
A(lie)ment isekai

A vessel remains unfilled. Senjobu Hikabe fills that role. Being a male high school ex-track star, now recluse, he is vaulted into this fantasy word, incarnating as a powerful being know as a Domain Lord of Lightning. However, he didn’t expect that the vessel he now is in would be a girl....

Voltevia_Seteresu · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 5: Sign-up

I ended up dreaming once again of Lumiya being chained up, and the sheer fear caused me to instantly wake up.

"Where am I?" I said, in Lumiya's voice. It seems I still possess her body.

Looking around, I ended up finding that I was in a room, although most of the designs of the room screamed a medieval type of feel, making me confirm that I was still in that fantasy world that I am now in.

It was a basic bedroom, however, it seemed a bit….feminine for my taste. There were plusies in the room, on a vanity table, as well as a large pink blanket draped over me. Getting up, I ended up seeing that I was wearing a rather frilly nightgown.

"HUH! I don't remember wearing this?!?!" It felt much different than what I previously wore. I kinda actually missed the constraining feel. It allowed everything to be kept in place, so that I could focus on ….more important matters. I could always remember, when I was a man, about having the same feeling give way, but for the crotch, but that is a story for another day.

Looking around a bit more, it seems I was worried, as I didn't see where my weapons, or my battle attire were. It ended up making me a bit frustrated. Wait! Did the very same people who pervertedly dressed me in this nightgown took away my armor and weapons? Ooooh, wait till I find them.

I wasn't happy to say the least, but since I am in a new environment, I would have to be a bit cautious. But I knew since I was dressed in these sorts of clothes, whoever did this was me alive. And so, guess I have some leeway there.

"Time to scout. But first." I ended up going into my domain status and then pocket. Checking if I had some substitute clothing I could wear, it seemed that I had nothing.

"So, you can use special magic?" A voice said, amused.

I ended up turning around, shocked to find a dark elf who wore a black cloak. The only thing else that I could see was her pitch-black cloak that hid her figure. She probably was an assassin. Raising her head, I would see a slightly grayish skin woman with purple beautiful, but sharp eyes. She looked smugly at me, sitting in a chair. For some reason, the atmosphere changed, it was similar to bloodlust. my spine chilled, caused me to back away, drawing for a blade I didn't have.

"How did you get here?!?" I asked.

"Chill, little girl." She coaxed. "I'm just here to watch you."

"Wait, what happened? Wasn't I in the forest?" I asked.

"Yes, the party that you were with ended up bringing you to the end, to which we had some of our medics check you, to which we found that you were greatly low on stamina."

Huh, that's odd, I thought I had a lot of stamina. Guess I can read my journal to find out what was going on. As for her.

She continued. "We are currently at the Adventurers guild."

"What about my weapons and armor?"

"We are currently having them maintenance. They were quite damaged from your attacks."

"When will I get them back?"

"Well, that depends on…" She noted.

"Depends on what?"

"On whether or not you will join the adventurer's guild?" She replied. "You see, the repairs cost quite a bit of money. And because of that, we require for you to pay us back. Not to mention that were also taken care of, as well as, nourished and healed. That will also cost a bit. And this also doesn't include the involuntary escort mission that occurred the moment you fainted."

"What?!" I yelled. "You're charging me?"

"Yep, you think what we did was free?" She chucked. It seems she was a sadist. "Miss, the Adventurer's guild is a business first and foremost. We aren't a charity."

I began to chuckle. Although it seemed bad, it was quite convenient.

"You seem to be happy? Might I ask why?"

"Well, I was hoping to join the Adventurer's guild. So, this works out nicely. So, how do I sign up?"

"Alright then, this makes my job much easier." She ended up getting up, before reaching into her bag, pulling out some boots, stockings, skirt, belt, blouse, vest, a bow, panties and bra before throwing them onto the bed. "Here, they should be in your size."

She ended up walking out of the room. "Ummm, thanks?" I was gratified.

