

As soon as Alex gets out of the car, I feel a wave of confusion and doubt come over me.

"Why was he making that face? Under our contract he can do whatever he wants with me, but..."

I felt my head almost exploding. Without moving much, I lie on the car seat looking at the black metal roof and just thinking about Alex.

"The first impression I had of him was: idiot, empty-headed, perverted and profiteer... but is he now kind and understanding? I don't know what else to think..."

I close my eyes to try to think of some plausible explanation of why Alex did that. Those seconds felt like hours. When I finally take courage, I get up to try to dispel those doubts that troubled me. I slightly squeeze the reddish fabric over me and move.

Each of my movements was fast and accurate. The beautiful black ornaments sewn on the moving red silk looked more and more like black vipers, which, at the same time as embellishing the dress, also put some pressure on me. Somehow they scared me but I couldn't stop admiring the beauty of their imaginary scales. When I close the last button on my clothes, I feel relieved and with that I just try to focus on that feeling now... the relief. It's nice to feel the silk on my skin, I try to use it as an outlet for everything that bothered my mind... forget about them or just avoid them for now.

When I put my feet out of the vehicle I see Simon and Alex speaking, a little further ahead. I walk calmly towards them without making any kind of noise. As soon as I approach they stop the exchange of words and turn to me, Simon has the same happy expression and Alex has a face of indifference. When I look at every inch of your face, I just make a comment:

- Honestly, that expression doesn't suit you Alex. - I say in a calm voice and expressing a friendly smile. - You will be talking all day? If I am not mistaken you have to go to work. I am very much looking forward to seeing the General at work. - I continue, until I'm sure that the indifference of Alex's face is totally gone and that I can bring back that silly mood of his and further distance my own concerns.

As soon as I say that, the expression stuck in Alex disappears and he finally returns to his usual happy and relaxed face. His happy face brought me a light joy in addition to a certain comfort that managed to calm my heart. After that, the three of us moved on, passing some parked vehicles until we reached the nearest building. A large establishment, two floors, large white brick walls, several windows and a black roof.

When we arrived at the building it was possible to see a certain tumult going on at the entrance. Four men were arguing seriously at the front door. The first three were wearing navy blue uniforms and a silver sash over their shoulders, but the fourth man stood out easily from the rest of the group: short black hair, silver ornament over his navy fabric, shoulder pads made of sparkling silver threads and with some medals on the left side of his chest, to me it seemed to be someone of high rank due to his uniform. They were arguing, all with an expression of seriousness and concern, as we approached it was possible to hear the man in the most elaborate uniform giving orders to others:

- Double the surveillance, it can't have went too far. - Orders the man, in a loud and serious voice.

- Yes sir! - The three soldiers say at the same time loud and clear, while saluting.

As soon as orders are received, Alex makes a comment that makes the men notice our presence:

- Looks like you're in trouble Bel. - Alex says in a low tone while exhaling an air of military respect, he slowly approached the group while Simon and I followed behind.

- Alexander-sama! - Says the man nervous and at the same time surprised by the arrival of Alex, saluting and then the other soldiers did the same.

In a way I am impressed by the respect those men were offering Alex. Without anyone noticing, I approach Simon slowly and start whispering in his ear:

- Simon, is it just me finding this respect strange for someone like Alex? - I ask, curious as to the reason for all that.

- Hehehe, it's normal to think like that. - Answers Simon, who seemed to be waiting for that question. - I also thought about it when I first saw Alexander, about... about... two hundred... two hundred and fifty years ago.

- I see... wait... two hundred and fifty years?! - I say surprised, but before I could comment something we heard an exaltation coming from the conversation between Alex and the man called Bel.

- Understood Alexander-sama. - Bel says strictly and seriously, bowing to Alex, who turns his face towards me and Simon.

- Let's go you two, we have work. - Alex calls calm and expressing a friendly smile.

Without saying anything, Simon and I walked towards them and when we finally approached, Simon starts arguing with them:

- So what's the situation? - Alex asks Bel, exchanging his friendly expression for a serious one.

- Apparently a demon killed three people and took one alive. - Inform Bel, with a serious expression. - The bodies of the three were scattered throughout the city, but the method is always the same: man, strangled and scratches all over his body.

- Who was the missing person? - Alex continues asking, keeping the seriousness in his eyes.

- We don't know your identity; but he was a man, about 19 years old and blond. - Inform Bel, who seemed disappointed to have let something like this happen. - I beg your pardon Alexander-sama, I let this happen under my supervision...

- Do not worry Bel, it will be complicated but we will solve. - Alex continues, looking like a military attitude, but at the same time seemed to try to lighten the weight of Bel's back. - How many times did the bodies appear and how long was he taken by this demon?

- Every two days. - Bel says more relaxed. - He was taken about 12 hours ago.

- So it's better not to waste any more time. - Finishes Alex with a smile on the corner of his face. - Ask local people for help in the search.

- "Local People"? - I ask, curious and now being the center of attention now. - As traders and residents of the region?

- Oh no, I was talking about youkais*. - informs Simon, who turns his face and looks at me as if it were no big deal.

* Class of supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore.

- Youkais, they exist? - I ask, surprised and at the same time slightly scared to discover that the horror stories that my brother told me were true.

- Really? You are talking to three demons on a base where most of the people here are demons and are you surprised that youkais exist? - Says Simon, who, like Bel and Alex, looked at me like I was an idiot. - Alex did not explain about other factions besides angels and demons.

- Other factions? - I ask, showing that I had no idea what he was talking about.

As soon as I say that, Simon turns to Alex with a serious and frightening expression, making it clear that explaining this to me was of utmost importance and that it was his task. When he feels Simon's murderous gaze, Alex turns his face in any other direction that does not have to meet his eyes. When Simon finishes piercing Alex with his eyes, he turns to me and begins to explain sympathetically to me, hiding his negative feelings towards Alex:

- Basically there are other supernatural factions, in addition to angels and demons. Like witches, fallen angels, youkai, among others. - Explains Simon, explaining each detail to me with a calm expression. - Here in Kyoto it is the territory of the youkai and for years the demons and youkai have always had a good relationship, so it will be no problem to ask for their help.

