



{under the rain of affection}

Chapter 1&2

By: mavier pearl ✍🏾




Anastasia press her lips together as her hand danced skillfully on the patient files,although her face look so disturbed but still yet she need to work diligently

"What has she hoped for,after she move to Mexico,her life have been different from the one in USA

"Her pasts,even her boyfriend Eric,no ex-boyfriend,she sigh in frustration when the name popped up,she just wish she can eradicate it but it continue coming after three months of breakup

"What has she expect,cheating will be the least he can do,f*ck all explanations he's willing to give,thank goodness he even stop calling her for foolish apology

"She could hear a car parking outside,she adjusted herself because she know duty calls

"Her office door open and her heart skipped beat when she saw the person

"Eric! He's looking more handsome,deep enchanting blue eyes,deep golden hair,she kind of wonder how his abs will have developed,he's more handsome than the last time she saw him,she must admit

"F*ck it she muffled a curse,how can I help you she reply coldly

"That sounds harsh,well am here for treatment

"Eric stare at the lady in front of him,she look more beautiful with her stern look,her long brown curly hair,red lips,wait her bo*bs,his lustful eyes locate it and he frown when he saw the enlargement

"Am thinking you need to explain your condition rather than staring at nothing in particular,her words came out harshly

"Eric smile before staring at her face,his gaze hold hers for an heartbeat and he begin slowly,I had an accident,deep bruised chest and am having a severe headache and I think my ribs are broken,it hurt like hell!

"Am going to to examine you and prescribe the require drugs,she damped any pity for him,how much he broke her heart but she just can help to wonder how he got into an accident

"I think you should help me with my chest,they bleed maybe a little help,he grin and Anastasia rolled her eyes before walking toward him

"Remove your shirt,she reply slowly and he did it,he groan in pain when removing it and Anastasia behold the severe bruised,especially the deepest wound,she found her hands going toward it but Eric held her hands,they maintained a perfect gaze and Eric have a look on her body,her hips are damn,she's just too sexy

"After few moments of awkwardness Anastasia regain her senses,should I treat the wound or leave it for your lover,she blurt the word out before realization stuck her

"With her tone,Eric know deep down she still love him but only trying to fight the desire,if only she can give him a chance to explain everything

"She stood up to get the first aid kit,after minutes of silent she finish working on the wounds and apply plaster,she's a professional and she won't get distracted by her so called ex-lover,take the drugs to one of the pharmacists and she will give you,she gave him a paper containing the list of drugs but Eric continue staring at her

"If you need anything involving your health you can always come,strictly business she added

"Ana please let's talk,I hate this silent torture,I can explain just listen to me

"With all due respect Mr Donovan,you are free to walk out of my office

"Ana just please listen to me,I don't love Patricia and I didn't cheat on you,please just give me a chance to explain

"Save the goddamn techno jargon ,she stood up walking out of the office

"Eric sigh sadly.


Anastasia phone buzzed beside her,Eric already left and she kind of feel sad,was she too harsh she thought but shove the thought off

"Hey Kathy,Anastasia called happily,she's talking to her best friend

"Can you join us for dinner dear,Ryan is dying to see your gorgeous face,the lady voice sound over the phone

"Okay will be there,they talk about ransoms things and she finally hang up

"She carried her briefcase but a nurse walk in

"Doc Anastasia,DR Paul wish to see you

"Oh my god let him in,Anastasia adjusted her suit,arranging her hairs,doctor Paul is a skillful doctor in Mexico City and Anastasia have a little interest in his experience in the medical field

"The man in his late forty walk inside the office,they exchange pleasantries

"Am thinking of moving to New Orleans after I get my phd degree,I need an approved license also

"You have done a lot to the country,you are invited to the country conference meeting,and a compensation is awaiting you from the founding families

"Founding families "the word jingle a bell inside her head,wait Eric is the son of mr Donovan who's the famous president of Mexico,does that mean she's meeting his father,Eric tends to take over the largest company in Mexico and he will also be present

"I will take my leave now Ana,with that he walk out of the office.


Eric continue staring at Anastasia pictures,actually he was the one behind her invitation to the conference meeting

"He smile when he remember all there moments together,his jaw hardened to a thin white line when he remembered what Patricia has caused,Anastasia believed that after her first breakup with her first boyfriend jones she will never find love,she fall in love with Eric and he was also categorized among the mens who are simply after pleasure,although Eric was the one who dis flowered her,she keep her virginity and he was the only man privileged to be her first

"He took the card he intentionally stole from her desk,he know she have a new mobile number because he can't reach out to her,she's no longer using that number,he grab his cellphone from the table imputing her number on it,he dialed it and she answer after the second beep,great doctor indeed he smile

"Hello,this is doctor Anastasia how can I help you,her tiny melodious voice came

"Ana,he called softly and silent followed

"Anastasia sprang up immediately when she heard the familiar voice,where in the world did Eric get her mobile number,why are you calling me?