"Just be sure to come downstairs. If you try to leave..." She ended up turning to look at me. A scary glint in her purple eyes showed. "I'll hunt you down and drag you back."

Walking out, there was silence, and I was finally alone, to which I trickle of sweat ran down. Great, now I am alone. Guess it is about time to look at my stats. No, I already let someone see my domain pocket. If I continue to show my abilities, that just seems like a bad Idea. Reading the book is the best way to go.

I ended up flipping back to the book-marked page, to which ended up showing a few notable inquiries that I didn't end up looking at until now.

"Health potions only cause stamina or life force, to be focused on a certain area, healing it more rapidly. Stamina potions recover natural lifeforce, but do not heal wounds any more than they can naturally." I read.

This made a bit of sense. Even though I was healed with a potion, this only caused my stamina to drain even further. And since I wasn't practically running on empty, even with the revitalize spell giving me a bit more juice to run on. So, next time, I should buy some stamina potions.

Now, what else should I find out? Hmmm, what about, the adventurer's guild…yeah, that is a good idea.

"If you were previously a gamer before you became Lumiya, then this shouldn't be hard to explain. The Adventurer's guild is quite similar to regular guilds in your everyday mmorpgs on the outside. They end up not only training people in their individual classes but allow them to party up with one another to become a supreme force to be reckoned with. There are quests, there are raids, and there are rankings. It would seem quite normal on the outside. But on the inside…."

It ended there on the similarities. But it seemed that it didn't start on the differences either. Unlike the previous bookmarked spot, which had a table of content- like structure in terms listing out what information starts at what page, it seems that there is no page to go to. Instead, it ended up saying: "Continued in Journal entry 2". This was the first I have been seeing about it.

I don't really know how to take it. Should I just take it that I shouldn't have any concern about it. No. If anything, the importance of how different this Adventurer's guild is to typical ones is so complex, that I shouldn't end up getting into it until I get another book. Heck, and I don't even know where to find it. Will I ever find the 2nd journey?

Well, there is no point in worrying about it. I will be sure to keep an eye and ear open. I shouldn't take them lightly. Heck, they already seem a bit dubious, making me pay for something I don't even need to pay for. It reminds me of some hospitals in some countries, of course, in my previous world. So, I guess I shouldn't trust them.

Even so, I already agreed to becoming an Adventurer, which I am still going to follow through on. Because of this, I decided to get ready to go down. Though, I would have more than wanted to make it to where I could just unequip this clothing so I could equip it. But once again, like the Domain pocket I used, I don't want anybody else to see other things I can do. But….

I also don't really want to change. Not in this body, especially.

For consoling advice, I ended up flipping around the book, retracing my steps to the book-marked place, before seeing the "how to dress and undress" part, to which I reluctantly ended up flipping to the correct page to read. The book extensively ended up telling how-to put-on clothes. Breaking it into sections ended up making things a bit easier to deal with; albeit it, a bit longer than I would have liked it to.

After I was finished, the clothing that the dark elf lady ended up getting was on, and the clothes that I previously was in were gently folded and placed on the vanity. The skirt, without shorts underneath, felt especially vacant, and the lack of constriction around most of my body, only made me more uncomfortable with my body. A positive though, at least my muscles should be a bit more relaxed…. if I wasn't so on edge because of the new clothes.

Looking inside the vanity mirror, I could help but blush at this girl who looked completely new as if just a pair of clothes changed how she looked. The clothing looked quite complementary to her appearance. The gentle brown of the vest, and the white tunic, seemed to match well with the yellow hair and eyes. As per the girl in the mirror, she looked a bit awkward; out of place, as she ended up blushing right back at me, only causing me to blush even more, and her to follow in suit. Eventually, it looked as if I had a fever, as I was in this blushing paradox. Even after my mind was cleared enough to think, and once again realize that I was now a girl; this girl, you would think that it would help. No. It only causes my blushing to be embarrassing instead. Seriously…. why am I putting the vein in vanity.

I could only pray to the previous Lumiya before me not to smite me for looking at her.

