

watch your back, no one will look out for you. don't trust, don't believe, the black king is coming your way. be careful “my king……” he said kneeling on the ground. A fist touching the ground and other his heart “raise.” He stood up from his kneeling position “the red king has come to meet you.” “what is the time.” “4:00 p.m. my king. Just like you said.” “send him.” “yes. My king.” He had to come. What choice did he have. I was sitting on my leather chair turned opposite to the desk. The view outside was beautiful, no wonder I got a full length glass window. The city . Power is what I felt when I stood there, above all… I stood up and went closer to the window, looking at the view, red, blue, white, yellow, green all beneath me. “black king.” A man said from behind

ShreyaI · ファンタジー
11 Chs



This is the best day of my life.

The black king will marry my son.

We will forever be allies.

Nobody can touch us, not that they can even now, but after this….. no one can come near us.

What did I have to loose in this.

Anyone would agree to this deal and by the grace of the kings we got it.

Now the only thing remaining was making my son accept this.

"…and then when the purple king stood with a sword in front of the knights of the black kingdom, the black king chopped of his head from behind. The purple kingdom tried to betray the black king and the black king took his life….. so never mess up with a black knight or else the black king will kill you." My wife was telling this story to my younger son.

"just the name of the black king gives goosebumps to me. I hope we never have to deal with him, how many years has it been since the fall of the purple kingdom?"

"it's been only 7 years to when it happened. You were 16. And do not ever say anything against the black king. he can take your life in a second and he won't even care if you are a red prince."

"fine fine.."

"morning to my family."I smiled at them "where is Russell?"

"he is on his way here. Just called me a few minutes ago." My younger son Dave, replied

"father." I heard Russell behind me.

"I need to tell you all something." And there was a long pause… it was still hard to gather the courage to tell them everything.

"Ray you are scaring me. What happened.?" My wife asked. Lessie was a very beautiful lady, long blond hair, dark blue eyes, rosy lips and a cute pug nose, I fell in love with her the first time I saw her.

"ray!" she shouted bringing me out of my trance.

"I went to meet the black king." everyone was looking at me with eyes wide as saucers

"why?" Dave asked.. trembling a bit. The effect the black king has on everyone. I can't believe we are turning into a family.

"the yellow kingdom has been trying to destroy us lately." I replied

"that I am aware of dad… but why did you go to meet the black king?" Russell asked

"seek help my son."

"we don't need help, we are good on our own." Russell replied

"no son, I have hid this from you but the ammunition business of the green kingdom has closed down , he has handed over everything to the black king and taken up the business in robotics now creating next gen robots in various fields. The green king asked the black king to take full control over his ammunition business and give him 70% of the total value of the business to in return and be a partner with 15%."

"you mean to say that 100% of the ammunition production is now under the black kingdom?! He already owned 60% but now he not only has 100% control over that but also 60% control over the world's economy. This is ridiculous not possible at all.no wonder he is the king of the kings." Russell

"so, I asked for his help and he agreed…. But on one condition."

"what?" lessie asked

"your hand in marriage…. Russell."

"what! Is he some old freak? Who wants to marry me I mean not possible hell no! I am not marrying him." Russell replied

"ray I am not getting my son to marry the black king!" lessie said in anger

Dave just kept quiet looking at me.

"quiet!...no he is not an old freak…. You haven't seen the black king and I am not allowed to tell you anything right now ."

"stop It ray how can you do this to my son!"

"Lessie! He is my son too! And I would never put him through any danger! You should have come with me when I told you today, now I cannot tell you anything."

"my king…." max came running from outside. And stood with his head down and a fist near his heart

"yes red knight. What happened?"

"the black king is waiting for you!"


"in the hall please come out!"….. shit

"now I am going to stop him from marrying my son" lessie said

"behave yourselves in front of him. I don't want to get into his bad books." And I walked to the hall with my family behind.

"you know Red king… it is not good manners to keep your guest waiting… especially I hate waiting." The black king stood up his back facing us. The cape covering her body, it was surely very expensive… her hat that covered her face… it was like the typical Victorian hat worn in olden days by men. And a walking stick in her hand. I have no idea why she carried it when she did not need it.

"my king, it is a pleasure to have you here, I apologise for my timing." I replied. she might not be tall but her aura would make the scariest men shiver to their bones.

"I will let it go.... This time." And she turned towards us, and sat down on the sofa. I looked behind, my wife was going blue and my sons were just speechless. We all sat in front of her.

Only I knew that the black king was a girl…. Not a guy.

