
A ( dark) hero for you

I, who wrote History, did it only for her. My first and last love, Lisa.

webnovel_user12 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Chapter 2

"..and after that..Oh, it started raining." she said looking up to the sky, letting the rain fall on her face.

"I think we should head back, you could catch a cold."

"'you'? Is there no chance that you will catch one? You're human too." she replied as she made eye contact with me. As I started looking back into her eyes I said "It never happened to me, so I guess I'm just immune or something like that and I think we should head back now. It started raining more heavily."

"Yes, sir." she answered as she got up. After that, starting to gently brush down all the grass pieces that were stuck on her clothes.

"Here, take my jacket and use it as an umbrella." I added while throwing my jacket at her.

"Thanks, I'll wash it and return- Your butt is green!" she screamed and started laughing.

"I was wearing white pants so it's normal. So stop laughing already!"

"Oh, is the ice prince flustered?" she joked.

Afterward, we headed towards the dormitory. I saw her off at the girl's dormitory and then headed to my room. Entering my room I saw Ben who was sitting on his bed. He looked like he was waiting for my arrival.

"Why so late? Did you hook up with that girl or something?" he mocked with a grin on his face.

"We were only talking. I'm tired so let's talk about this another day." I said and directly headed to bed.

"Aren't you going to shower?" he asked.

"No, I'm too tired"

"Then goodnight, mister ears redder than a tomato." he replied after extinguishing all the candles in our room.

"Goodnight" I mumbled

Although I said I was tired I couldn't sleep a minute. Since when did I care about a human so much? Since when did I care if someone got sick? Since when did I think of her when I read love poems? Since when did I feel the need to protect someone?


I know everyone in this class so how did I not notice her? Lisa, whom I shared no classes with suddenly showed up in my history class. To grab her attention I started staring at her intensely. It looked quite stupid but it worked.

'Hey, ice prince' she mouthed. Her seat was across the Classroom so talking or whispering wouldn't work out.

'Since when did you join this class?'

'I usually skipped this class but my family found out so now I have to attend it' she replied. After that class started so we couldn't talk much. I always slept in history class but watching her was much more fun. Although she told me that she skipped this class, she participated quite a bit and also had a lot of knowledge about the history of the empire.

'What? Did you fall for me again?' she mouthed after she caught on to the fact that I was staring at her.

'No, I just thought It was interesting to see how you act at school.'

After she read my lips she started to chuckle quite loudly but tried to hide it as a cough

"Pff- cough cough"

'You too?' she mouthed with a bright smile.


Without really noticing Lisa became a big part of my life. Like now where she is right in front of me, eating lunch.

"So, how did you guys meet? I want you to tell me. This guy never tells me anything." ben asked with a grin on his face

"So, we bumped into each other on the first day at school. I was looking at the training area for the knights when he suddenly appeared and asked: 'Do you know where the entrance ceremony is, I'm lost.' But he said it in such a cold tone. If I didn't know him, I would've thought he was being rude." she replied and took a deep breath as if she ran 50 laps on the training grounds.

"I didn't know as well so I replied 'I don't know either. He looked quite stressed. We decided to go together and started asking around until we arrived. Although the ceremony was already over." she continued

"Theo, why didn't you tell me already?" ben asked me, again with a grin on his face

"Shut up and eat. The food will get cold."

"Yes, yes." he replied and finally started eating. Then was when I noticed the fact that Lisa's been staring at me the entire time. For no reason, I got really self-conscious and started minding every detail.

"Why are you so stiff? relax!" Lisa then said. Although her words were meant to relax me, It only resulted in me being more conscious.


I took my free time to do a little research about my feelings. As I entered the library I felt everyone's gazes on me. It gave me chills as If I wasn't used to it already. As I walked to the reception everyone started minding their business again.

"Ho-How can I help you?" the receptionist said

"Where is the romance novel section?" I said in a quiet tone. The fact that the feared ice prince is reading Romance novels would be quite the headline.

"Oh, they are right there." she said and pointed at a shelf in the corner of the Library

"Thank you." I replied and headed there. The section was quite big. Maybe even bigger than the one for the history of the empire. Overwhelmed by the number of books I just started to pick out random books. 'I wish for this night to never end's cover looked interesting so I opened it on a random page. Little did I know it was an 18+ rated novel. I already read love poems as my guilty pleasure but I think romance novels fitted the word guilty more.