Once I stopped looking, and my temperature was back to normal, I was all set. "Ok, now that I am ready, guess it is time to leave."

I ended up opening the door, to which I ended up immediately spotting the dark elf girl, who seemed to have given me some privacy.

"Wait! You were right there the whole time?!?" I, frankly, was quite shocked. I thought she had completely left.

"Well, someone had to be here to make sure you didn't end up jumping out of the window."

"You really don't trust me, do you?"

"Trust isn't in my job description, so yes." She replied, walking in front of me, waving me to follow. "C'mon, it's about time we get you to the reception desk."

We walked through quite a large hallway, with a beautiful wallpaper, reminiscent of nobility, with a beautiful velvet carpet that extended outward. We ended up going down the flight of stairs, before reaching upon a door, to which she opened up, giving me a glimpse of the reception area…

So, I was in the guild after all.

I didn't seem like much of a fantasy world until now, well, an exception being this dark elf. Those adventurers I met looked like they were cosplaying. But this, oh this definitely captures the "guild" feel. There was a layout, kind of like a typical shop, or rather a DMV, with many reception desks all layered up in a column, with a few doors in the inside for them to leave the almost gated workspace. The receptionists, just 7, varying form male and females, wearing formal attire, all ended up staying in their own work area attending to typical adventures.

On the very other side, there were many large boards, with paper pinned on, quests. They seemed to be listed from the ranking system, which seemed to go up from F to A, though there wasn't any S or SS rank, so I guessed that there weren't any high enough ranks. Or perhaps they were somewhere else.

There was also an open space, similar to a cafeteria, which seemed to be an added-on installation, but it was still quite large as many tables were out there. It seemed like a great place to be to talk with some friends.

And you can't forget the Adventurers themselves. You can't have a church without followers. And you most certainly can't have a guild without Adventurers. They ended up filling the place. Some of them were lined up at the receptionist, to which were handed accordingly by the receptionists, who efficiently managed them. It seemed that that was the place to go to accept and finish the quests.

As per the quests, the Adventurers who wanted to start out their day ended up going there, to which they ended up scanning through all of the quests to find one that they wanted. Although there were varying amounts of adventurers, this was the place that divided them into their general rank. It seemed that the weaker adventurers took to the lower rank quests, whereas the more experienced ranks ended up taking high ranked ones. You could tell by the weapons, armor, and scares that some of the men would have, the sharpness in their eyes, and even the feeling of their aura exuberated experience. Ahhh! What am I thinking, guess I exaggerated a bit. Aura? Wow, perhaps I am still a bit more of a chunibyo than I would like to think.

There were also Adventurers who conversed with one another at the table, some of them giving out a hearty laugh, where others seemed to be listening to their individual leaders, as they were deciding to go forth into a quest. It seemed like a great place, both a useful pivot to the actual adventure, as well as a great place to RNR from it, while talking to people who could completely relate to what you went through.

If this was laid out on a map with a cardinal scale, the receptionist was to the south, the entrance to the guild was on the west, the north was the quest boards, the northeast was the cafeteria, and the east was…. well, I don't really know. There were doors that seemed to have gone to the outside, though, I couldn't really tell what else. As per me, I was in the southeast.

The building as a whole was quite large. About the size of what you would typically see at a Comic-Con. Perhaps half. It seemed quite bustling. Even seeing this large area and knowing that there were a few more floors. I know that I ended up going down about 2 flights of stairs, so I know there are at least 3 floors.

"Why did you stop walking? C'mon. Keep moving."

As much as I wanted to wander, my legs felt quite stiff. As much as I wanted to look around, it seemed that everyone else; the adventurer's did the very same. I could see quite a lot of people glance at me, giving a lot of reactions.

"Don't worry." She coaxed, seeming to read through me. "Most of them aren't looking at you. But me."

I turned to her. "Wait, are you famous around here, like, as an adventure?"

"More like infamous. I hold a lot of positions here. I am the resident investigator, the assassin class instructor. I was even at a party with the guild master for a while."