- Besides, this demon can also cause problems for youkai, if this continues. - Explains Bel, focusing exclusively on me. - Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Belial but you can call me Bel Yuki-sama. - He presents himself in a respectful and welcoming way, while making a slight bow.

- Bel is my first lieutenant colonel and responsible for that base. - Explains Alex calmly and speaking as if it was nothing much.

- It's a pleasure to meet you Belial-san. - I say, in a friendly way and also making a slight bow.

- Hã?! - Alex says, keeping a serious look in my direction.

- What's it? - I ask, confused as to why he looked at me like that.

- You met Bel now and you are treating him better than your fiance. - He starts babbling bullshit.

- Of course, Belial-san was extremely kind to me. - I explain the reason, with a small ironic smile. - You took me to bed at the first opportunity.

When I say that a little heavy weather falls on us.

- Is that serious, Alexander-sama? - Simon says calmly but with a death glance in Alex's direction.

- Ah... I-I may not have been so romantic hehehe. - Alex stutters and starts to laugh nervously.

In the same second, Simon pulls Alex's ear very hard.

- Alexander-sama, we need to talk. - Says Simon, squeezing his ear more and more and pulling him aside, while Alex struggled in a futile attempt to escape. - Bel, please take Yuki and wait there at the training ground.

Bel and I watched that scene without being able to say anything. we stood there watching Simon take Alex aside, like a mother scolding her son. In a way of making me look in the other direction, Bel tries to talk to me:

- Well... Yuki-san let me show you around. - He says a little nervous and embarrassed by the actions of Alex and Simon.

- Wait a second, I'm enjoying watching it. - I say while enjoying a few more seconds of that. - Okay, let's go.

I start to follow Bel to the training ground, a little happier after seeing that scene. It was an extremely large and open place, with some men and women training with different types of weapons: swords, spears, daggers and some used axes. As soon as we get closer, the people who were training see us and start walking towards us.

- First Lieutenant Colonel Belial, it is a pleasure to see you here. - Says a soldier with black hair, standing in front of everyone else, saluting.

- Thank you, how's the training going? - Bel asks with an air of respect.

- Everything in order sir. - The man responds with respect.

- Great, I'm here to show the training ground to Yuki-sama. - Bel says, looking at me in the middle of his sentence.

- It's a pleasure to meet you all. - I say with a slight smile, but at the same time I was nervous to have so many people looking at me.

- Are you Alexander-sama's fiance?! - I hear one of the soldiers say in the background.


- How do they know me? - I ask Bel, a little scared that this information has reached so quickly to the ears of others... Alex proposed to me yesterday.

- Ah Alex spread the news to all corners of hell and you know how gossip spreads quickly. - Bel explains, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Still, it happened yesterday!"

- How beautiful!

- I never thought the general would get married.

I begin to hear the background comments. They don't bother me or cause me such a moving reaction, I just keep smiling to look like I was liking them. Inside I was still surprised at Alex's speed in spreading information.

- What's all this for? Pathetic.

I hear something in the middle of the compliments and comments, something with not so friendly intentions. It seems that I was not the only one to hear, the others looked at each other to know who had opened their mouths, a little scared of those who had the courage to say it out loud.

- Jax, I know it was you! - Bel exclaims in a loud and authoritative tone.- Hold that tongue!

Without even saying it twice, a young man leaves the middle of the group. Wearing a light blue uniform, navy blue buttons, spiky blue hair.

"He really appreciates the color... it reminds me of someone."

He had an angry expression while carrying a white metal ax decorated with blue ornaments on his blade.

- What is the problem? I'm just exposing my thoughts about our general's disposable toy. - He says with a malicious smile. - I give two weeks.

- Jax you...! - Bel tries to express his anger, but before he can I take care of the situation.

- Your name is Jax, isn't it? - I step forward and start talking quietly and without breaking my smile. - Please ignore Belial-san, say what you think.

I know how to take care of people like that. Everyone in the place is surprised by my words and my request. Even Jax, previously irritated was surprised by that.

- If so... I think it is ridiculous someone like you who did nothing, apart from spreading his legs to receive so much respect. - Jax don't hesitate to say everything you think, but while insulting me he seemed a little nervous.

I look at Bel, out of the corner of my eye. I can see him turning inside.I make a slight movement with my hand to try to calm the man down so he doesn't punch Jax.

- Someone who has never held a sword, deserves no respect. - Jax, continue with your angry tone. - You are just a toy paying a visit.

- Jax!! - Bel was almost jumping in Jax's throat, but I just calmly step forward before he can do anything.

- Well... technically you have a point. - I say keeping my tone calm and my smile.

Everyone took their focus off Jax and Bel and turned to me.

- I'm here to get used to it. - I say, keeping my tone soft. - But now that you brought it up, I never really trained with swords or any weapon, I'll have to talk to Alex later.

- What do you mean by that, Yuki-san? - Belial, he is just as surprised as the other local people.

But before anyone could say anything, Alex and Simon were approaching our group.

- Sorry I'm late. - Alex says, with a certain seriousness in his voice. - Did something happen?

- No big deal, I was just meeting some of your men. - I say, covering up the

subject of the conversation as I approached Alex. - I was having a great chat with Jax.

Alex looks in the Young's direction, he was extremely nervous when he feels the general's gaze on him.

- Hello Captain Jax, I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? - He asks smiling, but emits a heavy aura about the young man with blue hair.

- Er... I'm fine, thank you sir. - Jax says nervously.

- Alex, I would like to ask you something. - I say in a cheerful tone.

- What was Yuki !? - He says excited to receive a request from me.

- Jax, it gave me a great idea... can I start taking self-defense classes? - I ask, making an abandoned dog face. I was getting to feel the aura of nervousness coming from Jax, waiting to see what was going to happen

- It's not a bad idea, but first I need to find someone to teach it. - Alex says with one hand on his chin and with a thoughtful expression. - I know someone, but he's busy now.

