrow; faith once again plays a fast one on me. I sigh and just crash, but my phone rings before I can close my eyes to rest. "Hey honey," it's mom.

"Hey, Mom!, How are you."

"I'm good, Rubie, you?"

"I'm good. What's up? You called late."

"Yeah, I just realized you never got back to me if you got the internship or not" shit, I didn't

"Ahh, yes...uh. I did, actually; I mean, she got back to me, and I got it," I say

"Ohh wow, so when are you leaving" shit, how do I distract her? I wanted to discuss everything when I got back.

"Yeah, we should talk about that later, Mom; right now, I feel sleepy..." I say, faking a yawn

"...I'm sorry, Mom, I just returned from work. I'm exhausted; I'm going to bed, Mom. Bye."

"But baby, I-" I cut the line

Sorry, Mom, I wanted to talk to you, but I'll expose everything if I do.

My flight is for 9:00 am tomorrow, so I have to be energized; good thing I packed since morning.