
Obtaining another Rank Five Gu

Gui Wang moved quickly along the way, following the faint Immortal Gu aura to a stalk of snow spirea.

"The Immortal Gu's aura stopped here, the trail ends here!" Gui Wang's gaze was anxious as he searched all around the snow spirea.

"No? No Immortal Gu! The snow spirea's snow wash Gu was already taken, obviously someone came here. But why is there no Immortal Gu? If the Immortal Gu continued moving, its aura would move too. But this aura ended here, is the Immortal Gu dead?" Gui Wang had a guess.

But he refused to believe this, he used his investigative Gu and searched the entire place thoroughly.

"No, there's nothing here!" Gui Wang gritted his teeth, his heart was filled with indignance and regret.