- Then how about Jax take that position temporarily. - I say with my little

smile and looking in the direction of Jax.

- What fu...? - Jax says incredulous with what he was hearing.

-Of course you have the position of captain certainly has the ability to teach me, don't you think Alex? - I say looking straight into Jax's eyes.

"That was because you called me a toy, muggle."

- It looks great, I count on you Jax. - Alex says, calmly but makes it clear in

his voice that it was an order. - Bel, organize Jax's appointments and tell Liz to get a room at the mansion.

- Y... yes, sir. - Jax says with dismay and a feeling of defeat on his face.

When Jax was ready to succumb to Alex's dull look, Simon steps forward and tries to harmonize things.

- If so, why doesn't Yuki participate in the hunt? - Simon says, standing between Alex and Jax, and the young man seemed to be relieved to not have the general's eyes on him anymore.

- Seriously? - I say surprised to hear that idea, making me jump excited. - Can I really participate Alex?

He just looks into my excited face and gives a slight sigh before answering me.

- You can, but I'm still against it. - He says in a low voice, but even that doesn't get me down.

- Alexander... what we talked about? - Simon says, in a clear tone of threat against the general... it seems that this is the result of that conversation from before.

- Ah... of course, you can go. - He says, extremely nervous with Simon.

Then Simon takes his eyes off Alex and turns the conversation over to


- Bel, choose the men for Yuki's group. - He says in a soft tone.

- You can leave it to me, Simon. - Bel says confidently in a serious voice.

- Great, now... Yuki, how about you come with us. - After solving this part, Simon turns to me.

After my spirits have calmed down, I begin to hear what they have to say.

- Yuki, some youkai visitors came to talk to me about the problem with the demon. - Says Alex excitedly and putting his hand on my shoulder. - Do you want to meet them?

- Can I really ?! - I look forward to seeing a youkai, I always wanted to meet one. - It was great to talk to you and I count on you, Jax-sensei. - I say looking at the group of soldiers, but focusing on Jax with my look of victory.

I turn my back on the group and follow Alex.

Jax On:

"What just happened?"

I feel like I've been hit by a truck.

"How will things end this way? Even if I insulted him, why do I feel dejected?"

Before I can reflect on this further, I hear Belial calling me:

- Why do you always act like that Jax? - Belial asks me, looking with some disapproval.

- Why should I? - I turn my face and respond sharply. - I have no obligatio...

Before finishing the sentence, Belial interrupts me.

- Honestly, if you think that way you will accompany him on the hunt today. - Belial says looking at me seriously. - You will be his teacher, get used to it.

- What do you mean Beli...!? - I try to complain but he interrupts me.

- It's an order. - Bellial orders with his lieutenant colonel authority. - Captain Eliza, accompany them both.

I look behind me and see the girl coming out of the group of soldiers. She was my height, with long red hair, ponytails and bright red eyes.

- Yes sir. - She responds loud and clear.

- Wait a minute Belial, do not think that is an exaggeration. I understand one captain but two to defend one person. Even though it was a hunt, this kid should just stay away... Ouch !! - I express my anger, but before I put everything out I feel a tug on my ear.

- Don't worry First Lieutenant Colonel, we will protect Yuki-sama with our lives. - Eliza said impeccably, while pulling my ear hard with one hand and saluting with her free hand.

- I appreciate it, now don't stand still and go back to training! - Exclaims Belial so that everyone can hear him. - We have work at nightfall.

Everyone, including me, greeted Belial, who turned his back and went back to the barracks. Everyone goes back to training, I just watch Belial a little more until I lose sight of him.

"What is so special about this boy, to make you look at him more than at me...?"

Yuki On:

We entered the barracks, passed through some corridors until we arrived in a room with beige walls, two sofas with black upholstery facing each other and a small wooden table in the middle of the two. On the sofa on my left were two people sitting. They turned in our direction as soon as we entered the room.

Both were a little alike: both their features and their short cherry-colored hair. The one closest to us was taller and had a more mature appearance, while the other was a little shorter than me and appeared to be much younger. The two had a similar outfit, white kimonos with beautiful cherry branches printed on their fabric and a strip of light red fabric around their waists.

- Sorry for being late, there was an important discussion on the way. - Alex apologizes to the two visitors and looks at Simon out of the corner of his eye, with a certain fear in his expression... the conversation between the two must have had a very big effect on Alex.

Simon just reciprocates with his usual smile, as if nothing has happened.

- You don't have to worry about that Alexander-sama. - The older visitor gets up and talks nice to us. - My name is Takashi and this is my younger brother Yusuke, we are part of the Kitsune clan and we came at the request of our clan leader.

- Well you are Sakura-san's children. - Says Alex, sitting on the other sofa and our visitor doing the same.

I follow and sit next to him, while Simon stays behind the sofe we were on. I remain silent and just watching the conversation, I doubt that I will say anything that adds to it.

- So you know our mother. - Takashi says in a soft tone.

- We are old friends. - Says Alex, raising his hand a little in the air. - Would you like some tea?

- I'd love a black tea, if you don't mind. - Takeshi asks, keeping his tone calm. - Yousuke, want something?

The younger brother turns to Takeshi and nods nervously saying yes.

- A peach tea. - He says in a low and shy volume.

He must not be used to being in such a serious place before... maybe I can help a little bit.

- I would also like some peach tea, can I accompany you Yousuke-chan? - I ask with a smile towards the young man, as a way for him to feel more comfortable.

He focuses his gaze on me and his face flushed. I start to wonder if I didn't say something wrong and... was the "-chan" too invasive?

- Oh sorry, don't you like being called "Yousuke-chan"? - I try to clean up my mess.

"First day of work and I may have already screwed it up... that's great."

- Ah... no problem, I even prefer. - He answers me in his low voice, but finally had a smile on his face. - Your name?

"How cute!!!!"

