
7 Creator Games

The series begins with a girl, who creates a non-human kingdom (See: Ideas that when dreaming: They wake up!) This kingdom is vegetal, animal and pro-human by metamorphosis, it has a fight on land with 4 other kingdoms: Caterpillars, Fungi, Wasps and Humans (See: Prays XHuman) The girl has grown up and cares about ecology; and the characters initiate a connection of the non-human world with the human world because they contaminate a Bay. Pollution that gives rise to Covid-19, Covid-20 and Covid-21 (human self-destruction / non-human self-defense?) This causes a Metamorphosis on the part of the Creator and the Prays is now transmigrated to Human (See: Vallemar) The girl remembers a problem in her cousin's family with drug aspects and the cousin is now Bierny, this character falls in love, but at the same time suffers a scam by Jack Latro, with the BitCoin in the pyramid mode ( See: BitLove) Bierny is transmigrated to Vallemar and both (bipolar / human and pro-human characters) fall in love with Nalexa. Nalexa has a sister named Alondra. Alondra falls in love with Xuli Latro who has been adopted by Jack Latro and specialized in Espionage, Hitman, and Finance. Bierny must mentor Xuli Latro to help him in his relationship with Alondra otherwise he will lose his marriage. There is a cycle of seven days for the change of project of life, character and personality; otherwise they will fall into a cycle of repetitions that the Creator has established for the bad guys; at the end a flood will eliminate everything created: Who will be saved? (Read: The Creator Of Seven Games) GenX ----------------------------------- Comprising: BitLove: (WPC # 160, Ranking: 2, Plate) https://www.webnovel.com/book/bitlove_19277591006022105 -----------------------------------/// Seven books are connected and aligned with the slogans: Prays XHuman (military, kingdom no human) WFP # 32 (White Sea School) WPC # 160 (BitLove) WFP # 34 (7 Creator Games)

GenXPrays · 歴史
19 Chs

Shut! Loser of only one God.

Second Repetition of the Cycle of Creation.

Game 6B: Cities of Brimstone and Fire (Sodom and Gomorrah)

The omen of the future: "sulfur dioxide is released into the atmosphere in the combustion of fossil fuels such as gas, oil and coal, being an important air pollutant and the cause of acid rain"

The Creator, being a friend of Abraham, sent two powerful angels to the rescue of his nephew Lot, who went incognito, similar to men.

—Gentlemen, we have dinner and we have given thanks to the Creator, and having rested, let's go to sleep and tomorrow we will see work done regarding your message of salvation. —He said: Lot, to the visitors.

-Good! Shalom. They said.

Suddenly shouts are heard coming from the street, through the upper window people could be seen coming from old to young: They were all men! It seemed that the whole town was crowding together, in the direction of Lot's house. And they began to shout:

"Heh!" Lot, get those men out. Ha Ha Ha

"We want to get acquainted with our pagan customs."

-Yes! Put your God aside: It's time to enjoy those new bodies!

—My sons: young people, maybe they'd like to spend the night with them.

—Here too: We are the most experienced in worldly pleasures. Free yourselves of your pride: Come Let's celebrate until dawn!

Lot, had experienced many things in that town, dominated by idolatry, paganism and sexual freedoms. Until that moment, both Lot, his wife and his two daughters: they had kept their sanity in relation to the customs of the people. Lot was a prosperous businessman and a devoted man to his family. True to his faith, he maintained his marital fidelity. Likewise, his daughters, although they had their lovers, they had not yet had sexual relations with them. For his parents instilled in them that only after the wedding took place, the couple could have the freedom to love each other intimately.

"Get those men out, at once!" They screamed in anger.

"Where are the men who came to you tonight?" "They rebuked him."

"Take them out, so we can get to know them." —You could see the lustful desire, in their eyes, they were already sweaty from so much panting, and screaming and hugging each other.

Lot went out to them at the door, and shut the door behind him, and said:

"I beg you, my friends, not to do such evil." You have your wives and several, have the brothels; because you are not enough with it, what else are you looking for? There is no point lying between men, and kissing each other: Are you all men !? The Creator does not like these things.

Please go in peace. You do your things far from my door, go to the squares, to the inns, to the rivers, to the mountains: What do I know? Go away! Please! —Lot, he begged them, while rebuking them for their lascivious attitude, unbecoming of the customs of the Creator's people.

-Shut! Loser of only one God.

—We, this way, offer offerings to our Gods and that is why We are Prosperous! "Maybe: Wasn't that why you came to negotiate in our city?"

"You dare to ignore our customs?" After we have given you a place to live and we buy your merchandise: sheep, skins and wool ...

-Blasphemy! We are not blind, nor deaf, if you reject our traditions, and our gods, then: Out! Go somewhere else!

"Take your family: your wife and daughters and get out right now." From today you are not welcome in this city.

"But yes." These men, they won't go with you. We have decided to make them our husbands. Go for them!

"Wait a minute," said Lot: "I have two daughters who have never known a boy; I will bring them out for you, and do with them as you see fit; only do nothing to these men, since they came under the shade of my roof. "It was customary to be good hosts, Lot would never allow them to offend the guests at his house."

-Bah! You are a stranger living among us, and will you set yourself up as a judge? Now we will deal worse than them. And they did great violence to the man, to Lot, and they came to break the door.

The angels disguised as males reached out, and brought Lot home with them, and closed the door. Then: they blindly wounded from the youngest to the oldest, so that they tired looking for the door.

"You must have made us, damn Lot. I can't see!"

"Who are these men?"

"What is this new power?"

-Dad! Where are you?

—Son: Here ...

And sulfur began to rain on the city center in such a way that sulfuric acid ran like a river and the bodies of these men were waste: they boiled and their screams were heartbreaking ...

—Toman Lot: Son-in-law, and your sons and your daughters, and everything you have in the city, get it out of this place Soon!

—We are going to destroy this place with brimstone and fire, because the cry against them has risen to a point before Jehovah; therefore, the Creator has sent us to destroy it.

—My children, if you love my daughters: Follow me!

"Save yourselves from this great doom ...

—Shut up: We no longer want

your daughters. You will not be our father-in-law. We cannot leave our parents, and family, and friends; no less to our gods and customs and everything we have… Ha. Ha Ha Cowardly father-in-law! You fear a rain and the enjoyment of meat ... We did not know, it was like that; otherwise we would never have agreed to be with your daughters. Ah! That was and so much waiting for nothing Let's celebrate the crazy life!

"Come on: Woman!" Follow me: Daughters. There is no remedy with these and their vileities.

"Now my husband… Just let me pack my bags; Daughters, look for the jewels!

-Let's go now! The angels shouted imposingly. And they warned:

—There's no time to wait any longer, there's no use carrying things. You will perish if they turn to see everything that happens in the city ...

—From this moment… It will fall: Fire! That will make the sulfur boil, this will consume everything that is in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah: they are people, animals and things; stone upon stone. There will be nothing left. Everything will be consumed as if you are in the same hell.

Then the Lord rained down on Sodom and on Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; and he destroyed the cities, and all that plain, with all the inhabitants of those cities, and the fruit of the land. (Gen. 19: 24-25)


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