
A(lie)ment isekai

A vessel remains unfilled. Senjobu Hikabe fills that role. Being a male high school ex-track star, now recluse, he is vaulted into this fantasy word, incarnating as a powerful being know as a Domain Lord of Lightning. However, he didn’t expect that the vessel he now is in would be a girl....

Voltevia_Seteresu · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 7.2: Boss

We ended up entering the dungeon, to which Sierra ended up allowing me to take the lead. It made a bit more sense. She wanted me to gain as much experience as possible. In this case, I am leaving. Though, she did make sure to correct any adventuring mistakes.

"When you attack, be sure to back away and cover your mouth. The stronger the monster, the more poisonous the mist will be. Although goblins mist isn't lethal, the rancid scent alone doesn't seem good for your health. And your stomach at that."

Facing a few goblins, Sierra ended up giving a bit more tips. `Be sure be aware of your surroundings. One wrong swing of your weapon, you may hit the wall, and disarm yourself. It isn't a pretty sight when you counterattack with you open." She pointed after I ended up clinking the wall. Although it was barely, I did have to compensate with that, using quick draw's sub technique, quick sheathing, pulling my weapon back to me before blocking, and eventually taking out the goblins with a quick counter strike.

I faced up against a bunch of the goblins. Like the ones outside of the camp, I came to become quite adept at taking them out, which is saying something, because their craftiness knows no bounds.

Fighting them, they resorted to many dirty tactics, like rocks throwing away from their direction to throw me off guard, from the goblins staking out behind a rock just to jump out and catch me off guard. Even as far as setting my trap. I learned just as much from them as I did from Sierra. Well, that, and Sierra ended up frustratingly chastising me for letting down my guard.

"Geez, your combat style is great, if not, almost perfected, but your common sense…is dog shit." She hissed underneath her breath. Although it was quiet, as we were still in the cave, I could tell her agitation. Though, I was a bit confused why. I'm still alive, aren't I? "Who were your parents? I am going to give them a piece of my mind…"

"Well...." I was hesitant to answer.

Immediately, her anger diminished. "I…didn't mean to judge if you had parents or not." It seemed she took my hesitating to mean I didn't have parents, or that it was a bit complicated.

"No, it's fine." coaxed to her, before reflecting. Shit, I am still being myself. This isn't my life to live. I can't just go on wiley-niley with half a care in this world. I must get stronger. So, she won't die like she did. "You're right. I am a bit lacking in terms of common sense. Though, if it comes to my safety, I won't hold back anymore."

Sierra smiled. It seems what I said resonated with her. "It seems that the energy inside grew ever so brighter. Well, don't prove me wrong."

She nudged me to go on, to which I did. We ended up fighting a few more goblins, some of them were hobgoblins, and we even ended up finding a few goblin mages, which was the first for me. However, the aiming was quite easy to see and dodge, and the magic cast time was laughable.

It seemed to continue like this. Nothing seemed to affect me too much, though, I was sure to keep my guard up. However, the further I got in, the louder that roar was. Ever so often, the cave would resonate with the bellowing roar. It made me tense up just a bit. It seems that Sierra saw this.

"Use this time Fighting the lesser goblins as a chance to break hesitating from the goblin boss's yell. This will be useful during his battle."

It was a good thing. I was sure to do it. Though it still posed a question for me. "Am I handling this well?" I was worried that I didn't phrase the question right.

It seemed that she did understand as she smiled. "Oh, your handling is greatly above average. Some adventures at your level would wear their pants before fleeing. Maybe lack of common senses isn't a bad thing."

"I…. will take that as a complement." I decided, as we continued on.

After we walked through many cavernous corridors, neither me or Sierra stopped or were halted by any of it. However, the following corridor stopped me in my tracks. Now, this wasn't me losing common sense, as Sierra ended up halting as well.

"This is the boss's room." She replied. "It seems you can feel its aura too."

'Yeah…" All of the noise from the bosses was silence, leaving my heart to be its replacement as it began to thump wildly.

"Don't let its silence fool you." Sierra stated. "It is using that to put you in a false state of safety. Though, it seems the silence is doing the opposite. It is making you fearful." She continued to explain. "Monsters may not be good at a few things, but they are still smarter than the basic animal, which is saying something. They create traps, they do sneak attacks, and they have tactics. And the goblin bosses are the peak of their kind. Not only because of that, but because of their sheer ruthlessness. Don't be fooled, don't hesitate. It will give me cold-heartedness in kind."