I keep my anxiety about finding something so cute, just for me. I hold on and answer with a smile too.

- You can call me Yuki. - I say focusing only on Yousuke.

I feel myself looking at something extremely relaxing. But suddenly I feel an uncomfortable aura on my side being projected by a certain troubled man with black hair. I look at him out of the corner of my eye and see that even smiling, I could see his discomfort.

"Really? The same thing happened with Belial-san and now with Yousuke-chan, there is a limit to jealousy."

To make him come back to reality I just need to give him a little warning. Without even thinking, I hit his ribs with my elbow. He loses his breath a little but not his composure in front of the guests.

- Alex, tea please. - I say in a calm and loving way, as if I don't know why Alex's breathlessness.

- Sure honey. - He replies smiling, but looking like he understood my message.

Finally he clicks his fingers and in the center of the table appears a magic circle of navy blue color. I am impressed when I see that, I have never seen magic in my life and I can't take my eyes off the table. Four cups of tea rise from the circle. When they finally come out, the circle closes.

Takeshi is the first to get a cup. He takes the one closest to him and starts to drink its contents. Then Yousuke and Alex do the same. I'm a little lost, but I take the last cup on the table and imitate the three. When I drink the tea, I feel the sweet and rich taste of peaches. I have never tasted anything so tasty before and I do not avoid expressing a slight smile of pleasure.

- When you smile like that, you look extremely cute Yuki. - I hear Alex commenting with that stupid smile.

I feel ashamed when I hear that. I just turn my face away, avoiding eye contact with him and not letting Alex see my flushed face while I finish my tea.

- Alexander-sama, don't bother your subordinates so much. - I hear Takeshi taking the last sip of his tea and resting the cup on the table.

"I wish I were one of the subordinates, I could report him."

- Oh no Yuki is my fiance. - Says Alex, extremely cheerful and giving me a hug that immobilizes me completely.

They both look at me with surprise in their eyes. But that doesn't stop Takeshi from continuing the conversation.

- My mom will be very happy to know about it. - Takeshi expresses his joy at knowing that. - But unfortunately we are not here for that.

- Yes, maybe another day. - Alex speaks with some dismay, as he puts the cup on the table.

- My mother said that for you I asked for help, it means that it is something important or dangerous. - Takeshi says, changing the softness of his voice to a serious tone.

- Unfortunately it's dangerous. - Says Alex with the same tone of extreme seriousness as Takeshi.

Yousuke and I were completely quiet. We know when the time to talk is over.

- Three bodies and one kidnapped, strangled and scratched on all bodies. - Informs Alex, now staring at Takeshi.

- Do you know what this demon looks like? - Asks Takeshi. - Anything to help you identify him?

- Absolutely nothing. - Alex says with some dismay.

- So that you can't find anything, then this is a big fish. - Takeshi informs, placing one of his legs on the other. - I will ask for information from youkai in the city, three deaths and a kidnapping does not go unnoticed by them. Until tonight I will have the information.

- Thank you for your help and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. - Says Alex, lowering his head a little.

- No need, it's our job. - Takeshi says, smiling again.

Alex says nothing, just returns with a friendly smile. I feel the air in the room improve and become lighter, I can finally breathe.

- Yuki, I have to talk about other things with Takeshi, do you mind making company to Yousuke? - Alex asks me, turning to me with relief

- Of course, I would love. - I'm excited to spend more time with this cuteness.

- Great, Yousuke behaves. - Takeshi says turning his face to the younger brother, while transmitting the affectionate aura of an older brother.

- Let's go to a more private room, Takeshi-san. - Alex asks, getting up and standing by the door.

When the cherry-haired young man finishes talking to his brother he gets up and leaves the room accompanied by Alex, leaving me, Yousuke and Simon in the room.

- Look, when he does the job he really looks responsible, don't you think Yuki-san? - Says Simon, finally breaking the silence.

- Yes, impressive. - I agree with Simon without looking back. Before I get up I spot Alex's cup of tea on the table, giving me some curiosity.

"Yousuke and I ordered peach tea and Takeshi black tea, what did Alex order?"

I reach out my hand until I reach for the cup and place it near my nose.

- Yuki? - Simon, still standing, leans on the sofa where I was.

- Yuki? - Simon, still standing, leans closer, seemed to be curious about the same thing as me.

I close my eyes to find out what kind of herb is used. We bring our noses to the cup.

- That is...?! - I finished analyzing the smell of the drink and Simon had the same reaction as me.

"This is whiskey..."

- What's the matter Yuki? - Yousuke asks, confused by our reaction.

- Nothing, let's walk a little Yousuke-chan. - I mean, trying to change the subject.

- Ok! - He answers me with enthusiasm.

He gets up first and leaves the room. I stay a little behind, but before leaving I have one last conversation with Simon:

- Remember when we talked about how responsible he is? - I say looking at Simon with an idiot face. - That conversation never happened.

- That's right. - Says Simon, disappointed by his master's bullshit.

"I have to stop having faith in this idiot."

And in that same moment, Simon was thinking something similar:

"Idiot, wait until Liz finds this out."

Simon and I followed Yousuke, extremely excited by the corridors, he seemed excited to go out and explore the place. But little by little he was getting farther and farther away from us.

- Yousuke-chan, don't go too far. I don't want you to lose yourself here. - Notice Yousuke in a sympathetic way.

- Ah sorry Yuki. - The young man turns to me and takes a little run towards me.

When he comes back to my side, he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes. He was so cute that I couldn't help but rest my hand on Yousuke's head and mess up his hair a little.

- Don't worry, but be careful, this place is quite big, your brother will make a fuss if you get lost. - I continue with a warning.

He just looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. Yousuke nods, showing that he has understood my warning.

- I know, but I really want to see the training camp. - He says taking my hand from his head.

- Training camp? - I ask, curious.

- I never saw demons training, I wanted to know how different your training mode is from ours. - Yousuke answers me, while holding my hand, before messing up his cherry-colored threads.

- I understand. - I say when I finally understand the situation. I turn to Simon next. - Simon, is there a problem?

