
3rd Rate Villain's Way Of Creating A Strongest Guild In History.

1. Disclaimer: Zero to the strongest villain(setting) 2. Disclaimer: This is not the story where the main character gets Transmits into a novel (he is a villain cause of his action, so there are no hero or main female lead characters like other villain novels. so keep that in mind before you start.) 3. Disclaimer: no harem, there is a single female lead. .............................. After the death of Edwin Bald, one of the greatest villains in Eldora (a world of magic and fantasy creatures) the faceless god gave him an unexpected chance. Even though Edwin was a lich who had broken many laws of nature and committed countless sins, the god offered to make him human again, but not in Eldora. This time, he would be reborn on modern Earth. Additionally, Edwin could choose any blessings (trait/ talent) from the list to help him in his new life. Unexpected to him, Edwin Bald woke up in the body of Asuka Volford, a fatty, trash, molester, who was even cuckolded by his girlfriend, making him commit suicide. Also born to a noble family. The story follows Edwin, and how he step by step become strong, creating his own legend, and ultimately becoming the leader of Earth's biggest criminal syndicate which aims to conquer the entire world, from mere third-rate villain despised by the whole world

YourAverage_Reader · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Now, How Should I Kill Nicolo???

Asuka gripped the muddy ground with one hand trying to pull himself up, taking in his first breath after being underwater for so long, he felt revived.

Water streamed down from his drenched clothes, and his whole body trembled with exertion. 

Nicolo, Aang, and Sasha stood frozen, their eyes wide with disbelief, none of them had expected Asuka to survive.

Aang was the first to move, rushing over to Asuka, his eyes filled with relief. "Asuka, are you okay?" Aang asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah," Asuka panted, flinching a bit cause of pain as he cradled Aang's right arm. 

Blood flowed from the corner of Asuka's mouth as he spoke, His already crimson eyes were now even more bloody, "But my right hand... it's fractured."

Aang's expression turned grim, his brows furrowing. "Don't worry about that, Nicolo has a healing potion," he said in a low but urgent tone. 

"Just listen I know it was Sasha who pushed you, but just keep quiet about it, she is in love with Nicolo so she won't act openly," Looking at Asuka with dead serious eyes, Aang continued, "Sasha is a psycho and I know she is plenty strong then even Nicolo so if you speak she can kill us all here, we will handle her after leaving the dungeon, Okay?"

Asuka's jaw tightened, and anger flashed in his eyes. "Tsk, now you say that," he muttered, 

Frustration and a sense of betrayal were evident in his voice. He had trusted Aang to back him up, but now it seemed he was being asked to swallow his pride and keep quiet. "Fine, I'll listen to you, But you have to help me with something when I need it, without a single question, Agree?"

Aang's gaze was wary, but he nodded slowly. "Okay. Deal," he replied, though suspicion lingered in his eyes as he watched Asuka.

Taking a deep breath, Asuka glanced briefly at Aang before walking over to Nicolo, supporting his right hand with his left. 

'That fucking bitch,' Asuka thought, casting a brief, cold glance at Sasha. 'I'll deal with you later. For now, I need to get that eye, pride? fuck it for now.'

Asuka's sharp bloody eyes were fixed on Nicolo's, a smirk appearing on his face, making Nicolo a bit awkward. 'With that eye, even if I don't get growth potion I can still fight against someone whole grade above me,'

"Great job, Asuka! Aang told me you're just an E grade, but that was clearly a lie. With that kind of attack power, you've got to be at least a D grade." Nicolo said with a small chuckle, his eyes on Asuka's.

Asuka nodded, a flicker of a smile crossing his face.

Sasha who stood next to Nicolo, kept staring at Asuka, her jaw tight with frustration and anxiety. 

Even though feeling intense stares, Asuka just ignored them. "Hmm, Nicolo.."

Before he could continue, Nicolo quickly took out a healing potion, "Yeah I know." He then poured some of the potion over Asuka's wounds and his fractured hand, the liquid glowing softly as it started to show effect. Then he handed the remaining potion to Asuka. "Drink this. It'll help restore your strength."

As Asuka drank the potion, he felt the warmth spreading over his body, healing him. "Thanks, Nicolo. I feel a lot better now. This area now cleared let's move to the second floor quickly."

"Are you sure you don't need a break?" Nicolo asked, concern still lingering in his eyes.

