
A Better World-AOT Fanfiction

WARNING! SPOILERS FOR ATTACK ON TITAN AHEAD! RECOMMENDED TO READ AFTER FINISHING ORIGINAL SERIES! . . . In a world ruled by beings known as Titans, there exist people who can control them. Titan Shifters, people capable of assuming the form of Titans and gaining incredible abilities. Ymir, the Founding Titan, passed down 9 Titans: The Attack titan, The Beast titan, The Cart titan, The Jaw titan, The War Hammer titan, The Colossal titan, The Armored titan, The Female titan, and the Founding titan to rule them all. Little did Ymir know that there was one titan that escaped her control, a spontaneous mutation, and one not of her creation. A being long forgotten now rises in the final era of titans. Attack on Titan is not owned by me. Only the OC character(s) and Titan are. Image for cover is also not owned by me. Please contact me if you feel uncomfortable with me using your image. ... This fanfic will be an MC x Annie Leonhart, possible Harem with Mikasa Ackerman but no one else. Also, he will not be OP at beginning and all his abilities will be those of this universe(so no ninjutsu, psychic abilities, system and/or skills). MC will not know the storyline of AOT but he will know more about the world from the beginning due to being from Marley(i.e. Knowing about the existence of Titan Shifters and other countries). MC will also only slowly assimilate previous Titan Shifters memories rather than spontaneously acquire them all at once so he will only know more in the later parts of the story. I will try to make the MC carve his own path rather than just replace Eren, however, it is inevitable that MC takes Erens place at some points in the story. I hope you enjoy! “”-Speech, ‘’-Thought, **-Noises

InfinitySword99 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Sleepy Saiyan with Ultra Instinct?/Tales of Liberio Part 2

After they'd gotten home Touma's mother was livid at him for getting into a fight and getting hurt, but she calmed down after she heard what had happened to Isao. The next day Touma met up with Isao outside his house after breakfast.

"So what's the plan Captain!" said Isao excitedly "Is it time to fight soldiers? Or are we going to go beat up bullies? What will we do? What will we do?"

'Never would've thought that crying kid would be so hyper' thought Touma amused. "Nah, we still can't take on a soldier with just the two of us, and fighting other kids would be pointless. Let's go find our next teammate."

'fu fu fuu, I have planned for today. Instead of wandering around like last time, I will go to the place guaranteed to have children…The ice cream shop.' thought Touma as he started walking with Isao hopping after him.

They both walked for a while before they arrived at a plaza. Small stalls lined the sides of the square-shaped plaza, selling all things ranging from exotic jewelry to grilled kebabs. The plaza was crowded with people and the constant sound of people bartering helped build a comfortable atmosphere, in the corner of the plaza a group of men was playing instruments with a lady singing a song thus adding to the lively atmosphere.

In another corner of the plaza, there was a bigger stall than most, with a triangle and a circle at the base of the triangle painted on a banner at the top of the stall. A long line filled with all manner of people spread out beginning from the front of that stall.

As they were watching the people in the line both children heard an angry shout.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing get a move on!" said a man shouting at the teen in line in front of him. The teen had messy grayish hair which occasionally covered his eyes. His eyes were tired and droopy with irises the same color as his hair. The teen turned to look at the man, looked at the line past the angry man, turned back around, and then…fell asleep.

"What the hell are you doing you c***! The lines moving you b******!" The man once again shouted, sounding more infuriated by every word he spoke. The teenager continued ignoring him, apparently asleep. The man finally decided he couldn't take it and reached out to grab the teen by his arm.

The teen suddenly stepped to the side, making the man fall forward as he missed. Tick marks showed up on the man's forehead as he shouted "Now you've done it you f*****. Boys! Let's teach this prick a lesson."

After he shouted two more men, one of them bald and the other with ashy gray hair, stepped out from the crowd, they looked at the teen and then snickered at the angry man.

"Ha! Don, what're you doing mate, it's just a skinny kid," said the bald one.