- Of course not, I'll take you two there. - Agrees Simon, looking like he's having fun.

- You're having a little too much fun, what happened? - I ask, curious what it would be like to have so much fun.

- Is nothing. - He answers me trying to hold that joy. - Let's go then.

He passes us and begins to guide us. I just shrug and follow him.

Simon On:

I begin to guide them both to the training ground. I hear them whispering behind me, make sure not to look back and intrude, just focus on following the path.

"So cute!! I could be with them all day!"

I try to hold on so as not to expose my emotion. I promised Liz that I would control myself better, but... having these two cuties behind me makes things difficult.

- Ahhhh if Axel were here, it would be perfect. - I mean, without realizing what I had said.

- Axel? Who is it? - I hear Yuki ask behind me.

- Ah... he's my little brother. - I mean trying to stay calm and control myself.


- Ah, I didn't know you had a brother Simon.- Yuki continues, while restraining me. - What's he like?

As soon as I hear that question, I feel a crack and I can't hold myself anymore. With frightening speed, I take a little red book out of my uniform pocket and I opened it in front of Yuki and Yousuke.

- He is extremely cute!! I rarely see him, but he always sends me letters. - I say extremely happy. When it comes to Axel, I really cant hold it.

Yuki On:

When I see those pictures and Simon's expression of joy, I try to maintain an expression that I was really find the conversation interesting, but only one thing crosses my mind:

"He's one of those with Brother Complex..."

I look in Yousuke's direction, thinking I would be scared by that, but his expression surprises me even more. He was totally normal, as if it were something of his routine.

- Wow Simon-san you look just like my brother. - He says with that normal voice and those sweet eyes.

Simon and I turned to the confused young man. Before any of us say anything, I take the lead.

- Takeshi-san? - I ask to make sure we were talking about the same person.

- Yes, he just didn't show it to anyone because it's a business visit, otherwise he would have already shown his notebook. - Yousuke replies... so he was really used to all this.

I look directly at Yousuke and notice every feature of his beautiful, fluffy face, that silky hair and those innocent brown eyes. It doesn't take long to know why Takeshi has this complex.

- Seriously! - Says Simon, looking happy to have found a new ally. - I understand Takeshi-san, with a brother as cute as you.

At the same moment, Yousuke blushes completely. I can't say anything, I just nod in agreement with Simon.

- I-I'm not that cute. - The young man stammers looking at the floor with some shame.

- Yes it is! - Simon and I synchronized our voices, in a set of confusion and indignation with what he had said. - Yousuke, you are one of the cutest things we've ever seen, so don't lower yourself. - We both continue to point the finger at Yousuke's nervous face.

- Oh, thank you both. - He tells us with an extremely captivating and affectionate smile.

Simon and I do the same. While enjoying the view of Yousuke's wonderful features and company, one thing crosses our minds:

On my:

"I have to see these pictures."


"I need to find Takeshi-sama, I need to exchange pictures with him no matter what."

When we finished talking, we followed the path to the training ground. As soon as we arrived, I saw a group of soldiers making a wheel, looking like a small arena. Among them, a pair of soldiers was in the middle, one of them is a young woman with a ponytail wielding a whip of the same crimson color as her hair and the other was a young man with short blue hair and holding a large white axe. I look better at the axe user and recognize who it was.

- Well, if it's not Jax. - I say surprised to see you again.

- Do you know him Yuki? - Yousuke asks me, also interested in that.

- Well, we had a very interesting conversation when I arrived. - I mean, broadcast the content of my previous conversation with him.

Jax attacked his opponent with the axe, his speed and technique when swinging that heavy weapon surprised everyone. Long and fast movements covering a large area. Some soldiers had to leave, to avoid being hit.

But the young woman is not left behind, she can easily follow her opponent's movements. With each of her dodges, she responded to the ax's attacks with a fierce swipe of her whip. She tried to hit any openings or blind spots on Jax, but his reflexes reflected any surprise attack attempt. Those two seemed to follow the choreography of an extremely lethal dance, where any failure could cause a very serious injury.

The woman jumps back and creates considerable distance from Jax, she lifts her spine and begins to emit a red threatening aura. Something was coming, even me who was not used to it, knew. Everyone felt and with a little fear, getting away more and more. A great circle of red magic emerged from her feet and her aura grew more and more. She snaps her whip on the ground and the flames start to cover her weapon. The young woman continues to make the same movement increasing the speed more and more, reaching the point where only a trail of red smoke can be seen around her.

- Demonic Crimson Whip! - She exclaims loudly.

The top half of your whip splits into four other identical whips. Jax takes a defensive position and just like his opponent he starts to emit a white aura that grew more and more, I start to feel the temperature of our surroundings lower and I start to shake a little. The girl acts fast and before he can gather more energy she attacks, raising the arm that wielded the whip, now quadrupled, and attacks.

- Crimson Vipers! - She exclaims and attacks Jax.

Spheres of fire appeared from the four points of her weapon, extending towards his opponent in the form of four large vipers, each one with a pair of sharp fangs ready to pierce the young combatant, still immobile in his defense. The flaming scale reptiles were getting closer and closer to Jax. He does nothing, just stands firm. In a single instant, his aura grows frighteningly and white covers his surroundings.

- Silver Blizzard! - He says, making the white expands throughout the improvised arena, making the fire vipers disappear and creating a thick layer of ice on the ground where it touched.

I feel the cold growing more and more, affecting everyone who watched, but those two seemed to be feeling nothing. They remained focused on each other's movement, without even letting a breath pass unnoticed by their eyes. After long seconds, Jax makes the first move. He advances towards the young woman, raising his axe and attacking her with force. Even though he is extremely fast, the girl manages to dodge by taking a big jump back. He misses and hits the ground making a big crack where it slopes. She wastes no time, taking a new leap forward, climbing the jax axe, still attached to the ground. The young woman raises her arm again to whip him, but he also acts quickly.

- Silver chains. - He says with a slight smile.