"No," Asuka replied, shaking his head. "Thanks to the potion, even my stamina is recovered. Let's move to the second floor quickly. We shouldn't waste any time."

With a nod, Nicolo signalled to Aang and Sasha. The group began moving towards the second floor, following Nicolo's lead.

The entrance to the second floor was a dark hole in the corner of the ground, from which the rabbit army had come.

Nicolo was very front, followed by Sasha, with Aang and Asuka at the back. The narrow steps leading down were sloppy. switching on their torches they moved with caution. 

As they descended, Asuka started planning his next move. 'I've already exhausted my second blessing. All I have left is the Timekeeper's Hourglass, but my mana reserves are so low. I can't rely on it for too long.' 

He clenched his fists, 'I need to find a way to kill Nicolo. The classic move would be to let him fight the stronger monster until he's worn out, then strike when he's vulnerable. But with Sasha here, that's impossible. Even Aang can't keep her in check. I have to think of something quick, or I'll have to come back later when I'm stronger. No… I need to do it now. I'll find a way..... Ahhh'

Asuka's eyes were fixed on Nicolo's back hard on though he was hiding his killing intent, playing with more caution or else he would die here.

 Absolute Silence and dark was the second floor but unlike the first floor which was cold, the heat on the second floor was oppressive, like an oven, making the air thick and almost unbearable.



 Nicolo's voice cut through the silence as he led the way, "Follow me closely." 

While Sasha kept on glaring at Asuka with her fierce eyes in intervals. Impossible to ignore, Asuka could feel her intentions, that she was planning something. Maybe she even planned to bury him here.

Sliding closer to Aang, Asuka whispered in a firm voice, "Aang, you remember your promise, right?"

Aang's eyes held suspicion, but he nodded. He still couldn't think what Asuka was plotting, but now he had already given his words.

"Ask Nicolo to get you Sasha's CAD," Asuka continued, his voice low but steady. 

"Even though she hates me, she hasn't acted openly against me yet, just because she's madly in love with Nicolo. If Nicolo has a good reason, she'll hand over her CAD, even unlocked."

Aang looked bewildered. "Even if I understand that, how am I supposed to ask him for it? Nicolo's not a fool. He won't just do it just because I ask."

Asuka's grip on Aang's shoulder tightened. "I leave that to you, my brother,"

"Tsk!" frowning a bit, Aang moved towards Nicolo, who was searching the left side of the second floor for any signs of monsters or danger, while Sasha was on the right.

Knowing Sasha would keep glancing his way, Asuka stayed put, gazing at the rocky scenery around them, careful not to draw attention to Aang and Nicolo's conversation.

Walking towards Nicolo, Aang asked in a grim voice his face hardened, "Nicolo, I need your help with something."

Nicolo turned, a puzzled look on his face. "What is it?"

Aang hesitated a bit, then spoke, "I need Sasha's CAD."

"For what??"

"There's something I want to place in it without her knowing. It's a gift from my brother, for her."

Nicolo's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Your brother wants to help her now with her Hollowed Assembly problem? He rejected her request for help many times before."

"My brother thought it over now he decided to help."

"Weird but I get it.. but how should I ask her that??"

Aang patted Nicolo on the shoulder with a grin. "I'll leave that part to you."


Aang retreated further, giving a subtle thumbs-up signal to Asuka. Asuka, catching the signal, felt a surge of excitement but kept his expression neutral and composed as Sasha was looking his way.

About fifteen minutes later, Nicolo returned, holding Sasha's CAD. Handing it to Aang, he spoke. "Here. She didn't ask too many questions, thankfully."

"Thanks, brother."





Which is the most effective way to kill Nicolo?

1. The classic way

2. Using poison (stealing it from Sasha's CAD)

3. Separating Nicolo and Sasha first, then using the classic way

4. Other (Comment)


Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got caught up binge-watching a terrible series that my cousin forced me to watch. It was so irritating and frustrating, but I still managed to finish it somehow. (Don't ask me for name guys it's not good for your mental health, trust me.)

I hope you enjoy the chapter. Feel free to comment with your ideas or complaints, I'll respond to all of them.

Also, now that I'm finally contracted, I'll start begging for golden tickets! Please help out.

Thanks for reading, and peace out!

Oh BTW This is Asuka's look when he is using his 2nd blessing...