"Can we meet,I mean have a teacup with me

"Eric we broke up already so stop stalking me around,stop getting informations about me and get out of my life

"Her words hurt him deeply,just like a sword in the heart

"Ana I love you with everything I have,I will love to share what I pass through when you broke up with me,am in love with you insanely just hear me out Ana,I sleep with the ring and remember the day it's rapped around your beautiful fingers,I almost went insane when I inhale your sweet fragrance,I miss you Ana,and no matter if you keep pushing me I won't back off

"The silent was deafening but he know she heard everything,it's over Eric ,and if you need to tell me anything let it pertain to your health,bye

"Ana…"she hung up immediately

"Eric ruffled his hair frustratedly,shit he walked toward the refrigerator grabbing a bottle of red wine,he pour it inside the cup and gulp it down at once

"it's over"the word keep repeating in his head,no Ana I still love you insanely,he muttered

"The door open and his brother Fred walk in,he know Eric is battling agin with his emotions,the truth is Eric never hurt Anastasia feelings,since the day she broke up with him, he almost committed sucide,Eric he called slowly and saw him sniffing

"I love her insanely Fred,I love her,he broke down right in front of his brother,Fred sigh before patting his back slowly

"She will come around,she still love you Eric act like a man

"Do she,she told me it's over right now,Patricia ruin my entire life,we are supposed to get married,have kids together,just f*ck

"It's alright Eric,that was all Fred could say as he stare at his brother with nothing but pity,f*ck heartbreak.


Anastasia watch as Ryan Devore his meal,how much she have missed his cute face and tiny little voice

"Kathy is the mother of Ryan,she got pregnant when she was still in high school but weirdly they are still best friends

"Mo-m he called softly,he love calling his mum name like that,how about the Christmas tree you want to get for December,I want them to be so beautiful ,we should start the preparations,I want to go out with Ethan mum today,she promise us humbuggers and waffles,please he pout funnily

"Fine don't take too long,and about the Christmas tree,we still have enough time,we will get it baby

"Bye mo-m he blew her kisses before pecking Anastasia cheeks

"Don't let Eric get jealous Kathy smile and Anastasia gulp hard,actually she keep Eric breakup from Kathy,she still think they are together

"Uncle Eric will understand,although Ryan is nine years old he behave like a full adolescence,he walk out afterward

"It's long since we have talk Ana,I miss you Kathy hug her tightly

"I do also Kathy,but I miss Ryan more, she stuck out her tongue at Kathy who glare at her

"So how's Eric,the question took her aback"

"I and Eric broke up months ago,she reply picking on her nails

"Oh my god Ana,why am I just hearing this from you?

"I know you won't want me to break up with him,Kathy he cheated on me,moreover,I was the one who broke up with him

"Why?he was a nice guy and he love you dearly,your relationship was smooth so what's up with the sudden breakup?

"Look we broke up already,and it's about Patricia,I caught them both kissing,he kissed her back and that eve had s*x

"You know how dangerous Patricia is,what if she drugged him?

"The main thing is we broke up already,and am never going back to my old life

"You can't hold ok tight,part of you is still attached to him

"Right now am after my career,I don't want any guy in my life right now,although deep down in her,she know what Kathy said was right,she still find herself having feelings for him,not when he showed up at her office today

"Kathy sigh sadly,Ana she called softly,just once give him a chance to explain what happened

"Kathy there is nothing to explain anymore "

"I know you still love him,don't try and struggle with your inner desire

"I will leave soon,I need to be somewhere,she quickly interrupted to avoid Kathy words.


Anastasia finish having a warm shower,she put on her nightie

"She comb her hair smoothly,something form in the pit of her stomach

"Lately all her body have been feeling so weird,the desire for s*x"

"When she can't hold it any longer,she rush inside the bathroom trowing everything up

"She rinse her face and she stare at herself in the mirror,what's wrong with her.


Anastasia is carrying out a pregnancy test on her body

"She waited patiently for the result although panic was written all over her face,her eyes widen in horror when she saw it's positive

"Does that mean am….,she gasp when she remember her sex with Eric,he's the only man that have ever had s*x with her,does that mean Eric is the ….no she shake her head in shock.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Mavier_Pearlcreators' thoughts