
5 min before death


That might be the perfect word to think about! Walking through the valley toward the park. For him the only pleasurable moment of the day is to sit on a bench and experience the sun setting down and watch everyone leaving the park.

A guilt works in him, it was always 'me' that caused the effect to make everyone leave me.


He left this life to live this. Earns less, lives in an apartment of one bed and an empty table with a plate and a bulb to light the whole place. He always had a different life than others. His father left him, when he barely understood anything, mother died at the age of 8. Always being bullied for having a different skin tone. Never had anyone looking at him.


I was always hiding myself from everyone. For the last eight years I have spent every evening, on the same bench in this park, looking at the same scene. People running towards home, this bright sun hiding himself from every eye. This empty surrounding hurts me, which makes me happy to be with me.


This sunlight was shouting to show it's last color to make it Dark! A few more minutes on this bench, it's almost time for this lamp post to bright me out in the dark.


A voice came out of the blues "HI!"

Unexpected, disturbing , a long habit of being alone was broken! Sigh!

-It's hard to imagine how we have lost!


- we flee! From families, partners, memories, work , thoughts…..

-wait! Who are you? Are you talking to me?

- no one else is here to hear!

Being bullied , getting abandoned, skin color from your mother whom you have ever seen from that day.

Ha ha ha …..

What are you? Some agent? Detective? What do you want?

Death! Your night wishes, heard by darkness, the walls, the air chilled you carried those words to me!

Is it a prank? Fuck it ! I am leaving….

The moment he was about to leave the bench he felt a heavy pressure pushing him down.

What are you scared of?

He got chilled, barely even talking!

Look at me ! the weight you feel will be removed. You can run away if you want but there is another option. I will ask you three questions and you have five minutes to answer them with a justified answer. Any words after my questions will be counted as answers even if you ask anything that will be counted as answers. If the answer is justified then as a reward I will come after five years.

What questions?

Are you ready?

Wait! Five minutes to answer ? When will this time start?

After the questions are over.

Is there any option, or any chance to re correct the answers?

Ha ha ha….

Okay , can I ask you something?


I always had millions of questions to ask, but couldn't find the proper person to ask. Please, I beg you..

Once you pass you will get the answers…

Okay I am ready!

What have you done?

Why did you do that?

How would you make it right?