I don't know what to look at her in interest, or just judge that she was gloating. It also confused me, given that she had a mysterious feeling to her; like, if you asked her about her personal life, even though interrogation, she would just take it to the grave. I was quite surprised that she could disclose this so easily. But guess since I am about to become an adventurer, I would learn this information sooner or later. Though, there was a bit that caught my interest.

'Investigator?" She's the resident investigator. I presume that it meant she did background checks on people. And she was in the room I was in after I woke up? Coincidence? Well, I am starting to think there wasn't one.

I do remember that the party that I was with ended up wanting to bring me back, because I could have been, like, a noble's daughter or something. Perhaps she was there to check if their suspicions were right. Though, I am sure that they didn't find much on me.

Still, I could feel the dark elf woman's eyes fixated on me still, continuing to give me chills. Perhaps she was eyeing how I would respond to such info, giving her further info on me. So, I guess she is in the dark on me; no pun intended.

"So, what did you find on me?" I asked.

"The research is…. ongoing." She stated. So, it seems that she doesn't know who I am yet. That is a relief. "You still aren't following. Here, c'mon."

"Hey-" I yelled, before she ended up yanking me towards the reception desk.

I feel like she was nothing more than a toy as she pulled me. Although she ended up saying that most of those eyes ended up staring at her; it felt as if they were also staring at me. After all, if a popular person advertises something; that thing becomes popular. She is unintentionally placing me on a pedestal, getting the attention of a good amount of people.

The Dark elf rambunctiously ended up cutting through the line right to the top, to which she ended up cutting through right to the front.

"Are you sure, we can cut-"

"You shouldn't cut. As for me. I get priority." The Dark elf ended up starting, before turning to the Receptionists. He seemed to be a tall thin man, who wore glasses, and had pointed ears. "Hello, Victor."

"Hello, Miss Sierra Ravengale, 12th Guide instructor of 12th Assassin class, ex-member of Gabriel's wings party…" He greeted before sheepishly bowing. It was apparent that these two had bad blood. He must have been intimidated by her presence, which was almost a given.

"Quit the formalities. Geez, we are going to get nowhere if you keep acting like that." She ended.

He ended up bowing once again. Old habits die hard. "Sorry, ma'am. What would you like today?"

"I need you…to set up a private adventurer's account for this girl right here." She ended up saying. Though it was faint, I pick up the murmurs with my elven ears. Although she was an assassin, she also seemed to be quite notoriously known. Everyone, including I, could only witness what she was about to do next.

"But this is the quest completion area section. You go here to complete your-"

She ended up slamming her fist on the table, causing him, me, and a bunch of people to flinch. He ended up bowing,

"Right away, ma'am!" He quivered before opening what appeared to be sort of slide, that caused the desk to part open, to which the dark elf assassin name Sierra ended up pulling me through. Following Victor, the poor receptionists, we ended up going through one of the doors on the other side of the reception desk, to which ended up appearing to be a room filled with some interesting contraptions, and, a shelf of scrolls, and a table that seemed to be overlaid with a very meticulous magic circle. "Alright, I am going to get an info clipboard and tell one of my co-workers on break to take my shift temporarily. So…. don't get mad."

He ended up leaving, leaving me and Sierra together in another room.

"So…. why are you still here?" I asked.

"Still deciding whether or not you are a non-threat." She stated, before leaning against the wall.

"Why do you think I am a threat in the first place?"

"Remember the party that ended up helping you out after you fell unconscious."


"Well, they have reported that they ended up finding you injured, and up against moderately level monsters of that area. After you fainted, the hunter in their ex-guild master's sons party, a member of my investigatory division, ended up stating that you were able to take on 1 monster restrained, and another slightly injured, with a sign of others killed before they got there, I presume your handy work?"

