
5ª Progenitor in DXD

After having an accident and being in a coma. His soul was transmigrated to the world of Strike the Blood where he was turned into a progenitor against his will and in his revolt became a tyrannical demon king. Until the day he was defeated and killed only to wake up in his original body in his old world, and he decided to live in peace. Only to find that his world was far more dangerous than he realizes. Can a demon king live a normal life of gods and devils?

history_Experiment · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs


"So Sona-Sama and Tsubaki, what happened for you to stay out of the meeting?" Momo Hanakai the Bishop of Sana Sitri asked she master and Peerege's classmate as her entered the student council room after seeing two o'clock, looking for news in earnest.

She had just returned from a meeting with some teachers and principals at the school. To make Kuon Academy a co-ed school. Normally, Sona would have to make these preparations, but she didn't leave her room during the day.

"Umm, Momo, what happened at the meeting?" Sona asked looking at the newspaper, not even taking her eyes off the sheet of paper for a single second of the sheet.

Tsubaki didn't say anything, she was the same seriously looking at the leaf as if something very important to her depended on it. As if the sheet were some treasure map.

"It didn't work, they didn't want to hear me ... Ohh, what are you guys seeing so seriously..." Momo ran to the table delicately with curiosity to see what her master was seeing.

Sona looked up over the newspaper and closed it when Momo got too close. Tsubaki who was next to Sona placed her hand on her chest and gave a relieved sigh.

"I... I'm so happy" Tsubaki spoke with few words "He woke up"

"What? Who woke up?" Momo asked surprised to see the reaction of the Peerage queen she is a part of. Tsubaki never laughed, it was something Momo had on her mind. "An old peerage member?"

She knew that Tsubaki cared about them and was a good person. But, she never saw the girl laughing. So she could only link that fact to some Peerage member who came before Momo.

"No! I'm not allowed, and it's not possible..." Sona spoke firmly despite having whispered the last part. Placing the folded newspaper on the table and getting up"Let's finish the preparations"

Sona lengthened her steps, passing Momo quickly, leaving the girl without a clue. Tsubaki did the same but unlike Sona... Tsubaki couldn't keep his poker face.

Momo stood there for a while processing what had happened to make Tsubaki smile and Sona look so bright.

"Momo what happened?" Tsubasa Yura entered the room a little confused and looked at Momo trying to find answers "why is Tsubasa smiling?"

"I have no idea" Momo replied also confused and looked at the newspaper

She thought about digging through the paper to find out what she had in it. But she gave up when she remembered it being something private for Sona and Tsubaki. It would be rude of her to go through their things.

"I don't know, but soon we'll know..." Momo replied with mystery "The two of them seem too happy and will probably talk to us"

Tsubasa nodded, understanding what Momo meant. As secret as Sona was from time to time. Information always arrived at her peerage. Even if it was distorted and even a little manipulated, the information arrived. So Sona would speak to them at the right time.


"Sona... He woke up... he finally woke up!" Tsubaki couldn't contain her joy as she tried to keep her voice normal and would fail miserably "We... Can we visit him?"

"No... not yet,"Sona said putting her hand on her chest "My chess challengers are increasing... they might find out about him and try to use him to make me lose"

Tsubaki flinched. It was true that the proposition that whoever beat Sona at chess would marry her still existed, and many nobles bought into the idea. To go to Him now would be a loss.

Even though Tsubaki wanted to see the friend that grew up together thanks to the business Sona's sister had been with 'his' parents. It was no reason for Tsubaki to put 'his' friend's life in danger.

For Sona finding Tsubaki and taking her as his queen a long time ago. Tsubaki lived with Sona for much of their childhood and would sometimes hang out with Sona and her sister in the human world at his parents' house. His parents were friends or had very well-defined business with Serafall.

{She's right... I wanted to see him so badly} Tsubaki thought frustrated as she once again put her hand on her chest. She soon shook her head and returned to her serious self by heading to the conference room with Sona to sort out the school's problems even though she was still despondent.

"That's why we're going to finish the school's regulations and make it mixed soon," Sona said adjusting her glasses with a twinkle in her eyes "Let's plant the seed today to reap it tomorrow"

"Yes, let's go" Tsubaki once again let out a small smile and replied with her shaky voice earning a discreet look from Sona.