"Yeah a skinny kid who knows how to piss people off, it's time to teach him a lesson he won't forget," said Don, the angry man.

The ashy gray-haired man just put his fists together, as all three started walking towards the teen.

Don stepped forward and sent a right hook toward the teen who just stepped back to avoid it. Then the bald man sent a straight punch as he dashed forward, trying to catch the teen off guard. The teen weaved past the punch and then ducked to dodge a kick the ashy grey-haired man sent, the kick then slammed into the bald man and they both fell to the ground.

Both of them stood up, annoyed expressions on their faces. Don took the chance the teen was occupied with his friends to jump and try to tackle the teen, the teen spun around the tackle and jumped backward to make some distance. Don crashed into his two friends and they all fell down again.

Don gets up fuming, and gets ready to charge again when he hears someone laughing. He turns to see Touma laughing his tears out with Isao looking at the 3 men with a worried expression. As the crowd heard Touma laughing some finally couldn't hold back and started laughing too.

The three men look at the crowd and then start speed-walking away, not wanting to be embarrassed any longer.

Touma walks up to the teen and reaches out his hand while saying "That was stellar dude! My name is Touma Kirigaya, how about you?"

Touma looks at the teen for a while before he realizes the teen has fallen asleep standing, and with his eyes open. Touma reaches out and shakes him awake.

"Dude, what's your name?"

"Akira Aizawa" He lazily replies.

"Cool, I'm Touma Kirigaya! It's nice to meet you!"

"I know and likewise."

"Whoa, how'd you know me?"

"I heard you the first time"

"So you weren't asleep?"

"I was"

"SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND STUFF WHILE ASLEEP!" Akira flinches when a loud voice cuts into the conversation. Isao grabs Akira's hand and starts shaking it "THAT'S AMAZING CAN YOU TEACH ME!"

"So loud.."Akira responds with a grimace. He ignores Isao and takes his hand back before beginning to walk away.

"Hold up! I still want to ask you something!" says Touma as he catches up with Akira "You should join my crew, we wi—"

"No thank you, too much effort."

"Wait don't you want to think about it?!"


"I'll get you ice cream."

At this Akira freezes then slowly walks back and says "I'll consider it for two scoops of vanilla with caramel on top, no cone, just in a bowl."

"Deal! Make sure he doesn't run off Isao!" shouts Touma as he dashes to get in line.

"SO HO—" starts Isao but he gets cut off by Akira who says "Too loud"

"Sorry" mutters Isao.

"Are you part of his crew?" asks Akira.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm a new recruit and Touma's friend!"

"I see, and is there anyone else on the team"

"Uh, um, well not yet but—"

"So no"


"Why'd you join?"

"In case you can't tell I'm pretty short so I—"

"I can tell"

"O-ok, anyways I was being bullied by these three kids when Touma showed up. When everyone else just ignored what was happening he was the only one who helped me. He was so cool when he beat them up. So I decided I'd stick by Touma since I know he'd always have my back, and I'll take care of his!"

*Hmmm* Akira looks over at Touma who is ordering the ice cream with an interested look, 'Maybe I'll give it a try, worst case scenario I just leave' he thinks.

Touma finally walks over and gives Akira and Isao the ice cream he ordered for them.

"So what do you say, will you join me?" Touma says as he puts his hand out for a handshake.

Akira pauses then clasps his hand and states "Sure"

"Then let's go! One more and we'll finally be ready"

Touma, Isao, and Akira then walk away from the plaza, each one with their own beliefs but all of them working towards the same goal.

Hello everyone, new chapter. I think I'm getting the hang of this whole writing thing. What'd you think of Akira? I know it's a bit of a trope but I still think it'd be good to have a character like him in the group to balance out Isao's hyperactivity. Since we have a hyper character and a sleepy character can you guess what personality type the next character will have? Also are you excited I'm finally going to make good on one of the things I promised in the synopsis. Finally, I have a question for you after this arc is over I will post a vote in order to determine whether I add lemons or not. Leaning towards yes though ;)

InfinitySword99creators' thoughts