
Chapter 023:

Chapter 23: Dealings

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Space - Asteroid belt - YT-1930 'Wayfarer'

Jack's POV:

I can hardly believe I'm talking to one of the most good-looking alien women among the Jedi.

Now that I have my memories back, from both here and the old world, I know how popular Adi Gallia, Stass Ali, Shaak Ti, Aylaa Secura, and even that lady Undulii… I think it was or how you spell that long-ass name had been.

Then again, I do have to admit they are indeed good-looking women, just like some of their Padawan learners.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Jedi." I spoke up with my helmet on and the modulator on full capacity giving my bass-sounding voice that extra umpff

"Thank you for having me." I heard Shaak Ti the ever regal speaking, and sitting it seemed the Jedi Councilor says

We sat in the lounge room on the chairs, with Master Adi Gallia having taken a seat on the couch, while Sera stood close to me as a guard.

Maybe I could have sold the idea more if I had cuffed the Jedi, Master Gallia again, but it is too late now.

Time for some small talk, and then onto business, rather not rush this, and make mistakes.

"I have to say it is rather surprising for a member of the order to have come here all alone." I started off

"Indeed, but this is a delicate situation, and I felt it prudent to deal with it as quickly as was aloud." Master Ti said, looking regal. I guess she got that ingrained in her, likely by her master.

"Oh I almost forgot, about that master and student, not sure about their names but we know their location and have a few Fangs follow them, so no Jedi tricks." I told her seeing both of them widen their eyes, well Master Gallia did but Master Shaak Ti I feel called my bluff raising just a brow.

"Then to the point, we should go to." she said, making me nod my head

"Indeed we shall, I kinda have had it with Force stuff to last me a lifetime, what can you offer." I asked and got an answer that I did not like.

"We are willing to trade, Food, Water and Medical supplies." the regal Master Ti offered

I became silent, and why would I not, the same stuff I traded before I crossed over and took control and they wish to do the same? Seems they did no real investigating or Master Gallia is less important at this time than when she was on the council.

"We also offer five Mandalorians, who had been taken captive in the last ten years." with these words she got a reaction out of me.

"What!" was all I could say from the surprise, last ten years… they must have been taken during the period of my rescue from that lab or in an attempt to find me.

But I guess my reaction due to my helmet was not taken lightly when I saw Master Shaak Ti widen her eyes

"Is that too few, if it is we can negotiate, however finding any more in prison might take a while." I heard her quickly say before she returned to her regal self

'You're joking, too few? could get more but might take a while… let's see how far I can go, more is always good depending on what clan they are from I could maybe recruit them or even gain clans as new allies.' I thought

My low bass-modulated gruff voice sounded soon after the silence that hung in the air.

"*HA* five of my people for a Jedi, have you forgotten we are trained to kill you people?." I spoke with a deprecating laugh at the start.

I watched Master Shaak Ti's body stiffen and then relax soon after, if I had not paid attention I would have missed it

"Seems we had a slight oversight…" I heard her say when I interrupted her.

"I will accept all of it as a down payment, but it is not acceptable for the Jedi's release." I told her, watching her eyes widen

'If I remember right in canon she should be in the Council just after Yaddle stepped down… but if she is already in the Council, then this should mean this universe is an Alternate reality… still, let's see how far I can push her.' I thought, making a gamble.

"If you leave now I expect ten more of my fellow Mando to be handed over. However, if you stay and assist us in paying back for the lives lost in cleaning up the Pirate stronghold, then I will see to it that what you paid is enough." I said, gambling on this because two trained force users would be rather useful

I noticed both of the Jedi look at me in shock, I mean I can't blame them because it sounded as if I was willing to work side by side with Jedi.

Then again, if they do join I can use them as cannon fodder, I'll still make sure both ladies come out in one piece bit of waste otherwise.

But it would minimize losses on our side.

"...I would have to discuss with the council…" I heard her say, right as I interrupted again.

"Get to that then, I will give you one full day to decide and discuss." I told her standing up alongside them

After I guided Jedi Master Shaak Ti off my ship and had the guards outside guide her back to the ship she came in, I locked my ship down.

Looking at Adi Gallia I had some ideas and hated myself a bit for that wonderful missed opportunity but I guess I will have to play the long game now and blame it on not remembering everything.

"Sera, guide the Jedi to an empty bedroom, and lock the door so she can meditate or whatever, I'm off to deal with Rin." I saw Sera salute me before doing just that while I walked into the little 'playroom'.

'Time to have some fun, my memories show I was not a good man in the old world, and I fully combined with the memories and stuff here… can't believe I was on the same path here… killing my crew every few months beside the other stuff.' I thought shaking my head.

But for now, time to enjoy Rin, and if she acts as she did again, I guess I'll make good use of it then.

