



{under the rain of affection}


By: mavier pearl


Anastasia drive to the airport immediately she left the hospital "

"What do you mean my flight was delayed?

"Am sorry miss it's an order from above,you have no right to leave Mexico for now.

"Say's who.."

"Me Eric walk toward her,his face are unfriendly,not the calm man she saw yesterday.

"And what right do you have to delay my flight?

"Am not sure you need an explanation for that,apart from being the head of a company,am in charge of this country migration,either immigration or emigration ,just go home Ana.

"F*ck you asshole,she spat before zooming off angrily.

"Find out about the main reason why she want to leave Mexico,am giving you a week ultimatum or else get ready to loose your job.

"Roger that sir,his bodyguard reply.


You are what!!!,Rachel Patricia best friend exclaimed

"Trust me,either Eric want me or not,as long as am carrying his baby,if they deny it then am going to tarnish their image

"But Patricia,is the baby Eric own?

"What do you mean Rachel,who cares if it's not his,I just want to be with him then nothing more,she stood up before closing the door.

"Bitch Rachel shook her head,although they are childhood best friends,but she must admit that the kind of life Patricia is living with her obsessed nature is bad.


Anastasia walk on the red carpet with her hair loosen,she's wearing a short not too revealing black gown,a little touch of makeup and a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

🗣 oh my god sir Eric is hot

🗣 it's a good thing he took over the company,I love his intelligence

🗣 autograph please

"He flash a smile at them,walking forward he notice the back view of Anastasia

"Make sure you carry out the plan,you can go,he whisper to one of his guard and they all left,pocketing his hands inside his trouser,he's not wearing a suit but a slim fitted shirt with two of his button loosen,his eyes trace Anastasia from head to toes and he won't deny this lady make his heart race

"Nice dress,he stood beside her placing his hand on the counter,Anastasia sip her chill cocktail slowly ignoring his presence

"Seriously"he chuckle slowly,hey Ana you look hot

"Thanks for the unwanted compliment mr Donovan,she start walking away but he grab her hands

"Let go of my hand Eric.."

"Can we talk?

"Nothing to talk about,I own you no explanation and you certainly do not own me one,she snatch her hands from his grip,turning but halt when she saw Patricia coming also,a crazy idea pop up in her head

"She walk toward Eric who raise a confusing brow,she flash a smile at him before slamming her lips on his

"Patricia fold her fist burning in full rage,Rachel saw this and smile secretly

"Just wait bitch,because you will soon shed tears

"🎤 ladies and gentlemen,welcome to this meeting,I will want you all to take your seat so that we can proceed,you are all welcome once again

"Anastasia broke the kiss before walking away,she bump shoulder with Patricia but smirk,Patricia glare at her angrily

"Hey Eric she smile at him"

"Not in the world Patricia,he turn walking away leaving her in shock,just wait because you are mine

"🎤 thanks you all for coming ladies and gentlemen,is a good thing you are all here tonight,so tonight we will be giving out our token compensation to those who participate in this country growth,who have been always diligent and hardworking,playing essential roles in the country affairs,we have the list of their names here so please if I mention your name kindly walk up to the podium.

"Eric stare at Anastasia but her gaze is on the MC,drama queen,he grin when he remember the kiss.

"🎤 and the last person is..,doctor Anastasia brown,the MC announce and she walk to the stage with a wide smile.

"They all took selfies and she's given her gift.

"Thank you,she bow her head for those who compensated her.

"Nice achievement Ana,he walk toward her,now standing in her front"

"Thanks,she reply awkwardly,she must be so foolish to have kissed him just to annoy Patricia"

"You seriously don't want to talk about the kiss?

"He finally ask the question she have been trying to escape,it's nothing.

"Oh we are in a kiss game,should we call it kissing booth?

"Whatever but it's nothing,don't feel too proud of yourself,goodnight.

"Hey Ana,Eric voice stop her and she turn in frustration

"Congratulation,he smile handsomely that she even got lost staring at him,she tore her gaze away before walking away.

"Eric stare at her retreating figure,his phone buzz and he quickly check the message

💌 I found out she's three month pregnant boss

"WTF! Eric eyes are wide open,is she planning to keep it as a secret?He ask no one in particular.


Hey you are back,come join us Eric,mr Donovan,Eric father gesture,he's in his late sixty,they all decided to have a family dinner.

"Eric got to the table and notice someone presence,Patricia!!

"What in the world is she doing here?

"Calm down son,she brought good news

"Eric stare at Elena curiously,she also give him a confuse stare,Patricia have never for once have good news in her life, unless a discussion about her foolish obsession

"What good news?

