

The last thing I remember from a day ago was walking home from work. I believe I was in my mid-forties, head starting to bald, and lack of exercise starting to take its' toll on my body. I was in charge of deciding the fates of various insurance claims, prioritizing profits over all else. I vividly remember the last case I rejected...

It was an elderly woman who stayed in the hospital ICU for several weeks due to a horrible car crash. Based on her current credit score, income, and lack of current family; there was no way we'd even make a fraction of her bills back. I personally stamped the reject on her forms and turned in for the day. As I was leaving work, I blatantly feigned ignorance and briskly walked past her sobbing in the lobby.

That day, I figured would be a good time to celebrate with a few bottles of booze from a store close to my apartment. The walk was quick as per normal, but for some odd reason, I started to notice things that I usually ignore. The cool autumn breeze spurring the leaves to elegantly dance along the sidewalk was distracting that day. The way they tossed and turned about to the unique rhythm only nature could understand. The leaves soared high into the dusk sky, fleeting far away. It was simple, yet beautiful. Such a thing that everyone misses in this digital world. It really was somehow just a strange coincidence that I happened to stop and enjoy nature as it was that day... But, with all that simple beauty all around me, all I could wonder was, did I eat?

I don't know how much time had passed, but what I next recalled, was the sound of a car honking its' horn at a small child chasing his ball. Now, I'm not that cliche anime/manga hero that runs in to save the boy from the car. Instead, I was the asshole that stood there and watched. It's not my child, nor is it my problem that some bitch let their kid loose to run in the road after a mere toy. Why should I risk injury to protect someone else? I'm an insurance claims agent and that itself was not covered in our claims...

There was no hero to this story, no main character to save the child. Instead, I choose to believe that the fates decided to punish me. That day, the driver managed to swerve and miss the child, but by an unluckily straight into me. Now, everything happened very quickly so I don't quite recall much after the initial impact but, the pain that followed was abrupt as my body literally went splat against the nearest wall. That was my last memory in my old body. What an ironic twist eh? Today, which happened to be the next day, I woke up in a new body. This was the beginning of my nightmare. My own personal 8th circle of hell...

Now, to be reincarnated as a woman would be an interesting fantasy; to firsthand see the womanly curves and body that was normally hidden by clothing, to experience ecstasy that only a female would be able to within sensitive spots, to be able to experience unlimited climaxes without having to wait for an erection.

Obviously, none of those were my fantasy but they are now part of my reality. Also, this body of mine was not that of a full-fledged woman. What I received was the body of what seemed like a middle school student. I stood maybe at most 3' 7, maybe 70 lbs. I had no bust whatsoever, no ass and narrow hips. No womanly attributes at all. Utter disappointment. I wore a pretty white dress with a short skirt and stocking high socks. Almost like a small doll.

Perhaps I'm still growing? I carefully explore this grand apartment. This seemed like the kind of place that only the rich could afford. High ceilings, thick carpets, large paintings. The closest I've been to one of these was on those reality TV shows or a VR grand home walkthrough.

Anyways, I HAD to find something or anything at all that would explain who I am in this body. I started with the large living/dining room adorned with 2 large leather couches, a 6 person seating table, coffee table, 60 in TV, and a fireplace. There was little to be found. In fact, this place was almost too clean to show that someone lived here.

Next, I checked out the bedroom. It was a decently large bedroom with a king-sized bed with several large pillows, a thick comforter, and a simple bed rest. This apartment was quite unreal. If I wasn't in this strange body I would have admired it more. Anyways, I found a purse under the bed and dumped all of its' contents onto the table top. A wallet! Perfect! I open the wallet to reveal an ID: Jean Terik... 3' 9.... 76 lbs, mid length silver hair, green eyes, age 26... What the fuck.... Goddammit... This is my body... So much for something to look forward to.

*Ding Dong* *Ding Dong* *Ding Dong* *knock knock knock knock knock*

The doorbell rang and several rapid heavy knocks followed. Curiously, I ran to the door only to find that I was too short to use the peephole. Curse this tiny body. I slightly opened the door to peek outside. As the door was creeping open a large rough hand slammed hard into it, pushing me down and opening it wide enough for him to enter. This large man could only be described as a mountain of a man with a large belly.

"Whadda fuck are ya doing ya fuckin bitch??? I been waitin over 35 mins for ya to get ready!!"

'U-uh... W-w-what?', was all I could weakly reply. This towering man seemed even larger due to my small stature and I really had no clue why he was so angry.

"I paid for the 50 min course ya shit! You were supposed to be fuckin premium meat and I already popped a fuckin V 40 mins ago!"

The man slammed the door behind him, bolted it, and turned to face me. He unbuckled his belt and took his pants off in one swoop revealing what seemed like over a footlong raging boner. Like, the kinda shit you only see in pornos or poorly drawn art.

'N-no... G-get a-a-away! N-no! NO!', was all I could say as I backpedaled away from this beast.

"You fuckin better suck it else I'm gonna fuck you raw and unlubed you lil slut!"

There's no way I want that in, on, or even near me. Are you kidding me? I blindly stumbled into the bathroom where the tub was slowly running, the shower looked used but was off, and had luxurious sinks.