Based on what she said, and how she said it. it seemed that what I did was quite unlikely. Not only that, but it was explained as if she was there in the first place. Wait a minute! That hunter, a part of their party, was one of Sierra's subordinates?! The ex-guild master's part didn't really surprise me. He had that goodie two-shoes feeling about him, regardless of him not being pretentious. As for how Sierra found out, this seemed to explain things, given that the hunter was a part of the group and would have to be some basic security for a prized gem. Of course, the hunter, Zarina, would end up ratting me out if she felt as if I was a threat in any way.

Though it still didn't explain one thing to me. "What did I do that screamed odd?" I asked. "Killing monsters is normal. Isn't that a weaker area anyways?"

She glared at me. I could see the words "Are you serious" emanating from her. She sighed before explaining it. "Ok, there is this fun ability known as discern eye. Basically, in short, it allows someone to look at someone's stats and abilities to a certain degree, with that certain degree being if someone is weaker than the observed person."


"It was found that you are currently level 11. Taking into consideration that you took out 3 level 19 monsters, that would leave you to be around, level 3 to 5. And the average threat level in the goblin territory was estimated to be 10 to 20 respectively. You know what that means right?"

"I think it means…-" I paused, trying to come up with what it means. What does that mean, anyways?

Sierra sighed. "Of course, you still act coy. Well, the only way you are getting out of this is by clearing the Adventurer's sign in test and not 'faking-out' your stats and abilities…"

I presumed faking out your stats is typically a dead giveaway that you are a spy or something. Though, as scary as she is, the only thing I am scared about is that it may uncover my domain abilities. If so, that may cause a great number of problems for me.

Going back to the conversation I had with the goddess, one of the only rules she ended up giving me was "Don't speak of your Domain Lord affiliation." I don't know the repercussions or if this even counted as speaking or not, though, having a goddess's divine wrath wasn't something I wanted. Scary lady in front of me, or goddess lady that potentially could be scary. Which one should I obey?

I decided to surrender to Sierra. "You got me. I am a spy."

She ended up walking over towards me, before slamming her arm against the wall, pinning me there. She looked quite cold hearted.

"Finally cracking from the pressure, it seems that you are willing to spill your guts. So, which group are you working for? Death Wing? Severed Jaw? Bloodied Cutlass?" She got closer and closer, and a niece was suddenly in her hands.

She was quite scary, so much so, that I instantly decided. "DEATH WING, I WORK FOR DEATH WING!!!"

She glared at me a bit, I felt as if an intense malice paced onto me, before it subsided, and she sighed, unpinning me from the wall. "What Death Wing?"

"Huh? But, like, didn't you give that as an option?"

"I did, but I made it up."

"Eh?" I looked at her dumbfounded.

"So, it seems she isn't a part of an opposing spy group…" She murmured to herself before looking at me with nonchalance before walking to the door. "Ok, I think I trust you, even though you lied to me to my face. Poorly, I might add. Whatever the reason is for wishing to hide your abilities, the Private Adventurer account I set up for you won't be disclosed to the public. So, that should set your mind at ease."

I know now when or how it appeared, but the moment I blinked, my dagger was in her hands. "The rest of your equipment is in the shop." She ended up giving it to me. I don't know why, though it awfully seemed similar to some deals that give 'half now, half later' or at least, this gave the same feeling.


She nodded back before walking away. As she ended up opening the door, she ended up bumping into Victor, who went the opposite way into the room. It seemed that she whispered something to him, which drained most of his color out of his face. I was more distracted by the threats, but I did end up catching the words "If, Chop, Feed, Pigs." And that didn't seem good.

As Victor calmed down from what happened with Sierra, he ended up pushing glasses on his face, looking at his clipboard.

"Alright now, we will now be beginning the Adventurer signing up. Now, first thing first: name?"

I ended up thinking about it quite a bit. Excuse me, do you mind if I read one of my books before I reply.

"Sure, go for it."