The Sitri heiress gave a slight smile when she saw the servant's smile. She was glad that Tsubaki was starting to loosen up more. When the accident happened. She was second in the worst emotional state to learn he was in a coma. Sona had to work hard on Tsubaki's emotional state so she wouldn't get lost in depression.

In the end... Tsubaki closed herself into a serious and ruled shell with everyone. Hiding your feelings in invisible armor. It took Sona a lot of effort to get Tsubaki to let go of this armor when new peers began to arrive.

Forgetting the situation. Sona and Tsubaki continued towards the office room where they found a group of teachers waiting for them. Sona rolled her eyes,

But after entering their idea they changed completely. The teachers and directors of the school were all respectful to them and completely accepted all their proposals.

In a minute they were signing everything to make the school a co-ed school. Sona found it very strange and so one of the teachers gave her a letter after the meeting was over.

Sona narrowed her eyes and opened the letter to read. Only to be even angrier when she started reading.

(So-tan, this is your dear and beloved sister, Levia-tan. As I heard that you wanted to make the school co-ed, I helped you, praise me... make sure you get what you want and don't screw it up )

Sona broke into a cold sweat when she read the last part and understood that her sister was serious and even aggressive with her. Which hasn't happened in a long time. That is, she knew

"Sona? Is something wrong?" Tsubaki asked curiously

"Nothing, let's go back, we got what we wanted" Sona crumpled the letter and turned to leave.

Tsubaki looked at her and shrugged following her master.


Sakuya watched from afar Sona and Tsubaki. She had an annoying grimace on her face. Sona and Tsubaki had a filthy smell about them that made Sakuya feel disgusted.

She felt a presence similar to the girl with the girls' Lilith soul. A little grosser in Sakuya's opinion. She narrowed her eyes at the two of them clenching her fists then shook her head.

She then looked at another place in the very deserted part of the school where they were, and then she let out a sigh.

"A descendant of the lost warlord? Could that snake charmer make it out of that pit as Akatsuki Kojou did?" Sakuya whispered and shook his head "It's not possible... only a progenitor would be able to do that"

She is denial clicked her tongue annoyed at herself for whether she wanted to question that option. She turned to mist and disappeared


When Leon woke up stretching on the couch he decided to go out. Her body was getting stronger and more salvageable. This was understandable since he had been recovering for over a month doing basic exercises to get back to basic movements.

Of course, this was just for his physical body, his magic was still the same. The man inside him was almost as infinite as it used to be. Just much less dense, which would mean quantity and not quality.

He opened the door and walked out towards the park near Sakuya's mansion for a run.

Arriving at the entrance to the forest. Leon bent down, panting. His body was no longer anywhere near the peak it had been before. He couldn't run even 5 kilometers straight without getting tired.

He leaned against a tree to rest and start running again when he was fine. Continuing to run while exhausted was not a good idea for his body. Getting it done he could, but it would probably generate some complications in the future

Which he wasn't willing to have. Having even more physical consequences when in a human body could mean death for him. Even though this world he is in is a normal world without magic.

"Kyaaaa someone help me... I don't want to die... get away from me"

A desperate scream caught Leon's attention. He thought it was an assault or rape in progress. Maybe an assassination attempt then took out his phone and dialed the police number.

"Hello is it from the police?... Yes... I just heard screams from inside the forest... in 10 minutes... ok... I'm going to walk away"

Leon ended his call... But, the screams continued in even greater despair. Leon clicked his tongue and took two steps back. Snorting, he crept into the forest to make sure what was going on.

He picked up a stick from the floor and began to walk softly towards the screams. The more he walked, the louder the screams until finally a light shone from the depths of the forest and revealed a scene that Leon didn't find unusual.

A species of octopus mixed with a female was using its tentacles to attack another female who was trying to get up and run. But every time she got up she was attacked and thrown back to the ground.