I took those words to heart. C'mon Lumiya, you are basically a Domain Lord. Killing a boss should be a light snack. It would be like a video game…. YES, that's it, a video game. You love video games, don't you? This is just like VR, isn't it. Hey, remember that very hard game you played, though you don't remember it specifically, you do remember it. It was called...maybe Dark Heart. This is nothing compared to how depressingly hard that game was. And sure, this game might be hard, but at least this game, you get to fight alongside a formidable hot woman with some prominent deuteragonists energy.

After snapping out of it, I was ready to play my part in defeating this monster. It seemed that Sierra wasn't going to step in unless I would be in trouble. Nevertheless, I still should give it my all.

We both walked firmly through the threshold of the boss's layer, to which my eyes were immediately fixated on the Goblin King. Not for good reasons either. Unlike typical bosses in video games, which carry a perfect blend of fearsome and frightening, with a hint of an honorable feeling to it. You would get that feeling especially if there was a king of a given monster variety. But it most definitely wasn't the case for this one.

"So, it's those types of goblins." I muttered under my breath. The evil version of nostalgia came to me as I recalled the gory version of goblins once again. The ones who would mutilate, violate, torture, adventurers or victims in manga, all while their laughing and the screaming of others all resulted it an erringly ear-splitting and heart splitting noise. I could see that all from it leering at me with its beady red eyes, as if I was its prey. And in those manga, let's just say that female victims were especially emphasized.

I didn't end up approaching it just now, as it still ended up giving off an overbearing presence, but I didn't see anything, and most definitely not magic. There was a pungent smell emanating from the Goblin King that made my nose wrinkle in disgust, but it wasn't the thing that was stopping me from continuing.

"Lumiya, that monster is giving off an incredible aura. You won't be able to do much against it, but you should be able to protect against it if you steal your resolve. You may not know it, but the battle has already begun."

I see. So, the monster is sizing me up. Makes sense, so that smirk showing his yellow jagged teeth wasn't for nothing. Although I couldn't see its aura or anything, the very same thing ended up resonating with my heart, almost having control over me by making me not have control of my movements.

"Calm down." I rationally said to myself. "Lumiya, you got to break down the situation. The more you do, the less power it will have over you."

I decided the first thing to do was look at its mana. It wasn't that much, so I am banking that it is a close-combat fighter. As for its weapon….it is a large club, about the size of me, crudely fashioned from a large piece of wood, perhaps a log or tree, as there was moss on it. It looks like it is built for two-handed attacks, but looking at its size, I am sure its strength allows it to use it with one handed.

Checking out other things that I should take note off useful or hindering, which would be the few boulders nearby, the large room to move around, a small hole in the wall, stalactites on the ceiling, there was also chains on the ground, they appeared to be old fashioned prison chains that were attacked to the large throne. What was chained to them were bones. As for what type of bones they were from, they appear to be....

Immediately, that feeling, which I presumed to be fear ceased, as I quickly drew both my weapons as I slowly approached the goblin king. I could feel a tense feeling of energy crackle from my skin and hair, see a glint of the light that it gave off its own empty apathic eyes.

"Lumiya!!! Don't let anger blind my judgment!" Sierra yelled out, catching on to what was going on.

Without turning back and advancing, I replied. "Oh, I won't let anger blind me. I will just use it as fuel." Immediately after saying that, the crackling occurred even more, my very blades resonated with that energy as they were now bathed in lightning magic unintentional by reason, but intentional by instincts.

The goblin king's smugness stopped as it snarled at me, before reaching for its club.

Though I was in range to use two flash steps, I decided to let him arm himself. Though it would technically get me at a disadvantage, my desire to snuff him out when it was burning the brightest was nothing short of what I intended. As the goblin king armed himself, he led out of burst of a battle cry, was close to bursting my ear drums if I didn't end up quickly sheathing my blades before cupping my hands on my ears. He immediately followed up by rushing towards me. Clever, he is taking advantage of me plugging my ears. Though, If I didn't, he would have then taken advantage of my ears being burst. I would have to say it would have been a good starter move on his part.

"Though, from it yelling throughout the entire dungeon, probably as a test of power, you didn't have to tell me that it had a powerful voice." I murmured. Still, the putrid smell coming closer, as well as the rocking and back and forth I murmured, before quickly drawing my weapons. And right in the nick of time, too.