Behind the young woman appeared two white circles of magic and brilliant white chains came out of each. They grab the girl's wrists and begin to freeze her hands, wrists, forearms and whip completely. Jax's opponent looks at his ice-covered hands with an expression of surprise. Jax drops the axe, steps forward, and casts one last spell.

- Ice dagger. - He pronounces those words and closes his hand and from his closed fingers, a faint white aura is emitted and forms a small but sharp blade of ice.

Without thinking twice, he advances the blade on the young woman's neck, but stops the movement as soon as he sees the sharp ice touching her skin.

- Enough, Jax you won. - I hear a familiar voice from the group watching.

Belial leaves the crowd and approaches the two. When Jax hears his

command, he moves away and with a flick of his hands destroys the ice that holds his opponent together with the blade he carried. The girl falls to her knees, a little frustrated, but at the same time satisfied with the fight she had with Jax. The young man extends his hand to her and helps her to get up.

- Great technique Eliza, but you need to be more careful with the environment. - Belial looks at the young woman with a friendly expression, but at the same time rigid. Then he turns to Jax changing to an expression of pride. - Great job Jax; you haven't lost your focus, dealt with your opponent's attacks with precision and perfect control of your spells.

Jax seems extremely pleased with the compliments, his smile was huge and his cheeks flush slightly. I noticed that expression and some things crossed my mind:

"That's why he was such an asshole with me, he has a thing for Belial. Now that I think accompanying Bel alone on the battlefield may have resulted in a certain misunderstanding. I better talk to him, I don't want to be transformed into an ice statue."

- Amazing. - I hear Yousuke behind me. - I've never seen a fight like this!!

I turn around and he was wide-eyed when he saw that fight. The young man was so excited that he made small jumps on the spot. That was extremely adorable, I don't say anything so he doesn't stop doing it, I just enjoy that cute scene.

- Yuki-san, you came. - I hear Bel's voice behind me, getting closer and closer to me. For the first time I get a little mad at him for making me stop looking at that cuteness. - You guys finished the meeting.

- Hello Belial-san. - I say a little disappointed, but I try to hide as much as possible. - This Yousuke he and his brother Takeshi are the youkai who came to give support.

- Nice to meet you First Lieutenant Colonel, my name is Yousuke, from the Kitsune clan. - The young man bows while introducing himself.

- It is a pleasure Yousuke-san, Alexander-sama is not with you? - He asks, returning Yousuke's reverence with another one.

- No, he went to talk to Takeshi-san and we separated. - I step forward and answer Bel. When I do that, I feel Jax's withering look in my direction, strong enough to kill someone. I try to ignore it, but its murderous aura starts to bother me.

- So they must be in the office, I need to talk to him about the hunt. - Bel says in a friendly way. Then he turns to the other soldiers and looks authoritative and serious. - We're done for now, take a break, we'll go out at night.

He finally walks away and heads for the barracks. When we finally lost sight of him, I don't even have to turn around to find out who was behind me.

- It was an incredible match Jax. - I say to myself turning and looking at the young man, with that sulky face.

- What are you doing here? - He answers me with as much grace as when I first met him.

- Showing the location to Yousuke-chan, is there a problem? - I say with a certain irony in my voice. - But I'll make it very clear, you don't have to worry about anything Jax, I'm not a threat to you.

- Threat? How would you be threatening me ?! - He asks me with an irritating smile and thinking that I wouldn't have an answer.

- I'm not a romantic threat to you and Belial-san, don't worry. - I say casting my smile in the direction of the angry young man.

The second I say this, Jax's confident face locks up and starts to turn red from head to toe. Before saying anything, a red-haired young lady who was fighting Jax steps forward and starts talking to me.

- Even you noticed that, Yuki-san. I'm sorry, my name is Eliza, I'm captain of the second squad. - She says making a little bow. I see your hair and your bright red eyes remind me of something, but I don't know what. - Belial-san asked Jax and me to accompany you on the hunt today.

- It is a pleasure to meet you, since it is my first time please take care of me. - I say a little more relaxed about having two captains accompanying me tonight.

- Wait a second, what does "even you" mean? - Jax finally wakes up from his shock, nervous and positions himself between me and Eliza.

- Well... we all know that you have a crush on Belial-sama. - She says expressing a slight smile in the corner of her face. - But don't worry, we all support you and we know that you only get into a fight when Belial-san is in the middle.

- Even Alexande-san knows that. - Simon comments from afar.

- So-so-so even Belial-sama knows? - Says worried, looking like his world would collapse.

- Aff... - Eliza sighs and puts a hand on Jax's shoulder. - Don't worry, he doesn't know and neither of us intends to say anything.

- See Jax, you need not worry. - I say relieved that I no longer have eyes and angry feelings directed at me. - But Belial-san is a kind guy, but at the same time has an emotional perception of a door?

- Yes. - Says Eliza and Simon, synchronized.

- Well... I'm exhausted and hungry, let's go. - She says to everyone there, many are already heading for a small establishment with large, long wooden tables. - Simon, Yuki-san and Yousuke-san, do you want to join us? We talked more at the table.

- Sure, I'm starving. - I say without even thinking. I look at Simon and Yousuke-chan and they nod. Then I turn to Jax, still transfixed with shame. - Who carries him?

- I got it. - Says Eliza reaching out and squeezing Jax's ear with all her strength. - My hunger cannot wait for you Jax, hurry up.

She begins to drag him by the ears, as if he were a kind of bag of flour. The rest of us just watched her do it naturally, looking like it wasn't the first time. When we arrived at the accommodation with the tables and we sat down at the big light wooden table. When everyone finally sits down, Jax goes back to normal.

- Why did you do that, my ear hurts ?! - He exclaims with Eliza, sitting next to me.

- Stop complaining and sit down, I'll bring the food this time. - She pulls his clothes and forces him to sit next to her, so she raises her hand and snaps her fingers.

