
Dirty Dancing

At the speed of light I bound out of my seat and pick up my stuff in a swift motion. I then sprint out of the class hoping to not ever deal with that situation.

By the time I've sufficiently run away. I sit down in the hall and take out my phone for my next period. That's odd... My phone is gone. Then it hits me. I left my phone in the class!

I sprint down the hall. I CANNOT be late today. By the time I get back to the class I bust open the door and go to my desk. But of course it's not there.

Then I feel a tiny tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be greeted by none other than.... Luke. Fantastic as if I needed to deal with him again. "Looking for this?" He says as he takes my phone out of his pocket. "Umm... Yeah thanks." I say as I reach for his hand so I can take my phone he then proceeds to lift his arm over his head. Dang it. Why must he be so tall! "Nope. You don't get this back." He says nonchalantly. "Excuse me! I need to get to class and I need my phone for the room number!" I say in a mean tone. "That's the thing I checked on your phone-"

"Wait a second" I interrupted " How did you get into my phone it has a password?!?"

"Well I mean it's just your dogs name."

".... Toché"

"Any ways we have the same class next."

"What class?"

"Drama" After he says that I burst out laughing. "Hahahaha. Drama. You're telling me the jock is taking.... DRAMA!" I say mockingly

"Yup" He says " Now hurry up were gonna be late!"

We walk down the hall towards our class but I'm stopped in my tracks by my arch nemesis. Emily West and Elise Johnson. Oh god. I hate them so much. You see they bullied me all through elementary school up till now. I was hoping they wouldn't see me but they then said in tandum "Heeyyyyy.. Amy. You miss us?". I continue walking down the hall and silently pray that there is another Amy.

Sadly, they come over and put they arms around me pretending their my friends. "Let's go to class together!" Emily says. Then suddenly I hear Luke catch up with me and say. Actually were going to class together. Just as me and him start to walk away they catch up with us and Elise says "Well we miss our BESTFRIEND.. Hehehe."

Luke then grabs my hand and pulls me away from them. He says "Don't give them the time of day. Their just being a**holes" He seemed sincere like for once he actually cared about something. "Thanks." I say.

"Anytime ;)" He says winking at me.

"Oh look that our class let's go!" I say rushing him.

We then walk into the drama class. It's so wacky. It's filled with weird hats and costumes and instead of desks there are bleachers for the audience it's filled with colour even though it's mostly black. It's magnificent!

The teacher then walk in. She's in her late 40's and has her white hair short in almost a Mohawk. She then introduces her self by saying the stuff they tell you to say in those dumb summer camps. Like your name, favorite colour and favorite animal. Luckily she never asked any of us to. But after that she says something that spiked my interest.

We will be making a big play this year and I'm aware it's the first day but we need to find out who is who. So I want everybody to take a script that's under their seat and gloss over chapter 1.

After glossing over it. I realised that it's dirty dancing. The classic romance! I really want to be a main role 'Baby' but I probably won't get it.

The teacher starts calling over everybody by their name. Sadly, since my name starts with an A. I was the first to be called. So I walked down the bleachers towards her and she said that she wants me to recite the first scene. It's where Baby arrives at the dancing camp thingies. So I then start reciting the lines trying to stay in character while I have 30 other people watching me. After I finish the teacher stands up and says "We found our Baby!"

"Wait wut?"

"You will be our main lady!" Omg it's like I'm in some kind of book or something how do I keep having these cliche things happen!!!


After the adreiline rush ended I sat back down and watched every body say their lines. Then she called Luke. I really want to see him fail I mean. Since when has he liked Drama? As soon as he started talking it was flawless. I felt like I was watching dirty dancing. The teacher stood up and said the words that made me want to faint. "We've found our male lead!"

I just woke up so I dunno if it's good???

EmojiQweencreators' thoughts