

"Rita leave the edge" I spoke as I didn't know what lies ahead of the bridge. "Common Isaac why are you so fearful, you don't know what wonders lie ahead in other spheres" she mocked me in a shabby way. I was born in sphere 3, the fancy and classy. We are known for everything beautiful and enticing. Like every other sphere, we have our own traditions we don't want to talk about.

"Rita let's go back it's almost time" I tried so much to convince her to leave the edge. Well someone couldn't just leave the edge without conviction. "Alright fine fine" she agreed and we left the edge hurriedly.


I stood right in front of them as I wonder everything happening around. Each family had something beautiful to showcase, it was like this every year. There's always a competition to it. No love at all, it was always jealousy. My family was no different as I saw my mom's beautiful dress and I knew that was new. "Isaac come over here" she signaled me. I walked to where she was, "where have you been" she smiled as she kept giving more pose to get the attention. "I was out playing with Rita" I answered sharply. "Alright my boy, remember no playing near the edge" she looked at me in a flash of a second. "I know Mom, anyone who goes there never comes back" I gave a disappointing look.

I left her to enter inside my house, it is always same pattern every year. I could see pictures of my ancestors line up on our sitting room's wall. One thing about our sphere is that we maintain long olden days tradition, some dating back to the very beginning. Yet the most pressing of all traditions is don't go across the edge.


"It is almost night 8pm" the town chief spoke. The excitement ended in the flash of a second, worry grew on everyone's face. "Who would be the lucky family to bring us peace this year" the town chief continued. The atmosphere grew thick with a presence around. Each person going home to spend the night in fear. For no one who knew who is going to be next!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I heard her scream from the far end. I didn't know who she was, but I guess she was the lucky one. Every year during this festive we lose a member to what we call luck god. Mom and dad refuse to explain how, all they say is that it is tradition. Everyone leaves in fear not to offend the luck god so they pose to be best. However more people are getting afraid that the deaths are tragic, so who is next after tonight.

I tucked in my bed, holding my sheet more tighter. There was nothing to pray for, if all I know as a god is the same one causing this. I cried bitterly, wishing deep it isn't someone I know.


"Run you are almost there" I kept on running through the woods. I didn't know why but I knew I had to run. "Just a little further" I went through thick forest with thorns as the adrenaline to run got more. There was no one beside me yet I could her talking. She insisted I didn't stop running. I ran closer to the edge and suddenly it felt like I was being chased by monsters.

The trees had hands with claws trying to stop me. "Continue don't stop" she continued but I saw no one. The chase felt more intense and I was almost there. As I was about to put a leg through the edge, I felt a sudden hand on me and I got pulled back into the bush. With the trees covering my paths, I woke up. This is my constant nightmare and it happens same way. Why me!

I was born in this fear, welcome to my sphere!


"Isaac how was your night" he looked so peaceful. "Dad I had same nightmare" I lacked sleep. "Honey it was just stress from last night" mum replied while shining her finger nails. "But.." I stuttered "No But, honey you need to go on a strolls more often" she didn't even look me in the face. "How mum! Everything is monitored even down to the library" I was getting angry. "Honey it is for your good, we won't want you learning below standard" Dad replied on her behalf. "Dad if I ask what happened last night, you both would ignore me" I gesticulated. "Somethings are best left the way they are, it is our tradition" Dad stood up in a serious tone. "A tradition that kills the innocent isn't worth practicing" I looked in disgust. "Isaac!!!" Mum left what she was doing in anger. I was very angry because this is how every discussion with them ends like. It is always about tradition from the beginning.


I walked out on them in so much sadness. I can't believe my own parents would chose tradition over me.

I went in haste to Rita's home, at least she knew how to get me from this angry state. I reasoned how all my family decisions are made to uphold tradition. I got to Rita's home to see a large crowd. "What is happening here!" I spoke to myself in confusion. "Are they having a party?" I looked as I more sad faces coming out. Hope it isn't what I am thinking? I walked faster to get in so I could clear my doubts. There she was! Rita lying on the floor in the pool of her own blood. So the scream was hers, I must be dreaming. She can't be dead right? I saw the look in her eyes and the last I remembered was her saying we should go off the edge. I panicked as I couldn't breathe, I left her house running and panting. Why would the luck god take someone as sweet as Rita? Why would he be so wicked? I questioned everything. I ran to a dark ally and scream to the top of my lungs, I was more than angry.