Realizing that I put it into the domain pocket, I ended up asking him to turn around, to which he complied willingly. I quickly ended up taking it out before flipping to the bookmarked place, to where I ended up reaching the Adventurer guild part:

"So, you are at the adventurer's guild, and you are signing up. But you don't know how to answer some of these questions. For starters, you can use the name Lumiya. It is quite a common name, actually, though, if you can come up with something that you like, go for it. Once fame goes around someone named Lumiya who is quite powerful in Lightning magic, other domain Lords will reach out. As for their intentions, they will be quite unique, though they typically may be good or bad. So, it may be risky."

I ended up thinking about it quite a bit. As much as I would like to pretend that I am in a vrmmorpg and name the character anything I want. I am not. And that name would be nothing more than a lie. I ended up taking this body, which used to be inhabited by Lumiya. As the goddess said, I also took her name as my own. I must bear it. But still.

"Is Lumiya…a common name?"

"Lumiya. I would think it isn't uncommon. Many young women name their little girls that in patronage to the great Flashing sword maiden Lumiya Alkeris."

"Yeah…. you could say I look up to her." I tittered "So, I will pick Lumiya."

He ended up jotting it down. "Alright, you are female…check. What is your race, miss?"

"Lightning elf." I answered.

"Interesting, quite a rare variant of light elf. I am a half-elf myself." he said, before showing his slightly pointed ears underneath his matted hair…" Now, then what is your age?"

"I lost track?" I answered. I feel like that was a plausible answer.

"Well, I would say you look about 80 to 120, you look quite young for an elf." He continued to jot down a few other pieces of info. "Now then, since we ended up getting that settled, I guess it is time to check your affinity and stats. Now, first for the stats…"

He ended up bringing out a greatly designed abacus-like thing. It had multiple sides, and the beads that composed the things on the abacus were quite shiny; looking as if there were black pears.

"Alright, place your hand on top of the stats checker…" To which I did. Immediately, it seemed the abacus box because to glow a blue. As it did, the beads ended up sliding around, sifting in numerous patterns, and what nots. After it continued to do this, I could only fall in awe at how beautiful it was. Once it was finished, they all slowly stopped before standing still in their new spots. "Lemme see…wow! You have some good stats. No, good would be an understatement, they are quite high. Not to mention that your dexterity and speed are by far the highest I have seen for beginning adventurers. It is quite impressive. Not even some beginning thieves at level 18 wouldn't be seen with that high of stats in dexterity and speed."

He ended up scanning through it some more. Informing me of not only fast stats, but of my pretty good strength, and fairly high magical stats. The only stat that looked completely lacking was constitution, but even he said that my constitution was average for an elf, to which I had no qualms with. I greatly appreciated his feedback, as he even ended up recommending classes based on my current stats. Though, he decided to wait off of specific recommendations until the affinity test when it comes to my magic.

After putting away the stat contraptions, he ended up grabbing a fortune ball to which I presumed would test my affinity. Placing it on the table, he ended up instructing me to place my hand on it, to which I ended, and told me to concentrate on opening up my affinity to the stone. Though it took a bit, I decided to use how I cast a spell as reference as I channeled mana. As I did, the colors began to glow, radiating multiple colors. Green, light green, red, blue, orange, and then....

"Whoa!!" Victor jumped back at the radiating yellow light. "Your affinity for Lightning magic….it's"

And then an explosion happened, causing a lot of dust to pick up, causing the two of us to begin to cough, before it ended up subsiding. Victor looked quite rattled, even his hair ended up looking as if he was electrocuted. Touching my hair, I was relieved to find that it wasn't electrocuted, only the tips. Why am I worried about my hair?

After Victor regained his composure, he ended up writing on the slightly electrocutioner clipboard.

"So, what does it say?" I asked.

"You seem to have high potential for magic. As for elemental affinities, though…"

"Yeah…." I was a bit jumping, hoping to hear that I have all high affinities, master of all 7 elements.

"...they are all quite below average." He plainly stated. "Quite unimpressive for an elf of your stature"

"Oh, I said in disappointment.

"I hope that shouldn't dissuade you. Since you are an elf, you still have high potential for non-elemental magic. And that alone could compensate for your low elemental affinities with staffs and wands catered to a specific elemental type. Well, all exceptions for Lightning aptitude…"

"How come? I asked. I was a bit worried. Given that I am THE Lightning Domain Lord, I should be good at lightning magic.