The Goblin King was right on me though it hesitated to get too close, as that was something it didn't need; towering over me, as well as the largest of weapons, and its melee range was far larger than my own. Immediately swinging down on me the hammer of injustices, I quickly flash stepped to the side. As I did that, the sheer force that collided, caused me to be pushed back a bit more than intended to be.

I awed at that, before looking back at the attack, which ended up leaving a small crater into the ground. Even in my serious demeanor, I couldn't help but be a bit hysterical. Dang, if I was closer to the incoming attack, or worse yet, was there, I could have been beaten to a pulp. I quickly spun my head towards Sierra who looked almost pale, it seemed it was too close for comfort for her as well.

"LUMIYA, the battle!!" She reminded me.

".... Right." I said, snapping back into battle focus. The Goblin king was quite slow and clunky, especially considering how sharpened my battle senses have become after dealing with my sensei. Compared to this, well, I think I would be more afraid of my sensei than this monster. "In battle, it isn't that time goes slowly, it is that each fleeting moment becomes more valuable." Right now, I have wasted around 3 of 5 of my moments, with 5 moments being the time it takes for the goblin king to be back on the offense. As for my next two moments.

I decided that since it tried to hit me, it seemed fair that I would try to do the same. With my blades in tow, once again bathing in energy, in a crouched position, to which I ended up flash stepping. In a blur of motion, the goblin king let out a roar, though this time, in pain. I ended up right on the adjacent side of him from the flash step, on the side of his club. Half expecting him to fall down to which I would end up falling down due to the sliced tendons.

"Oh, huh…" I pondered, as to why he didn't fall.

It seemed he ended up pivoting on his left leg. Did I miss one of the legs? No, there was contact. It must be holding on. Gosh, monsters are resilient. To already reach its tipping point, only to have to continue because of its animalistic instincts. Even an animal would try to escape rather than fight. This goes beyond that. Guess that is the true nature of monster kind.

The moment slowed down quite a bit. So much so, that I almost forgot about the gaping difference in our strength. I decided to use this opportunity to try something. Jumping up into the air, once the goblin king slammed its club once more on my location, I ended up using that very force as a back board as I was able to flip over head and ended up stabbing the goblin straight into the neck.

"Critical hit." I grinned. I ended up immediately jumping back, as the goblin king tried to grab me with his other hand.

Looking at the goblin king, as much as he seemed to have wanted to scream out in pain. However, as it tried, blood sputtered from both its neck wound and from its mouth, dripping to the ground. As sadistic as it was, I was enjoying every second of this.

"What, you wanna cry out to your mommy. Oh wait, I probably killed her too." I said before giving a haughty cackle as if I was the villain the whole time. It seemed that the goblin king ended up becoming fearful. Since I struck a fatal spot, he has every reason to be.

Hoping to allow him to ride that karma for a while, it all came to an end as I sensed an incoming attack. Though, it wasn't coming from him.

"Shoot!" I gritted my teeth as I narrowly dodged an incoming fire ball, back flipping a few times out of the way as I looked at the line of fire.

"How in the world did I miss that foe." I pondered. What I witnessed was a scrunched up elderly goblin, wearing a bone necklace, and having its face covered with a veil. "A goblin shaman." Not only being another prominent variant of goblins in gore manga, but these goblins also came up in the monster directory. They were quite powerful monsters, a bit less ranked compared to goblin kings, but still, they were higher than hobgoblins. Now, this wasn't for their physical capabilities, but their abilities as a mage.

This isn't good. It must be that he was hiding his presence. Or perhaps it was that he just got here from the hole. Either way, now, this has become a two on two. And I am now at a disadvantage.

Right after it casted the fireball spell, it immediately began to cast a spell on the goblin king, to which it ended up healing him and his wounds, to which he ended up giving a hearty yell once more. It seemed to be even more powerful than the first. Thankfully, I was able to quickly sheathe and cover my ears again.

Guess it is now stage two of this boss battle. The boss once again came towards me. Only this time, he was going a bit faster than usual. Before I could even once again draw my weapons, he was right on me, to which he ended up slamming his club on me.

"Well, this isn't something I haven't handled before." I made sure to flash step to the side. If his speed is faster, that only means that his attack speed, hence, his attacks is much higher now. However, as I did, rather than swing it over his head, he ended up swinging it like a bat. Directly in my flash stepping range.