Along the long table, with all the chairs occupied, several circles of magic emerged and from them began to appear several dishes of food: giant meat fillets covered in sauce, whole grilled fish and salad buckets, plus some plates and cutlery for us and each of the other soldiers at the table. It was basically an enlarged version of the spell Alex had used at the time of the meeting, where he summoned our drinks. As soon as they appear, everyone attacks the food and I still watch in surprise.

- Impressed? - Eliza asks me, expressing a gentle smile.

- Yes, all of it: the food and your fight with Jax. - I say listing all the magical events that marked me most in that short time, while I attack a piece of meat. - It's the first time I've seen magic.

- Seriously ?! - She asks me in amazement.

- Is it true Yuki? - Asks Yousuke from my other side. - Strange, nowadays magic is very used by humans in daily tasks.

- I know, but my family never used it, they were always the old fashioned way. - I say a little embarrassed. - But how does it work?

- Well, I don't know how demonic magic works, but we youkai have our own powers since we were born. Each species with its specific power. - Start explaining Yousuke. - I belong to the Kitsune clan, where all my family members are Kyūbi in Kitsune *, we have more affinity with the fire element, this means that I have no difficulty in learning any fire spells. But for any other element, I would need an amulet.

* Nine-tailed fox.

- I understand. - I say paying all my attention to Yousuke's explanation. - What are the other elements you mentioned?

- Basically, they are the same for all species. We have: fire, water, earth, air, ice, electricity, light and darkness. - Yousuke responds without leaving anything aside.

- But, you say that the people of your clan can only use other elements with the aid of amulets, but the leader of your clan cannot use all of them without problems? - Eliza asks interested in the conversation, while eating a piece of the fish.

- My mother is a special case, she is a prodigy who has supported the clan for centuries, there has never been a leader like her. - Says Yousuke. - But now I would like to know, how does demonic magic work?

- It is not so different from youkai, but it has some details that differ. Every demon is born with mana, so we have an aptitude for magic from the moment we were born and with time and training we adapt to the element we like the most. - Explains Eliza. - In my case I get along better with fire, the smart and frowning guy next to me is an ice expert. - Says Eliza, who was pointing at Jax with a piece of filet in his mouth.

- Fascinating. - I say extremely interested in the class that Yousuke and Eliza were giving me. - But what about humans, how can we use magic? - I ask anxious to know ways to get to fly or to spit fire.

- There are a few ways. - Eliza starts to explain to me. - We have witches who gain magic and strength through the pact they make with the goddess of the earth, the knights of the church who receive sacred powers when they make a pact with one of the great archangels in exchange for their faith in God or whatever, those who they make pacts with demons in exchange for something and there are some humans who are born with magic without needing any contracts or without help from any magical being, but with advances in the study of magic it is possible to use magic as a way to make your life easier. As I said before: cleaning, aesthetic treatment, cooking, among others; in these cases, there are some objects with built-in magic, which are distributed in stores as utensils.

- So I can?! - I ask excited.

- Hehe, of course you just need to talk to Alexander-sama. - She answers me, happy with my excitement. - This spell that I used at the table is very basic and the quality of the food varies with the culinary skill of the one who invokes it.

- Incredible, so you must be an excellent cook. - Praise Eliza, for her wonderful dishes.

- You don't have to exaggerate Yuki. - She blushes a little with my compliment and her smile grows. - Ah sorry I called you in a very invasive way.

- Don't worry, I prefer without the "-san", it's too formal. - I say, not worry her and I take one last bite of my flesh.

- But the food is really great Eliza-san. - Says Yousuke, pputting a mouthful with fish in his mouth. - Could you give me this recipe, my brother would love it if I cooked for him.

- Do you cook Yousuke-chan? - Simon, who was sitting next to Yousuke, finally says something, after devouring that immense piece of meat during the magic explanation. - What do you usually do?

- I make more sweets, but I'm learning to make salted dishes. - He responds shyly but at the same time cheerful.

Almost instantly I grab Yousuke's hand excitedly.

- Would you have something at the moment? - I ask, without seeming too invasive but I can't handle my anxiety.

- I can bring something. - He says still shy, but it was possible to notice some excitement coming from him.

Just like Eliza, he snaps his little fingers and in front of us a small magic cherry-colored circle appears and from him a plate full of cookies appears.

- Peach cookies. - Yousuke presents the dish he was offering us. - It's no big deal, but they are very tasty.

Simon and I have no hesitation and each of us take a cookie from the plate and take a big bite. I feel the biscuit touching my tongue and then I feel the explosion of the fruit in my mouth. I look at Simon and see that he was feeling the same as me. As soon as she sees our expressions, Eliza takes one of the cookies and follows us, almost instantly a smile appears on her face. We all feel in a paradise of peaches while tasting that sweet and fruity delight.

The other soldiers at the table look at our pleasure and start drooling over those cookies.

- Yousuke-san, can we taste a little too? - One of them raises his arm and asks Yousuke.

- Please Yousuke-san! - Another says, looking like he's almost begging for a bite.

- Oh, that's fine with me. - Yousuke replies awkwardly, he snaps his fingers again and new plates of cookies appear on the table.

Each of the soldiers at the table advances on the new dishes that have emerged, leaving only the crumbs behind. Everyone was silent, enjoying the wonder of the peach that filled our mouths. I look in the direction of our little cook and he was happy with a smile of joy and satisfaction.


I start to imagine the scene of Yousuke in the kitchen, taking a tray of cookies out of the oven, wearing a soft pink apron with some peaches on it and showing that smile. I feel a twinge hitting my heart hard, I make sure not to squeeze that cute thing.

- Jax-san. - Yousuke turns to Jax. - Would you like one?

Jax doesn't even look in Youske's direction. Just answer it in the coldest possible way.

- No, I hate sweets. - He says turning his face.

Yousuke is silent and a little shrunk, still with that smile, so as not to show a sad expression and spoil the mood. When everyone present, except Jax, watches that scene, hatred takes over. In a quick movement, Eliza grips Jax's shoulder tightly.

- What's your problem...?! - He tries to ask, but when he sees the young woman's expression he is scared to ask or say anything.