"black knight." She called and a black knight came inside.

"my king!" he said and went into the kneeling position

"raise….. please bring his watch." she said

"yes, my king." the knight went out the door and brought a small paper bag.

She took the bag from his hand and handed over her hat, she was still wearing her mask and her hair were straight tied in a low pony some strands covering her face. If I didn't know she was a girl, I would still be fooled because many men have long hair nowadays. But Russell was staring at her.

" you forgot your watch and it is not very good to call a person 'freaky old man' and 'crazy person' you know. I don't think I am that old." She laughed.

Lessie and Russell were going red in embarrassment

"I didnt say that! I knew you were a good person!" Dave said

"you were just to scared to make a comment. Getting Goosebumps hearing my name." she laughed Dave was too embarrassed to even look up now.

Suddenly her lips went into a straight line and she started counting "1….2….3….now"

Suddenly one of my red knights came inside. She kicked him making him fall down instantly and put the stick on his chest as if piercing a sword right through his chest.

"who are you?" she asked in a low and dangerous voice.

"he is a red knight, one of our most trusted" I said trying to calm her down.

"who are you?" she asked the knight again a bit louder.

"black king I respect you but you cannot treat my knights this way." Russell said calmly and I knew he was angry

She hit the knight harshly with the walking stick and again kept it on his chest in a piercing position. While the knight screamed in pain

"I asked WHO ARE YOU?! TRAITOR!" she shouted in anger

"I am a red knight I am not a traitor" I could see the pain he felt because of the pressure of the walking stick.

"black king! leave our knight!" Dave stood up in anger.

she pulled the handle of the walking stick and there it was, the sharpest sword I had ever seen, it was sleek and thin but very firm and dangerous. The cover was round and looked like a walking stick.

"tell me who you are right now or else this sword will be going right through your heart." The sword was right above his heart and she was angry.

"black king I think it is…" I was saying when the knight spoke up.

"please don't kill me… it is not my fault. He threatened me that if I don't do it, he will kill me."

"who!?" she shouted

"I can't.." she was now nearly about to pierce, a little bit of blood was seen. " I'll tell you….the… yellow king… he wants to attack the red kingdom."

"how many of you are here?!"

"only me…"

"sure?" she asked loudly

"yes my king…"

"do you have a family? Max?" she asked lowly

"how do you know my name?"

"I asked something" she said in a low voice

"no…. the yellow king killed them but this time he was going to kill me, so I worked for him."

"say hello to your family from my side." And she pierced the sword and killed him…

"your most secret bases were being hit. The guarding pattern is only known by the insiders so it had to be a person very close probably a person who stays very close. You had come to meet me and the insider would surely want to know what is going on between us. You talked to your family in open, I expected better. i hacked the yellow king's satellite so they had to take videos instead of contacting live which were deleted by my IT expert after I saw them before they reached the yellow king. So I came to know when you told the news, Max is the only person who stays with you all the time don't you think he is too sticky. He was recording everything with his phone and you didn't even suspect because you trusted him too much. I knew you would come today and I knew what you wanted from the very beginning. I know everything regarding all the kingdoms. No one is allowed to bring anything inside my office I make everyone leave their pens, mobiles, wallets and jackets outside. Most obvious things to carry tracking and recording devices. Everyone goes through a security check before entering. I had installed a chip in your device with help of which I can basically know everything you are doing because the speakers, trackers and camera is all under my control. When you all were talking I heard footsteps from behind. You were too busy to listen to the clicks of camera behind and start of recordings. As soon as I reached your place the footsteps went away.when I came here max was no where to be seen. I kept your watch back as a reason to visit you which is a stupid reason but whatever. I told one of my knights to tell max that the black king has come and you are calling him urgently. And you know the rest"

"I didn't expect this from Max"

"it is the game of the kingdoms…. Everything is unexpected. This is only the start red king.im sure there are two more moles."

"but black king. what about you? Are there no moles in your kingdom?"

"you might straight away kill the moles in your kingdom, red king. i become their worst nightmare."


"you ask too many questions, its my time to leave."

And she walked away

"father, I want to talk to you." Russell asked me

"in my study" I said and made my way with him following me

We both sat opposite to each other

"if I marry the black king. then what about the red kingdom?"

"I'm happy that you think about it. Son, you will train your brother to become the red king. he will take over."

"then what about me?! I am not going to lead anything?"

"you will be a leader son. It will be explained tomorrow when we meet the black king again. tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. the plan will start.