
The Tin-man With No Heart

I walk up to the stairs leading into the entrance of the gigantic school. Even though I have walked up these steps so many times the thought that each step I take is one closer to high school excites me. Oh how much I have wished for this day.

I frolic into the school my chin held high knowing that I'm officially here. Sadly I start to lose my new found confidence quite quickly once I realise that I have no idea where I'm going. I lean by a wall and take my phone out of my bag to check my schedule.


First Period - Mathematics - Room 132


Now having a idea as to where I'm headed I look around for the nearest class and see the number '131' on the door. I guess the class isn't so far away.

After I walk back down the hall I finally find the class 132 and walk in. I feel kind of awkward since the class is packed full of people. I see some people I know but only acquaintances. I decide to just find a place to sit down since I have nothing better to do. Luckily I sat in the only place where nobody else is sitting so I don't have to deal with human interaction.

After what feels like hours the bell rings for class to start. The teacher walks in he looks about in his 60's. He begins to welcome us all into high school and starts saying the basics about what we will be doing all year. Suddenly somebody knocks at the door to the class. The teacher gets up and opens the door. "What are you doing here boy." the teacher said "You should be in class". Then I hear a familiar voice creep into the room sending shivers down my spine. I pray it isn't him and that all the confidence I've worked up for this year doesn't all crumble into ashes. Then the teacher opens the door to reveal him. The one person I don't want to see EVER again.

Luke... As soon as I see him I look away making a sad attempt to hide my face. You see last year I got my friend to tell him I liked him sadly. He regetted me and lied about having a girlfriend.

"This is my class I just got lost that's all" says Luke.

"Well then sonny that's okay it is your first day. Just sit in that empty seat over there."

I immediately look around the class to see who he is sitting beside. Even though he crushed my heart I still was curious. I see no clear seats just as I come to the realisation that the seat beside is empty. I feel somebody is beside me. So I slowly look over and it's him. I haven't seen him in person in so long that I forgot how gorgeous he was. He short black hair and brown eyes. His adorable freckles that contrast perfectly with his pale skin. Wow. I'm a pervert.

He then turns his head towards me and stares at me with those beautiful brown eyes. I then break the eye contact and listen to the lesson. I can't let him distract me.

By the middle of the class after the teacher finishes rambling on about some dumb you choose your future speech he says "I've bored you enough. How about you all talk with your fellow class mates. Since its your first day."

I lay my head onto the desk. As if this could get more awkward. Then I feel a tap on my shoulders. I lift up my head and see Luke staring intently into my eyes. He then says "So Amy long time no see. How have you been?"

Um.. horrible! I just got you out of my head and now I have to deal with you and you're perfectly sculpted face for a whole semester.

"Yeah, I've been pretty good. How about you?"

"Fine." He says almost roboticially.

Ugh I hate how he does that he is impossible to read one moment a human being next the tinman with no heart from the wizard of oz.

"Still the emotionless robot I see.."

He just sits there and stares at me. I wonder why he is I mean I've been sitting here silently. Then I realize. "DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD". I yelled terrified of what he must be thinking.

"Still the cute clumsy girl I see." He said jokingly. My eyes widen bigger than a school bus. I feel my face flush. I must be as red as an apple. I look over at him and just as I'm about to respond the bell rings.

Is this good I mean I don't know how long to make chapters. I am also sorry about my grammar errors. English is my first language it's just I'm too lazy to check over it...

And I did warn you about the cliches so if your not a fan of that I'm sorry. I just want to pretend that person is me so I can pretend my real world crush loves me.?????

Anyways that all??

EmojiQweencreators' thoughts