"Go ahead and have a seat son,First Lady Bianca said,reluctantly Eric sat down glaring furiously at Patricia who have a smile on her face

"Patricia is two months pregnant,lady Bianca drop the bombshell he choke on his drink

"What the hell do you just say!!,he roar angrily

"Calm down son,she will be part of the family,this is good news

"Am not the owner of the trash in you,go meet your fu*ker

"Son mr Donovan bang his fist on the table,Patricia pretend to be crying

"After we had s*x,you deny what we had together Eric,you impregnated me and now you are rejecting my pregnancy,how can you break my heart,she fake crocodile tears pissing the hell out of Eric

"We had s*x,but am not the owner of that thing in you

"How can you deny this Eric,what do you want people to say,come on son you are a man of respect,if this your rejection leak out then you can't stand the shame it will bring upon you,upon everyone

"Dad,mum am sure Eric is not the owner of that baby,Fred chipped in

"Don't support Eric in this Fred,he had s*x with her so what's the point

"Then we need a DNA test ,Eric what do you suggest

"I agree,Elena added glaring hatefully at Patricia,still confused she's not panicking after they mention DNA,what if it's tr..ue,she shook her head

"I suggest we use the family doctor,Anastasia can do this

"No I don't want Anastasia,Patricia quickly reply,my doctor will do it

"No Anastasia will carry out the test,Fred objected

"Let her use her doctor,please don't involve Anastasia into this,Eric reply,if Anastasia know about this it will break her heart more when he's still trying to amend it,he still don't want to believe he's the owner of the baby,but the truth is,they both had s*x

"Elena frown deeply,she need to do something fast,Patricia moves are suspicious

"If you are the owner of the son Eric,you have no choice but to marry her,mr Donovan said making everybody look up

"Why will that happen dad?Fred ask,he's damn shock to his marrow bone

"Because she's his baby mama,get ready for tomorrow,after the DNA test,if truly you are the owner of the baby,then you are getting married and that's final,he added and continue eating

"Patricia smile widely,finally Eric,you are mine,she's can't wait to claim him,she look up and his fury eyes burn into her soul.


A knock came on the door and she rush to open

"Aunt Ana Ryan hug her tightly,he showed her face with kisses making her smile,she scoop him up and turn to Kathy

"Decided to visit you today"

"Thanks Kathy,come in I make cheesecakes and humbuggers

"Oh my god,Ryan jump down munching a mouthful of humbuggers

"He's so funny,Anastasia laugh wholeheartedly

"Yeah,he insisted to see your face,maybe you will just be his mum already

"Lol,come on Kathy have a seat

"It's a good thing you are here,I want to tell you a big secret

"We still have a discussion about Eric broke up,it's beyond my imaginations,you love each other so why will you let this happen,I know that slut called Patricia,we all know she's obsessed with Eric,you breaking up with him will give her privileges

"He cheated on me,how can I bear the pain of my boyfriend cheating on me

"Kathy sigh,okay your turn

"She suddenly want to tell her about the pregnancy,no wait she's close to Eric,I won an award,she scream excitedly

"I was about to say congratulations baby,is that what you want to tell me,you just said a big secret?


"Congratulation cry baby,they both hug each other tightly,they disengage and they hear a sound beside them

"Humbuggers is gone,Ryan pout sadly

"What! Kathy and Anastasia stare at him in shock.


A man step out of the plane with three bodyguards beside him,he's putting on black suit and a black analog

"One of his bodyguard gave him a picture containing Patricia

"She have grown so beautiful,he smile handsomely,judging by his appearance he's in his early thirty

"Find her location before sunset,here I come Patricia jones,he muttered caressing her face in the picture.


They are carrying out the test on Patricia already,they are all waiting patiently for the result

"Eric pace around the ward,what if the child belong to him,shit he grunt in frustration

"Elena notice his uneasiness,I don't believe you are the owner Eric

"How can I defend that boldly,we had s*x together,he ruffle his hair

"Let's just wait patiently,and about Anastasia,she need time alone for now

"I can imagine her reaction if truly am the owner,dad is planning a wedding for i and Patricia,she will hear about this

"Anastasia is deeply heartbroken,but do you remember what happen to you at the bar

"I went there to have a drink,unlucky we both had s*x,I don't even know how in the world I met her

"Soon the doctor walk out and they rush to him,Patricia also walk out with a wide smile

"Elena furrowed her brow,she look at Patricia and to the doctor,she can notice when someone is uneasy,that's the doctor reaction he's only trying to act

"Congratulations sir Eric,the DNA test shows that the baby blood match with yours,you are the owner of the baby

"Eric hands drop finally.."

"Oh my god, Lady Bianca rush in with a wide smile,come give me a hug,she gesture to Patricia who hug her tightly

"Fred stare at Eric holding Elena arms

"Fred the DNA test is fake,she's keeping something,Elena whisper

"Definitely correct,Fred reply as he stare at his brother who haven't recovered from the shock

"Patricia,Rachael rush in and was surprised to meet the Donovan's family,what the hell did Patricia do this time

"Eric is my baby father,she broke the news to Racheal who gasp in shock

"Eric storm out of the hospital and Fred follow him immediately.


Elena walk inside the bar,her eyes searching fir someone

"Hi miss,how can we help you?one of the bartender ask

"She hold her baby bump,am looking for a lady called Mary Patrick

"Oh"she quit working here weeks ago

"Please where can I find her?am her cousin

"Wow,actually she lives down the street,here she write her location inside a card

"Thanks a lot miss,with that she walk out of the bar.


Mr Donovan already receive the message about the DNA test result,lady Bianca also testified.

"Make everything arranged,Eric is getting married to Patricia jones next week,he send the message to someone before dropping his cellphone.

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