"Well, it ended up breaking before I could check it. That has never happened to me before. At least, not when I was observing."

"So, what is it going to be placed as…." I asked.

"Well, I can't really do anything about it right now. Though, the only thing that I can do is mark it as unknown and place a reservation for a Lightning aptitude for later tests."

"Thank you." I bowed.

After it looked like everything was finished, he looked like he was focused on something. He ended up grabbing something from the drawer, which appeared to look like a card. He also grabbed a scroll. After that, he then ended up going to the magic circle table, to which I backed away and allowed him to focus on this.

Placing both the piece of paper and the empty card on the table, he then began to unravel the scroll.

"May the paper's print fall onto the card…" He chanted. It wasn't a special chant. Though, it still seemed to work. I don't know what he ended up writing with, but as he chanted, the words on the paper began to glow, before flying off the page. It looked quite stunning, and I would be completely surprised if I didn't know about it already.

The floating glowing script ended up all falling upon the card. Once they all went down, the card seemed to be complete, to which he ended up grabbing, before grabbing a necklace-sized chain, punching a hole in the card, and putting the chain around it. After he did, he ended up handing it to me.

"Wow, so the card is metal." I didn't even realize that till' now, though I thought that was a bit better than a flimsy paper or cardboard card. As I touched it, though, it ended up glowing a bit, before revealing a triangle, diamond and star, the diamond and star were slightly smaller.

"Ahh, so the card agrees." Victor replied after seeing them.

"What does the shapes mean?"

"We made it to where the cards can 'sense' what class you have potential for. Don't ask me to explain, I didn't make this." He explained. "The shapes that forms show what potential you have. There are generally 5 shapes. triangle is for agility based adventurer, diamond means a strength-based adventurer, star means magic based adventurer, hexagon means defensive adventurer, and octogram is a support-based adventurer."

"So... I am only an agility, strength, and magic-based fighter?"

"No, this is purely recommended. Mainly to give you another tip on what you may be good at. It's true, as an elf, you do have high capabilities in agility and magic. Some elven adventurer's don't have intellect or coordination to be any of those classes, and have lived on to have great supports or strength-based classes"

"And why is my diamond smaller than my star and triangle?" I asked while looking at the card.

"That just means you have potential in few strength-based classes. Perhaps some light weapon using classes, like some one-handed classes catering to one style. That doesn't mean, you can't go into a two-handed wielding class...though, not recommended. Constitution and Strength go hand and hand, so if one's low, it may be hard to use the other."

"Fair enough." Seeing the classes empty on the card, that got me thinking. I should at least now a bit more about classes before I register. "Speaking of classes, so how does that work? Do I sign up for a class and immediately get power from it?"

He ended up chuckling quite a bit. "No, it isn't as simple as that. You have to take some classes--lectures and tutoring on that class no pun intended, in order to properly do that class. Typically, the instructor of those classes typically trains you quite a bit. Once deemed as accepted, you can now be in that specific class. You will also be able to acquire more training and even be recommended for certain quests catered to your class."

"Wow." That seemed quite interesting.

"Indeed." He ended up packing his stuff that helped get me a guild card. "Well, this should complete things. Now, since you have a private account, this will make some public recommendations a bit harder for you to have, but other than that, you should have the same experience as an adventurer. Do you have any further questions?" to which I shook my head.

"Alright then, if that is the case, you are good to go."

"Thank you so much for doing this."

"No problem." He spoke. "Honestly, although I am a bit of a push-over, you shouldn't have to worry about your information going out to the public. Though, I might want to warn you. If you are popular enough, the public, can "appeal" this, to regularize your account and turn it to a public one, so…. heads up. ``

"Noted." Not a bad thing. All I need to do is stay down low.

We ended up getting out of the room and walking back outside. The walls, doing good to block the sound, ended up ceasing as I entered the