

Alex Pov:

The pressure that hung in the air. Subtle as a breeze but with the force of a storm, destroying the morale of the weakest. Yuki's image is the first one that comes to mind, but I don't think even Jax or Eliza could last long here. Unspoken threats along with cold looks at me and Bellial, who managed to keep his posture and nerves intact for such a reception. Years of him accompanying me to places like this had made him resistant to the piercing eyes.

Some expelled a poisonous aura against me, others just avoided looking in my direction out of disinterest or just because they didn't want to notice my presence. At that moment, the other Generals almost completely ignored Scarlet and her companion. In any other more common situation, this feeling of contempt towards her would be responded to with a typical outburst of anger from the red-haired General, but now she is almost glad not to be the target of all the negativity this time.