
5ª Progenitor in DXD

After having an accident and being in a coma. His soul was transmigrated to the world of Strike the Blood where he was turned into a progenitor against his will and in his revolt became a tyrannical demon king. Until the day he was defeated and killed only to wake up in his original body in his old world, and he decided to live in peace. Only to find that his world was far more dangerous than he realizes. Can a demon king live a normal life of gods and devils?

history_Experiment · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

The Awakening of the Serpent and the Surprise of the Cowards

guys sorry for the delay, I had a little unforeseen here, called looking for a job. What did you think of the chapter give your opinions


The spreading flash of light was heard by Yasaka as she tripped over twisting her right foot and losing her balance. She thought she was heading towards her death when she felt a hand on her waist.

"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going, huh, lady" A male voice spoke confidently

Looking around, she could only see an arm around her waist. Because the rest was covered in a strange fog that she didn't understand what it was. Her body was lifted, and the fog disappeared causing her to come face to face with a boy no older than 17

The boy was blond and with refined features mixing, European and Asian features. The young man laughed at her making some breath hit Yasaka's face.

"Looks like you're fine, I'm Leon, Akatsuki Leon, nice to meet you, beautiful lady"

Yasaka had no answer, on the one hand, the approach she had to the young man was very fast and close and on the other hand, she was under his complete control. even as an ultimate class being. Yasaka was still affected by gravity which made it clear that if the boy pushed her, she would fall to the ground and be defenseless against him.

"Akan, don't worry, I won't harm you," Leon said as he adjusted Yasaka to regain her balance, careful not to touch any parts of her body that made her uncomfortable, and backed away a little.

Yasaka looked at him suspiciously and took a step back away from him a little "who are you?"



Leon didn't have time to answer because an explosion caught his attention. he looked to where the giant snake was and saw explosions coming hitting it and it throwing fire at many dolls

He also looked at the two men in the sky watching him with curiosity and frustration. He realized that those were the ones who attacked the little girl

Leon's attention returned to Yasaka and he smirked.

"Sorry beautiful... it seems that now is not the time for us to talk," He said looking at the two men from the corner of his eye "Sakuya, help the serpent, you are allowed to use Articuno if you feel necessary"

"Yes, master" Sakuya moved from steam to physical and bowed in front of Leon, the only difference being that she wore a white mask with red accents. What did not go unnoticed by Leon

"Sakuya, what is this mask?" Leon asked

"Umm...this mask is to prevent some idiot coming to ask me if I'm someone they know" Sakuya touched the mask huffing "A lot of idiots, come talk to me like they knew me when I was roaming the world, dear that I squashed it, everyone, for trying to be intimate with me"

"Who the hell are you guys?" Yasaka interrupted the two

"! As I said later we talked, Sakuya can go," Leon said and Sakuya disappeared

Leon then turned to the two floating in the air and opened his mouth raising his voice and letting out a powerful and imposing scream "I give you 5 seconds to retreat... if not... I'll kill you... you mongrels"

Leon's eyes glowed red, and he released some of his magic power causing a wave of Wind to pass all around.

"What?" Yasaka looked at Leon in surprise, feeling primal danger hovering over her.

"Don't worry, beautiful, you won't be hurt, but stay in the rear, they're not very strong, but one of their weapons looks dangerous" Leon looked at the spear in Cao Cao's hand and saw George"O another one has something similar to a parent-level Familiar inside it... is it a direct descendant of a parent?

"You mean a Sacrad Gear, what is a progenitor?" Yasaka tried to fish Leon for information, she wanted to see who he was now, as she was sure that later, he would only tell half-truths or lies about himself.

"The first and most immortal and powerful vampires, basically the kings of the species" Leon spoke on automatic without explaining much, just paying attention to the men floating and stopped, staring at his eyes angrily"Sacred Gear... I see... it must be more one of those idiots who implant familiars inside him... all I have to do is drain him of his magical energy and let the familiar swallow him up from the inside out."

"That's similar to a DaiYokai! I didn't know vampires had leaders like that... wait if he thinks a Secret Gear is... no, it's a gift given by the Christian God to humans, The Secret Gear is nothing. Familiar call" Yasaka responds wide-eyed trying to stop her savior from destroying the entire Yokai dimension causing the Sacred Gear user to spend their energy

"Tch…gods so…great"


"Damn arrogant monsters" Cao Cao growled looking down and seeing the man who just arrived with contempt "George, stay in containment"

"Cao Cao, he's dangerous, nullified my mind control attack like it was nothing" George looked down watching a completely confident Leon looking at them "I think I better back off and try another day"

"No, if we retreat, they'll be ready next time" Cao Cao bit his lip and looked towards the serpent hissing madly as it burned everything around him "Also, Leonardo, Siegfried, and Hercules are already taking care of the dragon"

Cao Cao was calm because even against a powerful enemy like a dragon, it didn't take eagle eyes or a genius to know that even a dragon that wasn't one of the dragon kings, the celestials or Ophis and great red, wouldn't beat a longinius

"George, prepare a magic circle of acceleration, I will take care of that man myself, you catch the fox with your spell," Cao Cao said

"it's for now" George obeyed a little unsure

A magic circle appeared behind Cao Cao, and he jumped back kicking the magic circle. The circle glowed and launched Cao Cao forward.


"Fool, he's coming even after the warning" Leon huffed and got into a fighting stance.

He put his magic power into his body to strengthen it and took a deep breath.

