
A Billionaire in his late forties Falls in love with a young lady

Brianna Bennett is a witty fun girl who likes to party and socialize. She gets a job at Empire Groups Michael Craine is a billionaire who has worked hard to get to where he is now. Brianna begins to work for Michael. Because of their differences, they find it difficult to get along but as time goes on, everything changes between them. Michael falls in love with Brianna and he finds it difficult to accept and express it

Daoist6K4Szg · ファンタジー
65 Chs

I Don't Forgive My Enemies Easily


I have been away from my baby girl for six months. I really miss her. Her craziness, her naughtiness and most of all her undying love for me. I don't really know how I managed to cope with not being near her for half a year. I have been receiving updates from my company and I know Brianna is doing a tremendous job. My work here is almost done and I will soon return to my country. Thankfully the country is safe again and I can go back to my normal life.

It's been three days since I heard from Brianna but I guess she must be busy. She doesn't return my calls and emails. She also doesn't pick my call.

"Daniel I need you to track down Brianna. I am worried. I haven't heard from her" I said

"Alright boss" Daniel replied.

I used my phone to start tracking but because of where I was, the network was slow.

I was in a meeting when I had a phonecall from Martin (he is the guy I appointed to help Brianna with the company). I excused myself because I wanted to know why he was constantly calling.

"Martin it better be good boy" I said angrily

"Sir please I am sorry to disturb you. It's about Miss Bennett" he said

I felt my heart beginning to beat fast

"Martin what happened to her? What is going on" I asked nervously

I am not the type of man who gets scared easily but when it comes to Brianna, I loose my braveness.

"Sir she hasn't been to the office for days now and her phone has not been connecting" he said

"What? How come you are telling me now" I shouted

"Sir I am sorry in the beginning I thought she was busy with her studies but now I am worried because her bodyguards too has disappeared" he said

"Oh my God. Martin please inform my security team as soon as possible. I will come there as quickly as I can" I said

I disconnected the call and called Brianna's principal. After sometime she also confirmed that Brianna has not been attending lectures.

"Oh my God please don't let anything happen to her. She is my world" I said to myself

I didn't return to the meeting room. I went to Daniel's office and saw him on the phone. He disconnected as soon as he saw me.

"Who were you talking to" I asked

"That was Mrs Bennett. She called to tell me that Miss Bennett has not been home" he said

"Coincidentally that is why I am also here. Martin called me to inform me of the same issue" I said

"Michael something is wrong and we need to find her as soon as possible" he said

"Daniel do anything you have to do. Please find her" I said

"Don't worry boss the network here is slow but I have always started my search" he said

I nodded my head.

It's been three days since I heard the news. I can't concentrate on anything. With the help of Daniel, I was able to finish the work and return to the country but for some reason Daniel made us enter the country secretly. We arrived at my security team headquarters.

"Daniel what are you up to" I asked

"Boss I have gotten an information that Andrew is searching for you. There has been suspicious movements between Andrew and Ivana. I think they are involved in the disappearance of Miss Bennett" he said

"If so I will kill those two. They don't know who they are dealing with" I said

"Michael another issue is Mrs Bennett has disappeared too" he said

"What" I shouted.

For the first time I saw Daniel worried about a woman.

Daniel connected our phones with the tracking device around Brianna's neck.

Two hours later, we got to the location of my baby girl.

Together with my team, we got into our cars and drove there as fast as we could. We arrived to a location that was out of the city. It was an isolated land. We saw some guards standing around the area and we also saw Andrew's cars.

"Those are the bodyguards of Andrew. We have to be careful" Daniel said

He commanded the team to park their cars far from the area. I divided the team in to two groups. One group followed me and the other group followed Daniel. Since my team knew the area very well, we secretly walked through the bushes and we successfully cought Andrew's men. Daniel followed me as I entered the place. We started looking around. We spent thirty minutes searching till we heard someone screaming. I recognised the voice

"It's Brianna" I said

We quickly went closer to where she was screaming. Daniel signaled some people to join us. I hit the door with my leg and it opened.

I was shocked at what I saw. It was like they were getting ready to harm Brianna. She was in a bad state.

"Daniel you were right" I said to him

"You fool" I shouted

"D-D-D-Dad" Andrew said

"D-D-D-Dad" Ivana too shouted

I walked straight to Andrew and gave him a tight slap.

"I told you not to touch her. I specifically told you not to do anything to harm her" I said angrily

I slapped him again and he fell on the floor. I kicked him in the stomach with my leg.

Daniel removed the rope tying Mrs Bennett.

"Dad I....(I stopped her from talking)

"Girl you just made me your enemy and I don't forgive my enemies easily" I said

"Dad I....

"Shut up girl" I shouted at her

I went to Brianna. She was weak.

"Daniel call Jeff and tell the team to arrest everyone" I said

I turned to Harry

"I forgave you the last time and let you go but this time I won't forgive you" I said

I took Brianna in my arms and walked out of there. Daniel followed me carrying Mrs Bennett.

