
7 mistakes

Follow Leo Jackson in his life where he makes 7 mistakes which end up wiping out humanity.

DaoistozIp5Z · ファンタジー
10 Chs

The new world

It seems that the little explotion created quite some chaos. How can i save this situation? I mean. Rebuilding the building will cost real mutch. And a lot of jobs can't just be done in a normal office building for a short time.

"Give me a full damage indication."

"From the 5000 people inside. 500 died. Normally this could destroy the company and the family. But. After the explotion you caused. Rifts in the sky appeared. Many people from all over the world died. So your father plans to just say that a monster destroyed the company from underground.

But here come's the thing we are all confused about. We found you in the crater below the building. Without clothes but not a single scratch. Even your hair was fine. But on the other hand. We only found body parts from the scientists. If i may ask. What happend? "

"The scientists must have made a mistake behind my back. This is why i always keep on the lookout for what they do. But being scientists. They must have been to curious about something which they would know i would not allow for savety reasons. "

Ron gives me a side eye. But does not denie my claim. He has been trained well.

"Lets get in the car."

Ron points at a black limousine.


And we walk to the car and i step in in the back and Ron on the chair next to the driver.

"Lets go."

I order. And we start to drive. After we pass one corner.


I am looking at destroyed buildings. Erased buildings and a broken tank. But the driver does not even look at it and just keeps driving.

"How bad did we get hit in The Netherlands? "

"We lost Groningen completely. After the first day of war. NATO organised a response and we where able to stabilize our country. But that is because we where lucky. Except for the massive stone golem in Groningen. Other NATO countries where not so lucky. Romania got taken over by the stone dragon. And the whole country is invested with wyverns. All the humans still inside will die soon. Albania got taken over by a massive goblin horde. Which we might be able to take back. Your father is one of the people who took this oppertunity to grow in influence and is now in a meeting where they are planning how to take it back. Which we expect to succeed since they already took back North Macedonia from the centaurs. "

"Yes but i asked about the Netherlands..."

"I am getting to that. With the monsters coming out of the rifts, the militairy was spending their first day's just chasing after them. But your father gathered all the information about the rifts and and the monster and their locations and made a major data base. With that data the militairy could actually defend our country. But their are still many dead zones. "

"What are dead zones."

"You will see them soon since we are driving trough them. Do you still want the explanation?"

"No, i like a adventure more."

"As i expected."

And then we went quiet. During the drive i spend my time imagening what kind of zone a dead zone is. Is it like a desert? Or is is a biome filled with blood. Could it be terrain that has lost all signs of life. Or it might be a area controlled by the monsters. What kind of monster would appear there. In Groningen there is a big golem. That sounds cool. Well, whatever it will be. I shall save the day!

"We have arrived."

I look outside of the window and see a border with barbed wire spanning further than i can see. It is about 8 meters high. Every 20 meters a soldier with a gun stands. The road we are on leads to a gate with 8 soldiers. Ron has stepped outside and is talking with the leader of the soldiers. After he showed him some paper Ron walks back to the car and steps inside.

"They will open the gate for us."

How exciting. Should i perhaps have a gun to protect myself. And while dreaming for a bit longer 2 military vehicles close up behind us. 1 has a big mini gun on top of it. The other is a truck with 16 soldiers inside. As expected. They recognize my worth. It seems the monsters will be save from me for a while longer. And the gates open.

The leader of the soldiers gives us 1 last wave and we go in.

I point at the machine gun while getting the attention from Ron.

"You think i can shoot a little bit with that gun?"

"Young master, while we did not have to take this route, since we could have taken a slower detour trough save terrain. Your father explicitly told me not to let you do anything stupid.

So, do not tell your dad."

Ron picks his phone out of his pants and types something to someone. I think the driver of the truck behind us.

"It seems that the soldiers have something to do inside so if we are willing to take a small break at the location they are willing to let you shoot the gun."


This is why i like Ron. He might not be the most respectful servant. He get's most things done that i ask of him. Now that i think about it.

"Hey Ron. When you have time, offer the hospital 2 milion euro's to get the nurse fired that was rude to me."

"Young master, are you not already in trouble with your dad? "

"This will be nothing in comparison."

Enough talking. It is time to pay attention outside. To this so called dead zone. One of the militairy trucks is driving in front of us and 1 is behind. The road we are on is full of holes. And while we are not in a city, you can clearly see the ruins of old houses and farms.

The truck in front of us slows down. It makes a turn and it goes into a dirt road. And we follow.


If we would have stayed on the asphalt road we would have driven right over human bodies on the road. While they are shredded to pieces and have lost many body parts. They still deserve to be burried and not rot out here. A few soldiers jump out of the truck behind us.

"Secure the perimeter!"

"South is clear!"

"The north is clear!"

"The west is clear! "

"The east is clear! "

More soldiers get out of the truck. One of them i carrying a shovel.

"Young master. It seems we have stopped earlier. Why don't you grab this chance to shoot the gun?"

Great idea Ron! I quickly leave my limousine. I walk towards the machine gun. A soldier is sitting in the chair and holding the gun.

"Hey dude! My turn!"

It seems that he does want to disagree but his Sargent leaves his truck and gives him the chance to save his life.

"Just let him."

nice. I push him out of the chair and go sit in the chair. I grab the machine gun and aim it at a wall.


The sargent calls out.

"I give you a save target. How about you shoot on that pillar. "

He points towards the south. He is right, in that area are no soldiers so i can't accidently shoot a soldier. Well lets just do it! I aim, and shoot.


The percussive bursts of the machine gun reverberated with a deafening intensity. The echoes of the machine gun's gunfire sound bounced off the nearby structures. This was epic! Lets see what i destroyed. I completely missed the pillar. But i hit a wooden fence in the distant. 1 plank is about to fall off now.

But who would have imagened it to be this light? I thought that soldiers normally struggle to wield such a weapon?

Should i go for another round?

"Playtime is over. Get back into the car! Sir!"

The sargent is already stopping my fun. Should i listen to him?

"Its for your own savety. Monsters will be arriving soon because of the noise."

Well lets get in the car.

"Okay but make sure they do not bother me. "

The sargent pops a vein on the left top of his face.

"Okay just get inside"

I walk towards the car and get inside. My butler also gets inside. But monsters will show up? This will be fun! I wonder what they look like. Are they really big? Or fast? Maybe they are like ghost and are intanglible. I wonder how we could fight that. They might need me in this fight. I should stay ready.

"In position!"

The soldiers are done with burrying the bodies and the sargent commands the soldiers to get in position. Some soldiers spread barbed wire around the encampment and others just lay on the ground each looking at a different region. They all are heavily armed with automatic rifles.

The position behind the machiene gun is also mounted. By 2 people.



A long and menancing howl in the distance!

I got goosebumps all over me!

And the rest of the pack follows!


Multiple howls even shorter near us!

But this time it is less manancing. But it is still chilling.

Will this be okay? These howls do not sound like normal wolves.

What should i do? Should i run?

"het driver, turn on the engine."

"Yes young master!"

I will not drive away now. I might actually be luring them away from the soldiers in that case. But you never know. How could commoners be competent enough to deal with monsters.


The sargent orders.

In the distance multiple shadows can be seen trough the trees. But, this cant be real right. It. It it just to big!

Damnit, i should not have come here. how can we deal with this?

And they arrive near the etch of the forest. around 20 wolves the with a height of around 3 meters and a length of 9 meters. Is this real? Am i dreaming?


The sargent commands.