
Prologue; Primordial Dream

The darkness was absolute. She could see nothing, expect for the countless violet stars that glimmered around her far away from her mortal grasp, hear nothing, feel nothing - except for the cold, black water beneath her feet. She took a step forward, hoping to feel something solid, something familiar. But the ground seemed to stretch on forever, and she felt as if she were walking on thin air. Suddenly, a bright star appeared, glittering in the sky above her. It seemed to be calling out to her, beckoning her to explore this strange and alien world. So she walked and walked, her feet causing ripples in the water, until she saw a strange sight in the corner of her eye and turned to look at him.

It was a young man. He was tall, maybe 6'4, and had long shiny black hair that ran to the water, reflecting the light of the countless violet stars around them. His back was faced towards her and he seemed to be looking up at the stars.

She tried to speak, to say anything, but no words left her mouth except silence. She took a step forward, and the water rippled under her foot, making a sound causing him to turn to look at her.

He was... beautiful, like someone from her dreams and fantasies. So much so that he seemed otherworldly.

His face was expressionless, and his deep, dark abyss like eyes contained no emotions, only what seemed to be countless violet stars, glimmering in absolute indifference, and yet... a single tear was crawling down his cheek. It hit the water, and caused a slight ripple, before causing a wave, and then a tsunami... and she was gone, crushed by the black water, and he was left alone...

For all eternity.