"Ya kno, I gotta betta idea. I paid and they said I can do anythin I want. I was gonna take it easy on ya but your a fuckin slut"

With that, he grabbed me by my hair and picked me off the ground with a single hand. With his other hand, he tore my skirt off and ripped my panties so that they were around my waist but exposed my vagina, then he threw me into the tub facefirst.

'Uuuhh... Fpphhh... Uu... Ph... Ph.. Efh... Fuuuwahhnnn.... Mmmm!'

I struggled to keep my head above the water but the tub was large and my body was small. He held me down on all fours in the tub which easily fit both of us and kept me from escaping no matter how much I struggled.

'Yarh... *cough*... Mm... P-please!.. I-I'll dr... Uuuu... own!... *cough* *cough'

I tried to appeal for him to let me up but he kept me mostly submerged in the water. Water poured into my mouth with every pitiful attempt to plead or breathe above the surface. I choked on it, trying to get him to release me.

'Uuuu... Phhff.... Guh... Mm... Phhff.... Uuu... Phhff... Phhff...'

The tattered remains of my skirt swayed in the water as I tried to resist. The struggling producing endless ripples along the surface, sending splashes against my face and causing more agony.

'Help... M-me... *cough*... Please.... *sob*... Uuu... *choke* *cough* *sob*'

He grabbed hold of my small rear-end and drove the whole of his member in a single push. The tip of the dick bore through the tiny hole of that petite frame of my entire vagina and into what was my cervix.

'Hiii.... *cough* S-s-stop!... Uuuu... H-help!!.. Hiiihiigggihhh *cough* *cough* *choke* Ikyyiihhhh!...'

I'm gonna break. I'm seriously gonna break. Who the fuck decided that monster should fit into me? The pain from the sudden insertion and the physical and mental shock of being drowned while raped sent stronger ripples of water into my mouth. The water poured down my throat and some into my lungs, making my body struggle more and further drown as a result.

"Hahahaha. Alrite, this is pretty gud. Seein ya drown while fuckin ya actually is really nice. Yer tight as hell too."

Choppier ripples formed on the surface of the water between my struggles and his reaming into me. Water flowed into my nostrils and mouth making my stomach start to swell. The water was cold but his dick was incredibly warm as I felt his entire girth push from the entrance all the way to kissing my cervix with every stroke.

'Sa... Sa.... Ow... Owwwwh... Please.... I-I'm gonna die.... L-let me.... Up....'

"Yer not gonna die from this! I'll havta pay more if ya die or if I go overtime so I'll finish quick befor my time runs out! Fuckin slut! Next time git ready faster!"

*Thrust*! *Ram*! *Thrust*! *Thrust*! *Ram*! *Thrust*! *Thrust*!

It really hurts. This was my first time in a woman's body and it really hurts. I was not in the mood and he was raping me hard. He delved deeper inside with his quickened pace, slightly pushing the tip into my womb. He also didn't let up on holding me down in the water which I guess added to his sadistic pleasure. Water crept in between strokes as he roughly gouged out my vagina with his dick, prodding my womb with every thrust.

'Uuuuu.... *choke*... Ahhh..... Ahhh.... *choke*... Uhhh....'

My couldn't control my moans between struggling between life and death. I didn't really feel any pleasure by my body felt differently. I wasn't drowning because of my struggling anymore. He was purposely sinking my head deeper into the water as he intensely thrust his dick in and out. My vagina started to constrict as the pain of the dick tearing me and my bodies reaction to drowning.

"Ah shit! Thats real good! Almost there! Ahhh..."

'Sto-.... *cough* I'm... *slurp*... Gonna drown..... *cough* *cough*!'

Cries escaped my throat as water poured into my mouth and nostrils. Through my constrictions, I felt his dick begin to swell. He was on the threshold of orgasm. Please, just let me drown and end this nightmare!

*Thrust*! *Ram*! *Thrust*! *Thrust*! *Thrust*! *Thrust!*

He easily ground against my inner walls as he held me from behind, beating the tip of his dick against my womb.

*Thrust* *Ram*! *Thrust* *Thruuuust*! *Ram*!

My body struggled out of fear, disgust, and rejection as I felt his seed pour deep into me. The warmth flowing between the cold water that was swished around inside. Rough ripples formed on the surface of the water as he held his dick deep inside as he ejaculated inside. My body started to go limp and my mind started to go blank as I finally reached the limit of being submerged.

After what felt like a millennium, he finally let me up. He then removed his dick from my vagina, turned me around in a single flip, and shoved it down my throat as it was now slightly limp. I wasn't breathing much before so this didn't change much to cause any gag reflex or any kind of reaction really. I blankly stared at his pubic stubs up close as he left me hanging there for several more moments before finally tossing me over the side of the tub.

I lay there lifeless and broken. But, like a baby's first time my body finally reacted to the absence of something blocking my airways and I gulped air while flapping my mouth open and shut like a fish out of water.

"Haha oh man. That was the best cum I had in ages. Ya kno what? I might come back tomorrow! Same routine sound good?"

He chuckled to himself and threw several bills my way as he left. His laughter slowly dying out as he walked away. I lay there, broken and defeated. This is hell.