Crap! He fainted. Trying my best not to be hit, I ended up revealing my hand, activating Domain step, and in that split instance, I quickly drew my weapons, and braced for the worse.

As my two blades collided into the club, It was no question that I was then set flying. I tried my best to readjust myself mid flight, before colliding into the cave way, to which the air was knocked right out of me. I continued to cough rampantly as I slumped beside the cave wall, with the goblin king coming towards me, with each incoming quaking step that rattled my head and gave me a headache. My gaze continued to get dizzy until a familiar figure stood right there. It was Sierra.

"Do you wish to continue?"

I ended up thinking about that question. Sierra could have easily dispatched these two monsters with no problem. Though, there was a goal that I wanted to do, Level up. It is a simple goal, but it seems that it may be harder than it looks. And painful, I might add. What was it, though, what was my main ambition...oh, that is right, I promised the other Lumiya. Well, not to her directly, but I was dead set on trying not to die immediately. That would be quite embarrassing. But still, I also want to try my best to become stronger and fulfill my new role as a Domain Lord, as much as I don't know about that role. So, guess that settles it.

I ended up getting up. My knees rattled quite a bit, as I pulled myself up. My side was hurting extremely. I estimated that I had a broken rib or two. I am surprised that I was able to get up from that pain in general.

Bending down to pick up my swords, I ended up raring to go. But before I ended up taking my first step, Sierra stopped me, pushing me back onto the ground.

"How honorable it is, for you to get up. However," She glared at me. "Throwing away your life is the worst, most utterly stupid thing you have ever tried to do since I met you."

"GRAWWWWW." The goblin king growled as I was upon us, his club, more intimidating than before, was above view. As I winced as this very well would have been the death of me, nothing happened. No pain, no anything.

"Guess that settles it, I am dead." Well, I did one heck of a run. Well, it sucks for me, I guess.

Still, it was quite weird that I still heard voices. Guess my ethereal body still hasn't left this mortal plane yet.

"YOUR NOT DEAD, DUMBASS" Sierra yelled. "And for the goddess's sake, open up your eyes!!"

I did as she said, to which I found out that I am not dead. Thankfully, I am not, because I am witnessing a really badass sight. Right in front of me, Sierra ended up using her break hand to grab the club mid swing. Her body exacerbated a dark shadowy aura that seemed to have protected me, not just from the goblin king, but from the spells from the goblin shaman.

"Ok, Lumiya, since you are-" There continued blaring growls from the goblin king interrupted and seemed to irk Sierra. "You're interrupting me." She immediately ended up blasting him away with some unknown force, the shadows. Anyways. It seemed to not do much damage. Only flung him a few ways.

She glared at the goblin boss before glaring at me. It seems I wasn't in the clear with her "As I was saying…since you are willing to continue, let's get you patched up. Here-" She reached out of her back pocket to show what appears to be a green potion. She uncorked it with a pinch and a pull.

"Is that a-" Before I could answer, she ended up shoving it into my mouth, and tilting my head, causing it to gulp it down. I squirmed wildly as my mouth ended up feeling an immense bad taste. It was bitter and sour and tasted like dirt. I was half expecting apple flavor, it was more like green tea that was spoiled. After I was forced to drink it, I ended up gagging, hoping that I would throw up every single last drop. However, my mouth contoured in such a way that I was unable to open it to vomit.

"Stop whining. Do you see that you are already healed." Sierra looked as if she was about to facepalm.

"Wait, I am?" I ended up checking myself, patting myself down only to find out that the pain was gone. Even the headaches were gone as well. Well, that settles that. I ended up grabbing my swords before going back to my feet. Though, I turned towards Sierra, expecting her to say something else to me.

"What do you want me to do- give you a pep talk." She scoffed. "Why would I state obvious things that you have already experienced? Just learn from your mistakes."

"...good advice." The shadow aura protecting me, and Sierra was down.

"Now, don't be reckless now. Don't think I will be that considerate in healing you next time with that potion."

"I don't need reminders." I shivered just remembering that taste even for a second. Well, that settles it, they are going to have to die.

Getting kicked around after feeling superior really humbled me. But regardless of that fact, I will humbly kill them for what they did. Starting with that shaman goblin, which I realize was the true problem.