She was smiling, but the negative aura towards Jax was intense and sinister.

- Don't be shy Jax, eat one. - She squeezes your hand even more.

- I agree, come on captain. - Simon appears on the other side of the young man, squeezes Jax's other shoulder and using the same expression as Eliza.

- You can't... - He tries to say but the other soldiers at the table speak in front of Jax.

- Captain, you don't have to worry. - One of the soldiers sitting in front of Jax says.

- True, don't be shy... just eat. - Another one says further, making it clear that this was a threat.

- I agree Jax-san, now open your mouth. - I get up from the chair and walk towards the young man, grab the last biscuit left from one of the plates and hold Jax's head. - Say "Aaaah".

I see the fear and nervousness in Jax's expression. The moment he opens his mouth a little I shove the whole cookie down his throat and keep pressing the young man's mouth, to make sure he doesn't spit. He tries to struggle but Eliza and Simon keep the pressure on his shoulders to not escape. As soon as I see him swallow the last few pieces, the three of us let go of Jax and turn to Yousuke, as if that torture scene hadn't happened.

I return to sit next to that cuteness and take both his hands.

- Yousuke-chan, it was perfect I would like to try more things on another occasion. - I say expressing a smile of gratitude.

Everyone at the table agrees with me, except Jax, who was coughing a lot. We all say it was delicious, perfect or wonderful. We try our best to fill that cuteness with praise. Yousuke's face starts to blush and he didn't know if he smiled or hid in shame for the extra attention. He is so helpless with the flood of praise that suddenly two things come out of his hair.

Two small ears pop out and give a little stir, we all look in the direction of those fur ears the same color as your cherry hair. When he realizes that they are out, Yousuke immediately puts his hands on them and lowers his head trying to hide.

Yousuke On

I try to hide my ears as soon as possible. I don't want them to see them.

"Why did they have to show up now!?"

I am ashamed and afraid. Everyone starts to treat me differently after my ears or tails come.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have treated you with such disrespect! Forgive me! If I had noticed your ears before I-I-I'm sorry!"

"Ah those ears, you are from Kitsune... I better go."

"You're from Kitsune, why would you play with people like us. Let's go, people."

I start to remember what people said when they saw my ears. They leave or exclude me for being from Kitsune. I'm sure the same will happen.

- Amazing... - I hear Yuki. I open my eyes quickly with the surprise of a compliment.

- Do you like them? - I ask surprised, expecting a negative answer.

- Yes, I find them extremely adorable. - He says, with great pleasure.

"Adorable" was the first time that someone besides my brother or my mother said this. I can't react or rather I don't know how, people are usually afraid to say anything. Before I could pull myself together, Yuki continues:

- Yousuke-chan, you said you are Kyūbi in Kitsune, so would you mind showing your tail? But only if you don't mind... - Says Yuki cheerfully, but before he can finish the sentence I interrupt him.

- It's ok. - I say without thinking, I don't even know why, but that atmosphere that Yuki conveyed an atmosphere was so cozy and comfortable that I didn't even care anymore.

I concentrate a little and my tails appear behind me, nine in all, they are bulky and hairy in a tone similar to my hair. I turn my back on him, leaving him in a position where Yuki could see them better. I am anxious, but at the same time I did not know what he would say.

Yuki On:

I can't believe what I'm seeing... Yousuke... was a hundred times cuter!! I re-imagine Yousuke's fantasy baking the cookies:

"Cute face, charming smile, apron of peaches, warm cookies and now fox ears and tails... I want to take him home."

I'm glad he's on the coast, otherwise he would have seen my expression of extreme enthusiasm, fantasizing about it, and maybe he would have been scared. I look carefully at each of Yousuke's beautiful, hairy tails, they moved delicately without leaving much of the place. They left me mesmerized, I couldn't stop looking at that scene with admiration. On impulse I reach out my hand and lightly run over the fur of one of them. Almost immediately, Yousuke reacts and jumps forward.

- Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you. - I am startled by Yousuke's sudden reaction.

- D-don't worry, I was just surprised. You can continue if you want. - He looks at me over his shoulder, with that shy expression.

I follow Yousuke's permission and continue to stroke his tail. I feel that softness of her light pink fur, every step I feel in heaven. Simon was just watching, holding his will, but step forward and stay between us.

- Yousuke-san, can I touch them too? - He asks modestly.

- Oh sure... feel free. - He replies, moving one of the tails towards Simon.

He accompanies and begins to caress that piece of fur and cuteness. His expression rejoices, just as I was in the clouds. Gradually, people at the table raise their hands and ask to accompany me and Simon. In his shy but cheerful way, he allows and extends all of his tails for that ... we spent about 20 minutes stroking his tails, alternating until everyone had their turn. After that, we continued to talk and after several failed attempts, we managed to get Jax into the conversation. We spent hours before the hunt talking, eating and drinking. This brought me a joy that I can't even describe, made everything bad disappear at that moment. Finally, since I lost everything, I feel lighter.

At the time of the hunt:

We gathered at the training ground, all soldiers already with their teams of three members. I had changed clothes, now I was in the same uniform as the other soldiers. It would be difficult to run in my old clothes. I was already with Eliza and Jax and waiting for Alex's orders.

A few minutes later Alexander, Belial, Takeshi and Yousuke appear and are positioned in front of all groups. Alex takes a step forward and starts speaking in a low, loud tone to the point that everyone there can hear.

- Attention my soldiers, the mission is clear: find, capture or kill the target and save the hostage, we already had 3 victims so this demon is extremely dangerous, be careful. We will send a youkai guide to each group. - He looks like a totally different person from the one I know. It really looks like a general. - Now for the good and pride of the House of Lust, bring victory!

All greet Alex, with great devotion and energy. I follow everyone. I don't know if what I'm feeling is adrenaline in my blood or nervousness. It is really about to start and I will use everything I have to achieve my goal, no matter what happens.

- Let the hunt begin. - He finishes saying, giving a confident smile.