
5 Princes and I

"You, my dear, will be going to help us to decide that. You will pick a king." "Say what now?" "I'm not going to repeat it since I know that you have heard me." "Fine! You want me to decide?! Nate!" I pointed to prince Nathaniel, if I remember correctly. He was slightly taken aback and a confused expression was replaced. "Do you want to be a king?" "I...uh...Yes?" He said. Unsure of his answer. It made me wonder if the expression on my face had forced him to say yes. "Good. Then you'll be the king. "What!? But that's not how you decide it!" PRINCE Ace said. "Fine! You're all kings. In fact, we ALL can be kings!!" **** She's Rosalie Amber Stan. A simple teenage girl, who made a wish to have a more adventurous life, was a victim of an abduction by the Fae queen to a different realm. She was brought to a castle with 5 supernatural princes, who are fighting for the throne. The queen gave her a task to be the one to choose the future heir to their kingdom. Little did she know that the queen only wanted one thing from her and the princes: Romance. Between a sparkly wizard, a rude obnoxious elf, a flirty vampire, and a couple of twin trouble making wolf princes; Is there really a right choice? And why is there a wolf spirit, who suddenly awakened upon sensing her arrival, kept stalking her? A romantic-comedy in 'another world' with a quirky-temperamental female heroine learning the culture of this new fantasy world.

Kiraran · 都市
30 Chs


"I'm sorry, Princess Rose."

"Sorry, Rose."

The king and Dan apologized to me the next day. We were outside of the castle and ready to leave when Ren decided to burst out and scolded both his father and brother for locking us up in a room.

It turns out no one knew about it until now. The queen and Nate were shocked while Ace seemed expressionless as always.

The queen seemed furious at her husband and son that she asked them to apologize to us - she even pinched their ears when they refused.

"What about me?" Asked Ren when he realized that the king and Dan were only apologizing to me. The king and Dan only looked at Ren with a blanked face.

"Oh, you're still there, boy?" Asked the king while Dan said, "Get out of here." I swear, the king and Dan are more like twins than Ren and Dan.


"It's alright. I forgive the king." I said. The king turned to me with a great full look and nodded his thanks.

"What about me?" Asked Dan, giving me his puppy dog eyes.