The Shaman goblin, though it is idly standing in the background behind the protecting of the goblin boss, no matter how many times I take out the powerful goblin boss, it is useless if he just comes back just as powerful, if not, more, with all of his damaged healed. But at that point, it makes one consider if that is how rage quitters feel when they are up against an experienced PVP team that does that.

Sierra already disappeared back to her default location once I began to think, basically turning everything. Now basically respawned, I ended running towards the goblin shaman. The goblin shaman, looking worried, pointed its slightly curled black claw-nail finger in my direction before grumbling incantations, to which was followed by another fireball. Getting a closer look at them as I dodged each incoming one, they seemed to be mainly a reddish orange with a glint of green. I would presume that would be a variation of the spell for goblins, with the green slimy magic being the goblin's magic.

As I was quite close enough, before I could even defeat him, the goblin boss intercepted me. Since I was near the wall, I ended up using the wall to back flip off, before firing torrents of shock spells at him before landing behind.

That should be enough to stun him. As for this pest… The goblin shaman looked worried, and began to cast higher level spells, one such being magic missiles. Magic missiles is quite a tricky spell. I googled, I mean, I searched its effect in the library. It ends up creating multiple magical bullets-which are shot at the foe. So, I picked it up and used a flash step alongside the Domain step. However, regardless of doing that, the first two ended up landing, smacking me straight in the back as they took a complete U-turn, causing me to fumble to the ground.

"Owww, that's gonna leave a mark." I said, before getting back up. Thankfully, my haori was doing a fairly decent job protecting me from the magical attack. Though, if I go down a few more times, the goblin king will be fully recovered and intercept me once more. "So, those things have targeting. Well, guess I can't dodge them. Which only gives me one option…."

Getting back, I quickly drew my two blades before once again bathing them in lightning magic. Each time, I was either almost knocked out or had to dodge something before I could get some damage with Domain imbued weapons. It is about time to get some use out of it.

The goblin shaman casted magic missiles once again, to which all flew directly at me. There were 3 of them this time. Breathing in, and breathing out, I flash stepped. But not away; directly through them. How was this not the same as when I dodge them…Behind me, I could hear a minor detonation of the spell with buzzing of electricity synergized along.

That is right, I self detonated them using my Lightning imbued strikes, using flashing strike plus strike thrice to strike all of the missiles before making a quick exit from the explosion.

This happened again, this time, 4, however, a diamond flashing strike, which was using domain step as a boost was enough. Before the goblin shaman could react to me disappearing from its view, I ended up piercing through its back with a lightning-imbued sword. The heat cracked, hit flesh and boiled his blood. By the time he fell as a charged electrocuted body, it began to turn to dust. He got 3 shots. And there wouldn't be a fourth.

Rather than have my back to the goblin king, I made sure killing the goblin shaman would allow me to be set up in the right position to get ready to face my next foe. Which was the correct move, right aver defeating the goblin shaman, the goblin king once again was my enemy.

"Though, as much as I was raring to go up against the goblin king, I did not expect this-"

Breathing through its mouth, steamed arises, before he began to rush towards me. But this time, it was much different. Rushing towards the mean, he was less slow and more like a truck. Each step left cracks into the earth as he went towards me. It only happened a moment out of the 5, no 3 moments that I had. The slimy bastard, before he died, that shaman must of casted another boost spell, rather than spam enough magic missile. He knew that he couldn't have stopped me, so he left it to the goblin king. I would be impressed if I wasn't so caught up with something else.

That was one moment. As for the other two at my disposal... "Flash step." I said before blitzing away. Immediately, the chase began. What happened next was a hardcore game of tag with my life on the line. Spells don't last forever, and that buff that he has will end up ceasing eventually. However, when I use the flash step, followed by the flash step nonstop without expansion, the physical strain is catching up with me. Not to mention the domain step and magic spells casted, which bring great mental strain as well. With two things working against me vs only the goblin kings one, I am once again at a disadvantage.

"The only thing I can do now…." I was thinking about saying use hard work, but that won't solve anything without a plan. And so, my stall to come up with something began. For every other moment I was running for my life and spamming shock and shock bolt spells to stun the goblin king enough to finally come up with a solution.

There is a large boulder and a throne that used to have some distance between them, and stalactites not too far from either one of them. As for what I have equipped, I have some healing and magic potions in a pocket, and as for what I have equipped, I have a scarf, armor, haori, Some other clothing, soap. As spotted out, these will be my main tools, besides my other abilities and skill sets.