Daniel drove us to the security team headquarters. We took them to my penthouse. Jeff was already waiting for us.

"They injected Anna with something" Mrs Bennett said

"Do you remember what it was" Daniel asked

She sat quietly while Jeff attended to Brianna.

"I remember" she shouted

We all turned to her

"They said it will make her sexual drive high" Mrs Bennett said

"What" I shouted

Mrs Bennett started crying

"Your son wanted Harry and his men to have sex with my daughter" she said

Daniel knelt in front of her

"Eunice please stop crying" Daniel said

He hugged her and kissed her forehead.

"Sir we need a blood sample of Miss Bennett so that we can run a test on her. I have given her a some sleeping tablet so she will sleep for a while" he said

"Alright please do everything possible to cure her" I said

"I will" he responded

Jeff also attended to Mrs Bennett. Fortunately she was fine. Daniel took her to another room for her to rest.

I sat on the bed staring at my baby's face. I can't believe Andrew and Ivana went this far.

I quietly stared at Brianna who was sleeping soundly.

My phone beeped and it was Daniel. I went to the living room and met him there

"Daniel I can't believe this" I said

"Boss if you want to protect that girl, you need to be tough. It's time for you to drop this nice guy attitude" he said

He is right I need to end the Andrew and Ivana fiasco once and for all.

Hours later, Jeff arrived with the results and he ministered the right medicine for her.

"Boss are you sexually active with her" Jeff asked

I felt embarrassed with the question because her mother was there.

"Yes they are" Mrs Bennett said

I looked at her awkwardly and gave Daniel a deadly look

"Mr Craine don't look at Daniel like that. I already knew that" she said

"Boss you need to have sex with her frequently for the substance to get out of her system for good" he said

"Alright" I answered shyly

We went to the living room and I slapped Daniel on the head.

"Ouch Boss" he shouted

"Hey Michael what are you doing" Mrs Bennett asked

"He snitched on me" I said

"No I didn't" Daniel said

I gave him another deadly look

"Yes he didn't. Your stupid girlfriend doesn't know how to hide things from me" she said

I felt embarrassed. Daniel and Jeff strated laughing.

I shyly entered the bedroom. I took a shower and went to bed because I didn't feel like eating. Late at night I felt thirsty and went to the kitchen for water. I heard loud moans from the other room.

"Oh my goodness Daniel" I said to myself

I returned to my room. I checked on Brianna and slept off.


I opened my eyes and saw Brianna.

"Hey baby girl" I said

"Daddy please make love to me" she said

"Alright dear" I replied

I kissed her on the lips and soon I started pounding her hard. We made love for hours because the more she reached her orgasm, the more she wanted to be fucked. It was seven in the morning when she slept off. I also decided to rest.

I woke up around ten in the morning and Brianna was still in bed. I slowly got out of bed and did my morning rituals.

I met with Daniel in my office at the headquarters of my security team.

"Daniel I want every connection Andrew has to be cancelled. Make sure he looses everything in a way that he won't be able to bounce back. I also want him involved in a huge scandal that will make him loose the face he has now. Take my name out of everything. As of yesterday Andrew stopped being my son" I said

"What about Ivana" he asked

"Ruin her career. Take her name out of Empire entertainment. Take away everything she has. Her mansions, cars and everything. Let her return to the streets. Where I picked her up." I said

"Boss it's that all" he asked

"Ask Jeff of the substance Andrew and Ivana used on Brianna" I said

"Boss why" he asked

"Inject Ivana with the substance. Let's turn her in to the slut she was" I said

I looked at Daniel and saw him laughing

"Why are you laughing" I asked

"Finally it feels good that you are going to do something you love doing" he said

"Fool stop talking nonsense and go" I said

He walked to the door and turned

"Boss I have to admit you did a good job last night" he said

"What the heck are you talking about" I asked

"I heard you last night from your room" he said

I quickly understood what he meant.

"Well you also did a good job with Mrs Bennett. I heard her moaning loudly and I have to admit boy I am very proud of you" I said sarcastically

He gave me a frown and I started laughing

"I can't wait for Brianna's reaction when she finds out that you are fucking her mum" I said teasingly.

"Please don't tell her" he said

"Why? I can see the love you have for her so why are you hiding it" I asked

"Well she doesn't want her daughter to know because she feels that Miss Bennett won't like it" he said

"Brianna will be happy to know there is someone in her mother's life" I said

"Really" he asked excitedly

"Yes dear" I replied

"Dad don't you have a problem with me dating your girlfriend's mother" he asked

"No I don't but please stop sleeping around for informations" I said

He got up and hugged me. For the first time my Daniel was getting emotional. I realised he was crying

"Hey don't cry" I said

I used tissues to dry his tears

"Thank you Dad" he said

"No dear thank you for everything" I said

He broke the hug and dried off his tears.

"I will be back after I am done" he said

I nodded and he left