
A Bad Guy

No one is born evil, no one wants to kill other people... It's just the world that forces them. Come and read the story of our Mc, a kind man who turned into an evil and how he made the world, tremble with his name... Note: This is my 2nd work, so there will still be a lot of mistakes, so don't be shy and tell me about your thoughts, also, if you liked the work, then a small donation, please? paypal.me/teamcrowns (a dollar would be enough)

mrCat · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 19: Future

A Bad Guy

Chapter 19: Future


The voice was not something Ken Kai heard but rather it was straight to the brain. The voice felt like computer type.

Ken Kai: who?

"Master it's me your slave…"

This gave chill all down to his back. The Ken kai look at the new wolf slave he made.

Ken Kai: Is it you?

Wolf: yes…

Ken kai: ….

Ken Kai didn't know what to say, as he was so much shocked that he was just…

Ken kai: You can speak?

Wolf: No

Ken Kai: But you are speaking to me right now…

Wolf: yes but those are my thought, I can talk to you as I am now your slave thus use my thoughts to talk as for speaking myself, I don't know…

Ken Kai was just shocked to hear this. He was right now reading the mind of his soul. Then again he remembered that there was something like this written on the book, it also said that the master can block slave from reading his master's thought or allow him.

After this ken kai had a few more talk and then tried to touch the wolf. And yes, the wolf was a hard as it was, when he was alive. But it was cold, which is expected as its just a hard soul.

Ken kai: So how do I make you or put you inside my sea of thoughts?

Wolf: I don't know, what you are saying…

Ken kai: …

Ken kai tried to remember the whole book and after a minute he remembered that all he had to to was to imagine absorbing him or releasing him.


The wolf disappeared.

Then Ken kai immediately closed his eyes and tried to find where the wolf was, to his surprise he easily found him when he focused on him. He was sleeping in a pitch black space.

Ken kai again imagined releasing him and then the wolf appeared form his shadow.

Ken kai: nice…

Wolf: Is there any order for me master?

Ken Kai: no but what should I call you…

Wolf: Just call me wolf…

Ken Ka: no! you are my first soul slave, so I have to give you name…

Wolf: Then call me anything you like master…

Ken Kai nodded and tried to think hard as much as possible. But he couldn't come with any cool name, so he thought to be simple, the soul had black color and it was a wolf, so he named him Hei Lang.

Ken Kai: Sorry I am not good in naming, the only name I could think was Hei Lang. Do you accept it?

The wolf bowed and said: Yes, I accept this name given by my lord.

Ken Kai: Lord?

Hei Lang: Yes, you have shown so much kindness on this dead soul, at least I should call you with some great title. If you want me to call you master I can…

Ken kai thought for a second, whether to be called as Lord or Master, surely master sound intimidating but Lord sounded cooler and great.

Ken kai: No need just call me Lord Kai from now on…

Hei Lang agreed and then ken kai called him back into his sea thoughts.

After this he happily moved towards the 3 sisters…

Then they all roast the meat and eat happily. Soon the night came and as usual they all had a small training session and then they all talked a little bit before going to sleep.

Hana: Nee.. Big brother, don't you think we should now find a proper place to stay. I do enjoy traveling around with big brother and get to see good scenery but still I think we should get a proper place to call it home when we want to relax…

The other 2 sister also nodded in agreement and also gave thumbs up to Hana.

Ken Kai: I do agree with you hana-chan but I still want to see the cultivation world, so please wait till then…

Hana: If so, then you should have said it before!

Ken Kai: Why?

Hana: Jeez, Big brother, Cultivators live in a different realm and to go into that realm, it is only possible when sects are open for selection of student.

Ken Kai: That it? What about the money needed to join

Hana: that's not it! To get selected you have to complete a trial give by them and then only you are selected, as for the money, they don't take it as they have other way to earn it. When someone completes the trail, they are teleported to the Immortal Realm.

Ken kai was no deep in thought, as it was easier than he imagined, complete the trail and become a disciple of the sect.

Ken kai: Do you know any sect? Or when the sects are selecting disciple…

Hana: Yes, all sects came every once in a 5 year and select the disciples. Each sect chooses a place to select disciple, where other sect can't choose. As for the sects I know a few from my father, Divine Phoenix Sect, Immortal Sword Sect and… Yeah the no.1 sect Hall of Immortals, they have the strongest people working for them.

Ken Kai: will be Then do you know when they selecting?

All the sisters and Ken kai looked at hana with hope and anticipation, as she is the only one who has vast knowledge about this, as she was a noble.

Hana: Yes, My father told me that the selection took place when I was 4 year old, so the next happened when I was 9 and then it will happen when I will be 14 and I am right now 12. In 2 years…

Ken kai: Alright then, lets work hard and gain as much as experience, and then when the time comes, Lets Join a Sect!!! And yeah when we get time, we will also make a house in that immortal realm..

All 3 sister: Yay!!!!

Thus the day ended…