After stalling for a good amount of time, and becoming almost completely wasted in the process, I conjured up an idea by happenstance.

"Ok, though, this will take a bit of throwing together to make it work. Though, I am sure that I can do it."

As I was running, the first thing I did was sheathe my blades, before reaching into my domain pocket, before grabbing a vial of shampoo, and a healing potion, before pouring it all besides the boulder, before hiding behind it. The goblin king approached the boulder. I don't know what he was about to do but this gave me the chance to use the next pair of items: my haori, and scarf.

Right when I could sense the goblin king in the vicinity, I ended up jumping over the boulder, before covering the goblin's boss's head with the haori, before wrapping and knotting the scarf around to perfectly blindfold him. To which the goblin King's frenzy tried to take off. In that instance, I decided to disarm the goblin king, touching his weapon. It was immediately charged with lightning, however, this ended up reacting similarly to someone being shocked suddenly, which caused the goblin king to drop his weapon. I ended up putting the weapon in my domain pocket, as it wasn't as troublesome as without it. Being quite disoriented and raring to fight someone, he continued to thrash around, trying to get the covering on his head off while also thrashing quite a bit, flinging his arms around.

Since I couldn't follow his movements that well, I wasn't able to look for a perfect strike to end this. However, that didn't mean I couldn't end up making an opening for it. I made sure to walk silently to the side of the beast. I didn't have to worry about smelling or seeing me, given that it's blindfolded, as well as the soap on the ground nose blinding them. So, crouching a bit once again, I ended up eyeing the line of the tendons, just as I did on my first time, before quick drawing my tanto, and like a dagger, I threw it, causing it to cut through the first tendon before becoming lodged in the 2nd.

"GRMMMMMM" The goblin king's king was muffled, but a yell nonetheless. I'm sure it hurts just the same as the first time. Once its legs were injured and not going to be of use, I ended up yelling at him.

"Hey, pig giant!!" I yelled at him, before silently walking away. He began stumbling in the direction of my voice, however by that time, I was gone. "You're really weak!!" I yelled once more.

I continued to play this charade until he was in the perfect spot besides the boulder. I ended up right behind him, before flash stepping into a full on jump kick. Into one of his knees, to which caused the pig giant to start dropping. Doing this to his impaled leg, I ended up grabbing the tanto before backbending and kicking before jumping away. Getting away, I ended up seeing what I did, as the goblin king attempted to stand back up, however, he was unable to– as he was in the very area I mixed the shampoo and the health option, becoming a very tricky slipping agent, and caused him to topple to the ground once more, struggling to get it.

"NOW'S MY CHANCE!" I proclaimed, aiming my hand at the ceiling, and firing a shock bolt, my strongest lightning spell.

Generating a small sphere of energy, it was immediately accelerating at spells that I could barely rival, before colliding into the ceiling, or more specifically the stalactites.With-in contact, the containing of the lightning opened up, letting go all of that force of energy into the small radius of the targets. The cavernous cones were rated by the sheer force, cracking, before falling, directly on top of the goblin king.

About 5 fell out of the 7 stalactites. And as for those 5, only 3 made contact with the goblin. But oh, the contact that it was. All of them landed right in the smack of his chest. Being quite large, they probably would have been the equivalent of 2 swords and one great sword falling on someone. Even if you were a goblin boss, there is no way you are coming about without pain.

Still, regardless of that, it seemed the goblin king was still squirming with his strength. Even with the stalactites almost acting as nails holding him down, he is still out of quite a bit of a fight. However, compared to how he was now, there were many openings now.

Walking towards him, there still wasn't an ounce of me thinking I had won. Guess I am improving. I was silently walking towards him, making sure he couldn't direct attacks on me. As I got close enough, with my two weapons, once again emitting a powerful stream of lightning into them, I bid him farewell.

"You were a good foe. But, as what you did, killing those girls….such sins…..you will pay with your life!!!" I yelled. A hit of wrath began to spew out once more. Though, as my weapons plunged into its heart and its lungs, the goblin king scraped at me a bit, his attacks were weak and did no damage, before he began to convulse like a defibrillator. Only this time, this attack was an agent of death rather than life. Soon, the goblin king laid motionless on the ground, before turning to ash, thus ending the battle.

"Whew!" I swiped the sweat from my head, before dropping to the ground.