
A Bad Guy

No one is born evil, no one wants to kill other people... It's just the world that forces them. Come and read the story of our Mc, a kind man who turned into an evil and how he made the world, tremble with his name... Note: This is my 2nd work, so there will still be a lot of mistakes, so don't be shy and tell me about your thoughts, also, if you liked the work, then a small donation, please? paypal.me/teamcrowns (a dollar would be enough)

mrCat · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 18: A new skill

A Bad Guy

Chapter 18: A new skill

In the morning when they all woke up, they again saw the mess created last night. All of them eat some light weight food and then left the place.

While walking for another town, Hana took out the storage ring by the Lich and checked what's inside. To her surprise, the lich was a poor man, except few clothes and money he had nothing else. There was also a book inside.

She took out the book and read the title, "King of Souls". She felt weird and didn't bother to look further and asked if anyone wanted to read.

Ken kai: hmm, King of Souls? Give me the book…

Hana handed the book over to Ken Kai and then he begin reading the book.

In the book-

"Do you want to rule souls? Or Want to control them? If yes, this book is for you. In this book you will come to know how great this power is, that makes you the ruler of all souls. So lets begin…"

Ken Kai kept reading and reading. The book didn't have many pages, only 20 or so. After reading it, Ken Kai could feel that he has learned something.

Through book Ken Kai come to know a special mantra or spell that allows a person to call the soul of the dead person to serve them. But it was not just call and become master, rather it depends upon your ability and how much calm you are as the ability has the chance to corrupts one mind

The Book also told that, if someone learns this skill at the fully, then they can almost control any soul and even change the soul into the shape its user preferred. Also, it said that if the user also nurtures their slave souls, the souls will also become powerful.

But the biggest pro of this skill was that it didn't use any type of energy, as for the souls, they all will live inside the sea of thoughts of its users mind. This was big plus.

And while reading this book, Ken Kai remembered a webtoon called "I alone Level -p" in which the Mc also had the same powers.

Ken kai: Interesting… Hana when you get time burn this book…

Hena: Ok…

Ken Kai knew just how good this ability is and he didn't want anyone else to have it, so now that he read it all, and know the spell. All he needs to do is destroy the book and find himself his first soul.

Soon the evening came and the Ken Kai group head into the forest to hunt some animals.

Ken Kai still couldn't believe it, that it had been more than 3 years since he has been wondering here and there, from one town to another and the one kingdom to another. And the most interesting thing, they all were enjoying it. It was like a journey through whole continent.

Ken kai, also go into the forest to hunt the animals for food, but more than food he wanted to test his new ability. Soon he came across a wild boar.


The boar is dead, and in front of the dead boar Ken Kai stood with a grin. Then Ken Kai spoke the spell in his mind and then said, "Awake!"


Nothing happened. "Awake!!"


Again nothing happened. Soon Ken kai got angry and kept on saying "awake, arise, serve me, ect-etc" but nothing happened.

*deap breath*

Ken Kai calm down first and thought what was wrong, he thought that maybe the boar was stupid so he didn't answer him or he was un-eligible. Which made him angry for some reason.

Ken kai took the boar and walked towards his previous spot where all of them agreed to gather. But on his way back he sensed someone.

When Ken Kai looked back he saw a big 5ft wolf, who was looking straight on the boar, which was in his shoulder.

The Ken Kai remembered that the Lich also had wolf soul, so he thought to try his spell again on the wolf.


Before the wolf could even say or do anything, a punch came straight at him and he was out. Again Ken Kai stood in front of dead wolf. But this time he thought to speak something which would make the wolf soul, feel that he is strong.

After saying the spell, Ken kai spoke in a calm voice: You can choose one thing, serve me and become as strong as you wish or die like a trash here and become food to others…


Nothing happened. Ken Kai was now really angry but he calmed down as he thought, maybe this ability can only be used by lich. But when he was walking away, flames erupted from the wolfs body.

It was a fully black flames, soon those flames took a shape of a animal, wolf. And then stood up. The size of this soul wolf was smaller than he was while living, but Ken Kai wasn't sad, he was happy, as finally he was able to use this ability.

The spell didn't work because he wasn't lich or un-eligible but rather it also has some restrains on which it can work.

But this was not the end of his happiness as the next thing gave him the biggest shock.