"A Familiar" Leon asked himself looking intently around the clearing looking for the vampire who was master of the magical beast that was tormenting the girl "Could it be that I was just teleported to another place? Did vampire follow me here? Never mind, I have to take care of this quickly"

He nodded to himself once more, squeezing the stick in his hand. This magical beast seemed to be quite weak which means its owner must be weak too. Then with a few powerful blows, he could knock out the vampire.

"Who's there?" The sound of a distorted voice echoed through the forest and Leon looked at the beast that was looking at him "another food... come"

The beast threw its tentacles at Leon who rolled to the ground using his experiences in combat to dodge the tentacles that hit a tree making a huge hole in it.

Of course, Leon only managed to dodge it just a little bit as his body was weak and he had trouble getting around. What then proved a combo of attacks launched by the beast that passed grazing Leon that he didn't even have the strength to dodge properly. Being scratched many times by the tentacles making small wounds on your body that started to bleed

"A quick meal... will be more fun than the previous meal" The beast screamed and took all of its attention to Leon leaving the attacking girl alone.

The girl looked at Leon with fear and ran away with tears in her eyes and crying. She had a bit of remorse for letting Leon die in her place... but... her survival instinct got the better of her and she staggered away.

"Damn if it continues like this I'm going to die" Leon yelled angrily in his mind as a tentacle came towards her. He tried to get out of the way of the tentacle, but he didn't have the strength. he was exhausted already

He saw in slow motion the tentacle reaching for him and going straight for his chest. Leon closed his eyes seeing that he couldn't dodge.

"Am I going to die again?... Sorry Sakuya" Leon lamented

"Hump... idiot master... I'll help you this time... after all... in this weak and pathetic moment of yours... if you die I'll die with you... take a small part of my power"

Leon widened his eyes when he heard the voice and out of nowhere a black aura formed around his body and the blood that fell from his wounds twisted into the shape of something else.

When the tentacle reached Leon a giant snake formed out of nowhere and bit the tentacle stopping it before hitting Leon's chest. He looked at the red snake that was biting the tentacle and smiled with a little relief and concern.

"I was right... you are still inside me... goodbye my peaceful life" Leon clicked his tongue and clenched his fist "It seems that I'm like Kojou before dominating all his family members and soon 'she' will be the version of Regulus Aurum? I'm so lucky"

Leon joked and then looked seriously at the monster that attacked him. The monster cringed when he saw the snake that appeared out of nowhere and was startled when he looked at Leon and saw glowing red eyes staring straight at him.

"What the hell are you" The monster cried in panic and attacked Leon with all its tentacles.

"It's none of your interest… you messed with someone you shouldn't" Leon spoke looking at the beast as if he was looking at a piece of garbage and his red eyes showed even greater contempt," I thought you were a familiar and would punish your master... but... you seem to be just like that child with Lilith's soul... die regretting meeting me today, Cybele"

Leon raised his hand to the monster and the snake in front of him became a ball of dark energy that landed on Leon's hand. He didn't move a step from where he was even with the tentacles coming at him at great speed.

He just raised his open hand pointing toward the monster and the energy ball in his hand shot out a bolt of lightning. The lightning turned everything that passed close to stone until it hit the monster it tried to dodge.

But, it was hit hard and turned to stone in less than a second, giving him no time to even cast one last curse.

"ahhh" Leon gasped feeling his vision blur and he stumbled backward...but before he fell a hand caught him not letting him fall.

He looked back out of the corner of his eye and saw his servant holding him, not letting him fall to the ground. He sighed in relief and asked, "what the hell is this?"

"I don't know master... but, it seems to be some kind of unknown demon" Sakuya spoke with concern "Master... my world may be more dangerous than you imagined"

"Yes... we'll have to investigate after my power is stabilized... take me home"

"yes... let's get out of here master" Sakuya spoke calmly and looked suspiciously at the forest and until she saw the entire forest turned to stone she broke out in a cold sweat {Why is this familiar?}

She shook her head and the two of them turned into disappearing mist.


hours later

"What the hell could have done that?" A man with a cat's ear asked looking at over 5 kilometers of the forest turned to stone

"I don't know, but, it's magic... possibly in the ultimate class or higher" Another replied with fear in his voice "we have to tell Yasaka-Sama, only she can undo this"

"Yes let's go"