
Chapter 2

As a girl who just graduated from her college even I was very excited to go to my first ever official office party. I wore a green one piece with puffy sleeves, tried my best to look cute and wow but let me give a disclaimer I'm just an average Indian girl. So I didn't manage to look a fashion icon but the results were satisfactory.

I reached there pretty soon. I ate a lot and was trying out different drinks. Everyone was interacting with each other but I was not. Then later songs started to play I started to dance and I was dancing like a drunken monkey. ( Never ever do something stupid as me if you read this in your office party)

Then a guy approached obviously from my team. He told me his name Arun and started to ask me about which team I'm from and questions. Okay I'll be honest I found him attractive because he was dancing really well. I like people who can dance well so yeah this happened.

And like this the party was over it was fun and very exciting a lot of unexpected things happened such such as the interaction and one drunk guy was almost forcing me to come with him. Anshu came and saved me obviously.

Then something unexpected happened I was little drunk and so as one of my team. So My manager assigned Anshu to drop me and the other guy home. Anshu has helped me a lot that day because the drunk guy was clinging on me. He came for my rescue.

I am so grateful for that day that how my first interaction happened with him.