When I entered the room in question, I quickly locked the door and started taking off my armor.

"Well, then Rin time for some fun." I saw her shaking in fear or arousal I did not care and went to work

— — — — — 

Temporary Quarters Master Adi Gallia:

When I sat down on my knees to meditate and feel the force around me I noticed two force signatures on the transport Master Ti had come on.

'Qui-Gon and Kenobi… should have known that means the young man was lying.' I thought as such knowing Master Ti would find out soon after meeting them on her transport

I wonder what she would choose or if she would even be able to contact the temple at all out here, we are not in the small outpost with a Hypercom array.

I thought about it before going back to thinking of what happened in such a short time.

Back in the temple Master Qui-Gon together with his padawan Kenobi and myself had been assigned the mission, to look into the corruption of the patrol fleets due to increase in pirate attacks on civilian shipping.

The Outer Rim is becoming more and more lawless. But when they also moved into the Middle Rim, we got the green light and requests to help, and only now have we made our move.

This made me almost ashamed to be a Jedi… almost, the fact it had to come to us through the Senate… *Sigh* that does nothing to make us look like the dogs of the Republic.

Thinking of that made me wonder where we deviated if we did at all, when did the people start to shift away from us?

Well, I'm sure the Council will have ways to mitigate or adjust the situation.

I opened my eyes hearing some weird sounds through the wall.

'*Sigh*, It's still throbbing down there, and those sounds do nothing to hide what is happening or to alleviate these sensations.' I thought looking to the wall where these sounds and yelps came from.

Seems he is dealing with the young women who had 'done more than ordered' to me.

Hearing some of those sounds of pain with some other sounds in between.

"I can forget meditation." I said as I planned to make a force barrier… but that failed

"These weird sensations, not being able to center myself through meditation, this will be a long day." I mumbled, hearing the sounds

"I wonder how long that is gonna last" I mumbled when I heard a harsh whip crack followed by a cry, and not just in pain but something else.

That made me look weirdly into the direction all that came from.

"One full day for Master Ti to speak with the Temple… this I fear will take a while." I said answering my own question

'Just hope they stop in time allowing me to release these feelings into the force…' I thought not finishing that thought to scared, of the ramifications of what I would have implied.

— — — — — 

Location: Cargo Vessel 'Hauler'

Master Shaak Ti's POV:

I did not expect the meeting to turn this way, I should have done more the meeting did not even go like a proper meeting to begin with.

Where my worries about being here making me blind to the proper handling of things?

Not sure about that, but what is worrying me are my guards.

They followed me onto my ship, I should have thanked them and closed the door.

I could only lament about the situation when I saw the worried looks of the crew.

"Ah, Master Ti…" I saw Master Qui-Gon say when I saw his smile turn into a twitching one seeing the Mandalorians.

"Yes, gentlemen are here to collect the people in question from the meeting I just had." I told him quickly

'I hope I'm still looking calm and collected, nothing wrong here.' I thought of using this conversation to center myself again.

"Master Qui-Gon, tell me why are you here? I thought Master Gallia allowed you and your Padawan to leave." I started saying, making sure to show a bit of disappointment.

"Well we did leave but we noticed fighters on us so we landed on your ship when it docked with their ship." I heard the Padawan say making Qui-Gon facepalm

"I see…then I won't have to ask for more to assist us with completing your mission." I told both of them with a smile of my own

Maybe I should have spoken with the rest of the council first but with the two of them here I feel we could indeed assist with cleaning up a pirate fortress

"Well with both of you here, everything will be better for all of us in the long run." I told them, watching their faces show confusion

'I'm not even sure if we have any other Mando's in prison, this will be a gamble but with these two here with me and Master Gallia, we should be able to deal with the pirates and in turn, fix the corruption in this area of space. No more Pirates would mean no more paying the patrols by them.'  I thought bringing the guards to the cells.

"Here are the cells and the five men are here, I will order the crew to unload the rest of the cargo as per agreement." I told my guards who I allowed to take the man inside away

When they left with the men I guided both Qui-Gon and his Padawan Kenobi further into the ship to explain the situation and to discuss how to proceed.

I'm hopeful information will be shared when I meet that man again to give my answer.

"Ma'em, Message from the Jedi Temple… report, when arriving, you will, is what the message reads." a crewman told me, making me know that Master Yoda had sent it.

"Thank you, crewman, I will do so in the communications room, both of you come along now." I told my two fellow Jedi guiding them to the room in question where we soon enough made the call as requested.

'Even though I wanted to gamble without calling, one does not ignore a message from Master Yoda.' I thought while making the call in question.

I'm sorry if this read a bit difficult, I had to babysit and the kids kept distracting my thoughts.

I hope it is not to bad otherwise Ill just try to fix it later when the kids sleep at night.

EnablingBarleycreators' thoughts