
7 minutes in Heaven

[UPDATES ON EVERY WEDNESDAYS!] "We can't date!" "Why not?" "Because I'm a nerd and you're a popular girl." "So?" "So we can't date!" "Says who?" "The world!" "Well then Rio Sanders, are you ready to prove the world wrong then?" . . . . . . 7 minutes... 7 minutes was all it took for two person’s world to be turned upside down. They knew each other yet they didn’t know each other. They were at the same school; one being shy and introvert and another being an extrovert and party monger. But one dare made themselves visible to each other. Rio Sanders is a typical shy nerd, who loves to bury himself in his books. An A+ student with a dark past. A wild 7 minutes was enough to make himself question about his true personality and catch the eye of the party animal of Roschend High. Emilia Johannas is an outgoing girl of Roschend High who loves to party. There’s no such party thrown by her schoolmates that she didn’t attend. Booze, dancing and late night revelry was all she knew. But a wild 7 minutes with a hot nerd lit the fire in her. She wanted him. Facing their demons and hurdles, these two polar opposite people embark on journey of finding true love and happiness.

sonamakoi_20 · 若者
46 Chs

~Chapter 9~

The signs of happiness turned into sadness for the girl few days later when a woman, who had some resemblance with her birth mother, came to take her away when she was discharged from the hospital. She called herself to be the aunt of the little girl. Contrary to the expectations of the woman, the girl refused to go with her and kept on trying to run off somewhere. At last she was somewhat forced inside the car of her aunt. As soon as the car started to drive away the girl started her full scale bawling and kept on glancing at a certain window of Rambourgh Hospital.

Rio could swear he had blushed throughout the entire day. At first he had such weird thought of him and Emilia during the first class for which he couldn't even pay attention to his class properly, his disappointment at the awkward silence between them and her behaving completely normally. He blamed himself for expecting too much from a girl who would've kissed tons of guys before him in a drunken frenzy of spin the bottle game.

What's so special about him anyway?

That was his first kiss…..and probably his last.

Since he keeps a low profile nobody notices him as such and even if they did they won't like him necessarily and even if they did, it'll be a waste of time since even if he dates them there's no guarantee that both of them will live happily forever after, so, rather than spending time in guarantee less dating he should utilize this time to study because people can deceive him but education would never—it'll blend him in such a way that he'll never have to look back in the future.

Rio was trying to calm himself down and drag his attention back to the books but he couldn't deny how his eyes betrayed his resolve and always glanced at the glass door of the library, expecting a certain blonde hair girl to walk in, slump down opposite of him, keeping her bag on the table, smiling at him saying; "What we will learn today?"

"What we will learn today?"

Rio was jolted out of his daze; "H-Huh?"

When he saw the expected blonde girl he was somewhat relived and tried to cover up his tomato red blush by changing the subject to that of their main purpose of meeting up in the library every three days.

The teaching session went on smoothly but in the last half an hour Rio felt something creeping up his leg. He jolted in shock and shivered at the same time. It was a human leg that was creeping up, a feminine leg to be precise and the owner of that leg happens to be the girl who is pulling an innocent poker face as if she is not doing anything right now under the table but the naughty glint in her eyes begged to differ. He gripped her legs.

"W-what are y-you d-doing?" He panicked and looked around to make sure if anybody is around to witness such embarrassing scene.

"Hmm? Resting my legs?" Emilia had no intention of removing her leg. "You didn't complain much yesterday Rio when we were in the close—"

"I am sorry!" He blurted out.

"What for? Kissing me or making out with me so damn well?"

"F-for yo-your breakup. I didn…no I mean didn't mea—" Once again he was cut off when the blonde opposite of him leaned forward on the table and kissed him full mouthed.

"But I meant to Rio."

Needless to say that Emilia wanted to do this the moment she saw him sitting in first bench, trying desperately to hide his blush during first period. She found that extremely adorable. Not many guys blush around her, they simply exude their masculine aura to make her either sleep with them or date them. But the guy beside her, this cute nerd, is absolutely blushing and trying his best not to make any eye contact with her is so freaking sweet. Emilia wished to flip a middle finger at the old hag, Mrs Okum, and ravage Rio then and there and turn him into a moaning and groaning mess.

But she couldn't do that.

She had to bear it till it was two of them.

She observed that Rio had been so shy but he wants to bring up what transpired between them yesterday yet lacks the courage to do so. Emilia took this opportunity to tease the poor boy even more, which sort of backfired on her at present because he looked so cute with his tomato red blush that crawled down his neck and disappeared inside the t shirt underneath his checkered shirt. It made Emily more curious as to how much the redness could've travelled down his body.

She wished to take him right instant in this library table.

"Are we done?" Emilia looked at Rio who was still a blubbering mess; "Yeah I don't think we'll be able to continue like this." She packed up the books on the table.

"Well then Teach," Emilia whispered in Rio's ear; "Won't you reward this student for working so hard?" She playfully bit his ear making him flinch on his seat.

"Yo-you ca-ca-can't d-do—"

"Oh Teach," Emilia pouted as she leaned even more clouding Rio's last shred of reasoning; "Are you sure about that?"

The next moment, the two teenagers are sprinting down the already deserted hallway, hand in hand. Soon enough they found an empty classroom, entered in it and locked the door.

No milliseconds were wasted as both of them latched onto each other's mouth hungrily sucking each other's lips ravenously. Rio was pinned down on wall by Emilia on his back as she continued to attack his lips. Soon their hands started to roam and explore each other's bodies. The room was filled with pants and deep throat moans. Emilia smiled whilst kissing.

'Even if he pretends to be a sheep, he's actually a wolf in sheep's clothing.'