"Beautiful lady, jump on my back" Leon yelled looking at Yasaka from the corner of his eye.

"Yes," Yasaka nodded, not having the energy to question Leon, and jumped on his back grabbing him.

Leon didn't lag behind and also jumped. He accelerated backward disappearing

"Kyaaa" Yasaka screamed when she felt something hitting her and everything blurry and in the next moment, she saw a spear point passing close to her face.

She widened her eyes and looked at the spear and realized that the spear was moving back and forth very fast. Not fast enough for her to lose sight of the spear. She was still an ultimate class being and very powerful.

She could fight her attackers if she was prepared, only this time, she was overcome by the surprise of the enemy's attack.


Cao Cao thrust his spear forward several times aiming at the chest of the man who had the fox glued to his back. He was careful not to attack too hard and hit the fox too.

But, it didn't change the fact that he was using great speed in his punches and was moving very fast. He had to accept that his enemy was fast too fast

But he was just running away and dodging which could mean that his enemy didn't have very strong attack power. he continued chasing the man and the fox, in his fury Cao Cao didn't even notice that he was further and further away from the Yokai city.

It wasn't his fault. Moving at speed above sound against a faster enemy was just exhausting for the senses. At that moment, all he saw was the enemy and the obstacles that prevented him from hitting the enemies.

"What the heck, you're tiring little human" Leon scoffed dodging another blow and jumping back even faster.

"Shut up you arrogant monster" Cao Cao yelled throwing more punches to kill the boy

"Ohhh, the little boy is angry! What a pity" Leon rolled his eyes while laughing mockingly at Cao Cao! He looked around as he dodged the blows and saw that he was near a clearing and had already distanced himself from the city.

"Shut up, you coward face me" Cao Cao Screamed

"Ohh, calm down boy, we don't want a vampire Progenitor like me to get serious around town do we?" Leon spoke arrogantly and looked at Cao Cao's face as he dodged the boy's blows.

"Nothing, huh? He doesn't know about the progenitors, are these guys hiding even from demons and attack mages?" Leon he huffed and then looked at the spears realizing they were coming faster and faster, no he knew that wasn't true. He who was getting slower {I knew it wasn't a good idea to get into physical combat, my magic power is being spent too fast, I can't advance an almost infinite amount of it if it's not dense enough to render, I'll have to. Get it over with fast}

"It can not be!" Cao Cao for the first time looked around him after he started to attack, and his eyes flashed in confusion "When did we get here?"

"Now" Leon scoffed and stomped the ground hard causing a crater causing him to stop for a second and spinning his body, he delivered a spinning kick to Cao Cao.

"Damn" Cao Cao was surprised by the sudden attack and tried to stop, but his feet didn't obey, dragging Leon's foot.

Cao Cao with his experience and muscular memory placed his spear in front of Leon's foot, which hit the spear squarely causing a shock wave.

"gahha" Cao Cao gasped as the world reversed by rattling his organs. he was thrown away, crossing the forest in a figure and hitting everything in his path causing destruction.

Leon wasted no time and pointed forward his open hand and shouted


A beam of energy flew into the forest turning everything in its path into pure stone and kept advancing until it reached Cao Cao who was still flying aimlessly and crashing everywhere.

"Cao Cao" a Scream hit hard, and many magic seals appeared in the forest

"that's why I hate wizards" Leon growled seeing his lightning losing strength when hitting the seals and looked at Yasaka "Beautiful, I need a blood"

"Why, is the reward for finishing him a maiden's blood? That's what you want" Yasaka asked surprised seeing everything turned to stone, She didn't think anyone would be okay after an attack of that level"You're one of them, one of the vampire kings"

"No, no, I'm injured… without blood and with a lot of sacrifices I can finish these guys, but, the vampire in the shadows is another matter, a blood servant with that power just for serving someone with less than 3 generations, a direct descendant of a grandson of a parent, someone of that level is hard to fight without blood"

Leon looked out of the corner of his eye to the top of the mountain where there was a heavy fog covering her and Yasaka also looked and as a faction leader of hers her experiences started to make her create conspiracies

{An assassination of a leader of a powerful faction in my territory? Shit, this is bad, I have to do something, if he dies my faction will be blamed and the way he talks there is more than one parent, does that mean he was hurt by another parent? a coup, a coup that can lead my people to war}

"Calm down, I'm not that important, I have my group and I don't like to associate with those guys," Leon said seeing Yasaka's concern "and if you want you can give me something much better than blood you want to reward me"

Yasaka saw Leon's sly face and blushed "Kyaaa, pervert"

She slapped him on the head with an angry grimace.

"Akan, you're much calmer now beauty" Leon joked without taking his eyes off the two boys and keeping his instincts ready for the blood servant's attack[vampire]


Leon's eyes widened when he felt something hot on his cheek and looked away from the corner of his eye. he saw two fox ears in front and his eyes

"Thank you for saving me," Yasaka said fearfully

"You're welcome" Leon purred happily


"Tch, I feel nauseous, maybe I ate something wrong" Sakuya wondered as she looked at the little boy she was holding by the neck and the two men lying unconscious at her feet, and everything around her frozen. Sakuya then looked out of the corner of his eye "You can disappear new basilisk"


The serpent shuddered and coiled itself around Kunou as it trembled in fear, refusing to disappear, but too afraid to look at Sakuya.

"Tch, whatever, expend more energy on your master" Sakuya growled and looked up "Great a blood servant is watching everything, I'll make sure the master is safe before he is attacked by this insect"